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Of course not. Like I said before excuses are for losers!

And anyone can armchair QB and pound the bar and yell about how this player or that player sucks, and point at the easiest target. Sometimes goalies have bad games and give up bad goals. Sometimes they don't play bad but still give up goals. It happens. It's hockey. Miller's had plenty of games this year where he played poorly and deserved to be raked over the coals. I just don't think tonight was one of them.


If you're looking at my post and all you see are excuses then I don't know what to say.




(That reminds me - why isn't there a similar phrase for other sports? Armchair QB doesn't translate well to hockey. Bar stool backup? Lazy Boy Point Guard? Lawn chair hurler? We need to get on this. Armchair QB doesn't feel right, especially with the lockout.)

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You make your own luck, and ith the number of pucks off of skates this year, there has to be something more to it than luck. Why didn't Miller play that puck. Why didn't he cut off that pass? We see goalies do it all the time. If it never makes it to Monty's skate then it never goes in as well.


Why didnt Miller do that, why didnt he do this...if it never makes it...

lots of things to question...why did he get by our defender?


It was an unlucky set of unfortunate events that ended w/ an unlucky bounce.

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You make your own luck, and ith the number of pucks off of skates this year, there has to be something more to it than luck. Why didn't Miller play that puck. Why didn't he cut off that pass? We see goalies do it all the time. If it never makes it to Monty's skate then it never goes in as well.

Fair enough analysis, and he probably could have kicked or sticked it to safety. The only thing I can think is that he saw it was heading wide and let it go, thinking if he plays it he might get the same bounce off Monty or the forward. Or he was frozen like the defenseman Kessel went around with that little stop-and-go move. I don't know. But I find it hard to fault him outright for a deflection off his defenseman's skate on a shot that was heading wide.

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And anyone can armchair QB and pound the bar and yell about how this player or that player sucks, and point at the easiest target. Sometimes goalies have bad games and give up bad goals. Sometimes they don't play bad but still give up goals. It happens. It's hockey. Miller's had plenty of games this year where he played poorly and deserved to be raked over the coals. I just don't think tonight was one of them.


If you're looking at my post and all you see are excuses then I don't know what to say.




(That reminds me - why isn't there a similar phrase for other sports? Armchair QB doesn't translate well to hockey. Bar stool backup? Lazy Boy Point Guard? Lawn chair hurler? We need to get on this. Armchair QB doesn't feel right, especially with the lockout.)



It's the constant excuses by everyone being made for the guy that get annoying.


Every goalie in the league has to deal with the exact same circumstances game after game after game, yet it always seems as though Miller gets outplayed by the guy at the other end of the ice. All anyone wants to say is " I can't fault Miller for any of the goals" or "at least he kept us in the game".

Well the bottom line is those other goalies are making more and better saves than Miller and not only are they keeping their team in the game they are actually winning them by outplaying Miller. All anybody wants to do is keep making excuses for his poor play, why? Excuses are for losers, just stop the damn puck.


There is a reason he is near 30th in the league in GAA and SV%, it's because he is not that good of a goalie. He sure as ###### doesn't merit being paid over $6 million per year.

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Fair enough analysis, and he probably could have kicked or sticked it to safety. The only thing I can think is that he saw it was heading wide and let it go, thinking if he plays it he might get the same bounce off Monty or the forward. Or he was frozen like the defenseman Kessel went around with that little stop-and-go move. I don't know. But I find it hard to fault him outright for a deflection off his defenseman's skate on a shot that was heading wide.

I don't really blame that one on him either. I'm just trying to figure out why we have had so many goals scored off of our own defensemen this year and is it something that Miller/D is doing to make it happen. It really bugs me when I hear both the coach and goaltender, in postgame interviews, say the reason they lost was luck.



And I still think Miller should have had the first one.

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It's the constant excuses by everyone being made for the guy that get annoying.


Every goalie in the league has to deal with the exact same circumstances game after game after game, yet it always seems as though Miller gets outplayed by the guy at the other end of the ice. All anyone wants to say is " I can't fault Miller for any of the goals" or "at least he kept us in the game".

Well the bottom line is those other goalies are making more and better saves than Miller and not only are they keeping their team in the game they are actually winning them by outplaying Miller. All anybody wants to do is keep making excuses for his poor play, why? Excuses are for losers, just stop the damn puck.


There is a reason he is near 30th in the league in GAA and SV%, it's because he is not that good of a goalie. He sure as ###### doesn't merit being paid over $6 million per year.


Strap on the pads, go out there (after proper goalie training) and try to stop the 4 goals that Miller let in?

What will you say on the poor bounces? Not every goalie can stop every shot in the game.

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It's the constant excuses by everyone being made for the guy that get annoying.


Every goalie in the league has to deal with the exact same circumstances game after game after game, yet it always seems as though Miller gets outplayed by the guy at the other end of the ice. All anyone wants to say is " I can't fault Miller for any of the goals" or "at least he kept us in the game".

Well the bottom line is those other goalies are making more and better saves than Miller and not only are they keeping their team in the game they are actually winning them by outplaying Miller. All anybody wants to do is keep making excuses for his poor play, why? Excuses are for losers, just stop the damn puck.


