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[OT] Actor or actress that you dislike the most...


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The writer from the Times, Carr, he specializes in media and such, and he totally skewers today's Hollywood........


What do you expect from an industry that makes sex symbols out of tweenage girls like Miley Cyrus or the Olsen twins? I guess they feel that if it is OK to dress a 14 year-old like a cheap floozy, it's OK for some creepy old guy to have sex with her. Sick bastards.

Lock up Polanski - throw away the key.

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I don't thinks he's been in a movie the past 5 or so years where he hasn't said "let's all get hopped up and make some bad decisions" or something to that degree.

Speaking of Vince Vaughn, I watched Dodgeball with my father-in-law a couple of years ago. That was an extremely sorry excuse for a movie (which, BTW, had bottlecap's favorite actor (tongue in cheek) Ben Stiller in it as well). That was 92 minutes of my time I will never get back.

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Step one: don't look at the Tabloids. Some of the people that go to Walmart are far more entertaining anyways[1].

Step two: don't go to Walmart, purveyors of all things Made in China[2].


And for an actor: Jon Lovitz. I don't care what it is, I'm not watching it if he's in it.


[1] http://www.peopleofwalmart.com/

[2] Yes, they undoubtedly sell some stuff that's Made in the USA, but most of it isn't. I'm not a 'Made in the USA' fanatic by any means, but that just seems counterproductive for the nation.

Trying to derail the train of thought, I see.


Wallyworld was just an example. Most grocery store chains carry the stuff, including Wegmans and Kroger, so it's not just a Wallyworld phenomenon.


My point is that I'm sick and tired of hearing about Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie no matter where my head turns.


But, since we're on the topic of bad actors, I am saying this with absolutely no political motive whatsoever: Barack Obama.

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Any movie that any of the Friends cast is in. They have made more bad movies collectively than any group of six people on the planet. If a Friends cast member is in it, I'm not watching it.

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Any movie that any of the Friends cast is in. They have made more bad movies collectively than any group of six people on the planet. If a Friends cast member is in it, I'm not watching it.


You can't mean that about 'Office Space'.

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My point is that I'm sick and tired of hearing about Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie no matter where my head turns.


Maybe it's my pattern of shopping or something, but I can honestly say I don't see that crap when I go. You've gotten me thinking of what I do in the grocery line since I'm not looking at the tabloids. I must be either unloading the cart or talking to my girlfriend.


That being said, my 'favorite tabloid moment' was an issue of !Mira! (Spanish Language) that proclaimed on the cover that some actress had 'Manos del hombre!'. That's cold! I couldn't stop laughing long enough to talk to the cashier.


But, since we're on the topic of bad actors, I am saying this with absolutely no political motive whatsoever: Barack Obama.


Uh-huh, sure. ;)

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My list could go on & on but if I never watched a movie with someone in it I didn't like for whatever reason, then I'd end up watching very few movies.


That said, actor...Leona Di Caprio - just a pathetic POS of a human. As for least favorite actress - for me it's a tie between Julia Roberts who's overexposed & Julia Stiles who should have quit after her first teeny movie (she damn near killed the first Bourne movie with her canned emotion). Ben Affleck gets honorable mention as worst actor but his buddy Matt Damon who I can't stand as a person, gets my vote for one of the better actors around these days.

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My list could go on & on but if I never watched a movie with someone in it I didn't like for whatever reason, then I'd end up watching very few movies.


That said, actor...Leona Di Caprio - just a pathetic POS of a human. As for least favorite actress - for me it's a tie between Julia Roberts who's overexposed & Julia Stiles who should have quit after her first teeny movie (she damn near killed the first Bourne movie with her canned emotion). Ben Affleck gets honorable mention as worst actor but his buddy Matt Damon who I can't stand as a person, gets my vote for one of the better actors around these days.


You don't like DiCaprio as a human? I don't know him, but he makes some good movies and is a very good actor. He was great in Departed and Blood Diamond and his role in Whats Eating Gilbert Grape was amazing.


I'll give the big thumbs down to Julianne Moore, she brings nothing to the table for me.

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I guess they feel that if it is OK to dress a 14 year-old like a cheap floozy...

A lot of parents seem to be okay with it. Take a trip to the local mall, you'll see more 14 year old cleavage than self esteem issues at Hot Topic.


My point is that I'm sick and tired of hearing about Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie no matter where my head turns.

This sounds like righty pundit regurgitation. Who cares? Stop paying attention.

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You don't like DiCaprio as a human? I don't know him, but he makes some good movies and is a very good actor. He was great in Departed and Blood Diamond and his role in Whats Eating Gilbert Grape was amazing.


I'll give the big thumbs down to Julianne Moore, she brings nothing to the table for me.



Sorry for not being clear - I don't care for him as an actor (Titanic pretty much ruined his career for me) and his personal self ices the cake. Hollywood stars of today should follow the lead of their antecedents - guys like Cary Grant probably were annoying as anything as people but they didn't constantly chime in on political issues and tell ordinary folks how to live their lives and constantly harp about why we're destroying the planet like Leona does.


I forgot to add Jessica Alba to my honorable mention list but that would be crediting her as being considered an actor in the first place. She should move to Sweden and neutralize the suffering we go through when she talks.

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Any movie that any of the Friends cast is in. They have made more bad movies collectively than any group of six people on the planet. If a Friends cast member is in it, I'm not watching it.


I agree, except for a couple of Jennifer Aniston movies - Office Space and Bruce Almighty. (OK, neither one are likely to take an Oscar for best picture, but Office Space is a cult classic and in Bruce Almighty, The Sabres win the Stanley Cup. Oh, plus both movies have Jennifer in them. I'd watch a remake of Gigli if she were in it....)

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There are so many flat-out big-budget bad movies and bad actors, I feel like I'm getting suffocated by a sea of crap. It's gotten so bad that I actually look forward to mediocrity. This translates to many areas of life where standards have just gotten rock bottom. (see Obama winning the Nobel Peace Price) I take joy in the fact that the executives behind these big-budget failures have gotten axed lately.

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There are so many flat-out big-budget bad movies and bad actors, I feel like I'm getting suffocated by a sea of crap. It's gotten so bad that I actually look forward to mediocrity. This translates to many areas of life where standards have just gotten rock bottom. (see Obama winning the Nobel Peace Price) I take joy in the fact that the executives behind these big-budget failures have gotten axed lately.

These guys should know.


Oh, and wjag: I fully concur with you about the "Friends" cast. Ok, maybe I might give a pass to Courtney Cox - somewhat. It just seems to me that there's hardly any brain matter in between the ears of most of these Hollywood types these days.

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Any movie that any of the Friends cast is in. They have made more bad movies collectively than any group of six people on the planet. If a Friends cast member is in it, I'm not watching it.


Yup, I think they even beat out the 'brat pack' of the 80's:


Emilio Estevez

Anthony Michael Hall

Rob Lowe

Andrew McCarthy

Demi Moore

Judd Nelson

Molly Ringwald

Ally Sheedy


Basically anyone who was in "St. Elmo's Fire"

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  • 4 months later...

One more OT thread before the season opener! B-)


I refuse to watch anything that Meryl Streep is in. I don't like her and I therefore I don't like any film she is in. Latest example...my daughter was watching Mamma Mia and I thought I'd sit down and spend some time with her. As soon as I realized that Streep was in it, I lost all interest and found something else to do. French Lieutenant's Woman, Out of Africa, etc... :sick:

I gave into my wife's wishes and we went to see "It's Complicated" at the show over the weekend. It won't rank as one of the all time great comedies, but Streep was pretty funny as was Alec Baldwin.

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