There is a reason he is near 30th in the league in GAA and SV%, it's because he is not that good of a goalie. He sure as ###### doesn't merit being paid over $6 million per year.

I'm not trying to make excuses for anything. You want to rip him for the Isles game, that's fair. There are plenty of other games that you could do the same for. I don't think this one warrants, though.

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I don't really blame that one on him either. I'm just trying to figure out why we have had so many goals scored off of our own defensemen this year and is it something that Miller/D is doing to make it happen. It really bugs me when I hear both the coach and goaltender, in postgame interviews, say the reason they lost was luck.



And I still think Miller should have had the first one.

Guess we'll have to agree to disagree on the first one.


Maybe it's a system thing, maybe it's the way our defensemen pick up (or don't) the rushing wingers. Maybe there is miscommunication between Miller and the D. Not sure.


I do agree that he (and the team) are in denial if they constantly think it's luck or bounces when they play bad. Go into the dressing room, tip your cap to the Leafs for coming out strong, admit you had a bad day/the legs weren't there/you couldn't win a draw/whatever and move on.

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Strap on the pads, go out there (after proper goalie training) and try to stop the 4 goals that Miller let in?

What will you say on the poor bounces? Not every goalie can stop every shot in the game.



It's not about me dude. He gets $6 million to be better than the guy at the other end of the ice. Most times he is not and most nights the other guy makes a fraction of what he makes.


Spin it anyway you want but between 25-30 in the league in GAA and SV% is not good enough. I want better from that position, if he can't provide better goaltending I want to see someone else between the pipes who can. Is that asking too much?

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And anyone can armchair QB and pound the bar and yell about how this player or that player sucks, and point at the easiest target. Sometimes goalies have bad games and give up bad goals. Sometimes they don't play bad but still give up goals. It happens. It's hockey. Miller's had plenty of games this year where he played poorly and deserved to be raked over the coals. I just don't think tonight was one of them.


If you're looking at my post and all you see are excuses then I don't know what to say.



I agree and for a good part of this season Miller infuriated me. But ever since he blew up on TBN and sat out a game he has been much better. It seems like he has been playing with a lot of confidence since he stole that game against the NYR. He hasn't reached the level he was playing at last year, but I think a lot of that had to due with being excited about representing his country. Once the playoffs start those endorphins (aka competitive juices) should hopefully kick back in.

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It's the constant excuses by everyone being made for the guy that get annoying.


Every goalie in the league has to deal with the exact same circumstances game after game after game, yet it always seems as though Miller gets outplayed by the guy at the other end of the ice. All anyone wants to say is " I can't fault Miller for any of the goals" or "at least he kept us in the game".

Well the bottom line is those other goalies are making more and better saves than Miller and not only are they keeping their team in the game they are actually winning them by outplaying Miller. All anybody wants to do is keep making excuses for his poor play, why? Excuses are for losers, just stop the damn puck.


There is a reason he is near 30th in the league in GAA and SV%, it's because he is not that good of a goalie. He sure as ###### doesn't merit being paid over $6 million per year.


I get a very strong sense you haven't been watching the whole season and are just looking at his numbers. There is no doubt he has had an off season, but look at his recent numbers. Does anyone playing a game deserve $6 million per year (Miller makes $250K more than that, or about what I make in 1/2 a decade.)

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I get a very strong sense you haven't been watching the whole season and are just looking at his numbers. There is no doubt he has had an off season, but look at his recent numbers. Does anyone playing a game deserve $6 million per year (Miller makes $250K more than that, or about what I make in 1/2 a decade.)


Nope you couldn't be more wrong I watch every game, and yes he has been better as of late but that doesn't excuse the year as a whole.


Where do you people come up with this crap he is having an "off season"! He is having a rather normal season by his standards. Last year was the exception.

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Nope you couldn't be more wrong I watch every game, and yes he has been better as of late but that doesn't excuse the year as a whole.


Where do you people come up with this crap he is having an "off season"! He is having a rather normal season by his standards. Last year was the exception.

Didn't have much of a problem with Miller's game tonight. Losing a third period lead is a huge problem. They had out-shot the Leafs 32-19 going into the third. Last season Miller shut down teams in the third period.


Interesting numbers for Miller this season.


In 29 wins 1.90 gaa and .938 save percentage. In 28 loses 3.59 gaa and .885 save percentage. He is having a true Jeckle and Hyde season. He is also on pace to have his worst month of the season with a 2.99 gaa and .885 save percentage in March so far, these numbers don;t include the 4 goals on 29 shots given up tonight.

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Kinda thought miller would get discussed, honeslty he was ok tonight but not spectacular and for 6.25mil i want spectacular. Our Def is weak (sorry I love Myers and Sekera too) and we do not have a shut down pair of def like we need and that contributes as well. Also the rangers won... so we better take a step back and prepare for tomorrow against ottawa who we must beat. Miller has had a bad year and I am not making excuses but maybe he just hasn't been able to deal with the way this def plays some nights. Bottom line is Miller is good, but outside of last season he has not been great although if he wins 1 more game that means he will have won 30 games every season for the past 6 so I can be patient until next season and hope that he finds his game... A great number of goalies have terrible years now and again so lets hope he gets hot around the playoffs and see what happens. O and give up the "he plays to many games" excuse because if he is mentally tired its coming from off the ice not on it.

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I am reminded why Parrish and Mancari play in the AHL. Some of their play tonight, including play without the puck, was simply atrocious. (Parrish did have one nice takeaway though.) Despite the loss, that was a fun game to be at, made even more so by the preceding tour of the NHL offices. I put all of that in a separate thread.


Also, had to wonder whether the SOG stats were skewed to prop up Reimer's stats. He's a good up-and-comer; that's for sure. I just wonder whether every time a Sabre poked at a partially-covered puck, that counted as 2 SOG.

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Kinda thought miller would get discussed, honeslty he was ok tonight but not spectacular and for 6.25mil i want spectacular. Our Def is weak (sorry I love Myers and Sekera too) and we do not have a shut down pair of def like we need and that contributes as well. Also the rangers won... so we better take a step back and prepare for tomorrow against ottawa who we must beat. Miller has had a bad year and I am not making excuses but maybe he just hasn't been able to deal with the way this def plays some nights. Bottom line is Miller is good, but outside of last season he has not been great although if he wins 1 more game that means he will have won 30 games every season for the past 6 so I can be patient until next season and hope that he finds his game... A great number of goalies have terrible years now and again so lets hope he gets hot around the playoffs and see what happens. O and give up the "he plays to many games" excuse because if he is mentally tired its coming from off the ice not on it.


Buffalos defense is no worse than anybody elses in the league, stop with the excuses.


Kind of like the Edwards/Fitzpatrick thing. The oline looked absolutely atrocious with Edwards under center, Edwards gets benched for Fitzpatrick and all of a sudden the oline looks like a serviceable decent unit. Hmmm


The same can be said for the hockey team, is it the goalies bad play or is it the defense? I tend to think it's the goalie. Better goalie play up to just average stat wise(somewhere near 15th in the league) would give this team about another 10/12 points, but near 30th in the league stats wise isn't good enough.


Is it asking too much for the $6 million man to just do his job and stop the puck no matter how hard or difficult the save is?

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They were leading Toronto after 2 and lost in regulation. That's a horrible loss any way you want to slice it. Not all Miller's fault of course but he was outplayed by a nobody. This loss could start the drive back to 9th place. Awful.

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I am lumping this Ottawa game in as the finale of the road trip. If they lose again today, I will consider the whole trip a failure with losses coming to Pitt, Carolina, Toronto and Ottawa. Having said that, I will feel pretty good heading into Tuesday if they win today.

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What, no one's going to nitpick the decision to come home after the Boston game? If coaches are so superstitious, I don't get it. Keep that road trip going. Just seems like it would have been a Chinese fire drill. Come home Thursday night, unpack, bang your S.O., get up Friday, repack, go on the road again.


As for Miller, yellowsnow... you're not going to get anywhere with some of these people. They don't want to see the truth, let alone handle it. Two points, one you've hit already. This is not a down season for Miller. And: Miller has not been getting better as the season goes on. His game is not rounding into form. His numbers picked up a bit in February, but March so far has been his worst month.


We'll hear after the season that he's been injured, and it'll probably be true. That second goal by Toronto was a great set play that an experienced coach knew to call, making Miller try to move that quickly across the crease. Couldn't do it. Then again, it's not on Miller. It's never on Miller. Someone probably wasn't in perfect position, and there was probably a turnover or bad pass 30 seconds or less before the goal was scored.


Get used to it. Miller ain't goin' nowhere. No one is. Enjoy the epic and historic and glorious race for eighth.

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What, no one's going to nitpick the decision to come home after the Boston game? If coaches are so superstitious, I don't get it. Keep that road trip going. Just seems like it would have been a Chinese fire drill. Come home Thursday night, unpack, bang your S.O., get up Friday, repack, go on the road again.


As for Miller, yellowsnow... you're not going to get anywhere with some of these people. They don't want to see the truth, let alone handle it. Two points, one you've hit already. This is not a down season for Miller. And: Miller has not been getting better as the season goes on. His game is not rounding into form. His numbers picked up a bit in February, but March so far has been his worst month.


We'll hear after the season that he's been injured, and it'll probably be true. That second goal by Toronto was a great set play that an experienced coach knew to call, making Miller try to move that quickly across the crease. Couldn't do it. Then again, it's not on Miller. It's never on Miller. Someone probably wasn't in perfect position, and there was probably a turnover or bad pass 30 seconds or less before the goal was scored.


Get used to it. Miller ain't goin' nowhere. No one is. Enjoy the epic and historic and glorious race for eighth.


He has not been able to move quickly across the crease (or quickly at all) since his injury, and it is getting worse. There was a game a couple of weeks ago where he couldn't quickly get up off the ice after going down. This is a real problem. I think it contributed to the third goal as well, no? And I don't understand why Miller couldn't have plucked the puck out of the air on the fourth goal before Kessel got to it. The third and fourth goals were pretty far away from me, though. But I also don't think it's all on Miller, either.

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