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LQ says "Success Comes From Within"


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There is just no accountability on anyone's part. I went back and re-read the article that started this post. Here is the subtext of what I hear going on in LQ's head as he is speaking out of both sides of his mouth when he says the success comes from within..."Well, I did my part, so did Darcy, now it's up to the players. If we don't win now then, well, it's their fault not ours. We did all we could it just didn't work out for us. Maybe in the next 12 years we can make it happen"

Well, Darcy is almost certainly going to get canned if they don't make the playoffs this year, so he's accountable. LQ is a part owner and as such isn't going to be fired. However, missing the playoffs takes a major bite out of profits, so he's going to make substantially less money if they miss again, which is a pretty strong incentive.

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I just don't understand why you give them such a pass. You sound like my grandma,"Oh, the poor dears. They failed, but they tried so hard. Here, have a butterscotch candy"


You would think that after 12 years they would have figured it out by now.


There is just no accountability on anyone's part. I went back and re-read the article that started this post. Here is the subtext of what I hear going on in LQ's head as he is speaking out of both sides of his mouth when he says the success comes from within..."Well, I did my part, so did Darcy, now it's up to the players. If we don't win now then, well, it's their fault not ours. We did all we could it just didn't work out for us. Maybe in the next 12 years we can make it happen"


The last 12 years of Sabres history haven't been that bad. So I don't know where you're going with this.

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Well, Darcy is almost certainly going to get canned if they don't make the playoffs this year, so he's accountable. LQ is a part owner and as such isn't going to be fired. However, missing the playoffs takes a major bite out of profits, so he's going to make substantially less money if they miss again, which is a pretty strong incentive.

Why would next year missing the playoffs be any different than this past season? They can just keep rolling out excuses for years.

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The last 7 have just been okay...maybe. All success before that I credit to Hasek.


Lindy Ruff is a .500 career coach in games Hasek is not the goaltender.


For those saying this management group has only had 4 years with a new CBA.....the CBA is the only reason they had any success. If you remove the 18 months where the refs placed a premium on fast, p###y players, the past 7 years this team is one of the worst in the league.



Buffalo Sabres - Hasek - Refs Whistle 2 Minutes for Hangnails = Pure Doodoo


Larry Quinn = Pure Doodoo

Darcy = Doodoo with corn mixed in

Golisano =Doodoo with the help of Metamucil

Lindy = Candy ingested in 1998 that eventually worked it's way through the system and turned into Doodoo

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We're working under the false assumption that the video they use is exactly what you'll see on television. That's not the case. Depending on the organization/league/team, you're going to see a wide variety of shot types. Yes, there's going to be the shot we're used to that follows the play, but there will also be player specific and zone specific videos. I've seen them at the college level, so it's not crazy to think that other teams/leagues would have the same.


I think a decent argument can be made that video might actually give a better idea of a player if that right shot is provided. Scouts are not going to be able to see every single game. What happens if the scout just happens to be there for a bad game for a player the team is following? With video, you've got every game. Pair that up with the in person scouting and there's a much clearer picture painted. Yes, you can't see everything on video, but you also can't see everything in person. Pair the two up and I'd say you're onto something.


Now I'd really love to see some points as to why video scouting is the devil that some make it out to be. The only thing that ever comes up is what you mentioned about not being able to see everything on video. With a staff of scouts out in the field, how is this an issue for Buffalo?

This is another one that is brought up all the time and it seems like a case of exaggeration. One comment about one aspect of the organization turns into a totally different comment about a different aspect of the organization. Can you provide some of these comments? Last time all we came up with was Rene Robert.

And one last thing. You'll probably read some attitude in this one and that's fine. My name's sitting right there on the screen in front of you, so how about getting the spelling right.





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Lindy Ruff is a .500 career coach in games Hasek is not the goaltender.


For those saying this management group has only had 4 years with a new CBA.....the CBA is the only reason they had any success. If you remove the 18 months where the refs placed a premium on fast, p###y players, the past 7 years this team is one of the worst in the league.

Buffalo Sabres - Hasek - Refs Whistle 2 Minutes for Hangnails = Pure Doodoo


Larry Quinn = Pure Doodoo

Darcy = Doodoo with corn mixed in

Golisano =Doodoo with the help of Metamucil

Lindy = Candy ingested in 1998 that eventually worked it's way through the system and turned into Doodoo



This has got to be one of the funniest posts I have read on here.


(Especially the Darcy- doodoo w/corn- and Golisano- Doodoo w/metamucil. Ah heck, the Lindy one was funny too)

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That would be 12 x 29 + 1 = 359 *


*+1 for the lockout year. :beer:


well done, but I was referring to organizations. :thumbsup:


For all the criticism heaped upon this team, you would think that people would understand that 29 teams fail every year.

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Lindy Ruff is a .500 career coach in games Hasek is not the goaltender.


Actually, in the regular season Lindy's overall winning percentage as Sabres' coach is .554 (if you don't include ties) and .484 (if you do). Doesn't look so great, does it?

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Why would next year missing the playoffs be any different than this past season? They can just keep rolling out excuses for years.


I think missing the playoffs next year is sort of a three strikes and your out policy. Two years without playoffs I can see as being reasonable. It happens. Many other teams go much longer without making the playoffs. Missing the playoffs for a third year would make it a disaster.


This team has only missed the playoffs three years in a row, one time. Pre-lockout, which happened to be in the years after we made our shot at the Cup. We came out of the lockout with a team built for the new NHL, a gamble that we got lucky on and had a shot at the Cup once more. Now that things have changed again, we have to readjust the team, something they should have started doing last season but decided to gamble on the side that certain core players would step up, and they haven't.


The point I'm making is, that two years without playoffs isn't detrimental, but it should be the catalyst for immediate change. We wont have another lockout coming up to use as a buffer year. Things need to turn around now and past mistakes have to be corrected.

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I can't figure out why he kept his job this season. :wallbash:

Well, as I've posted elsewhere, I think it's because LQ and TG know that they kneecapped him, and that he deserved a chance to rebuild the team without interference. But I also think that pool of goodwill is drying up and will be gone if they don't make it this year.

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well done, but I was referring to organizations. :thumbsup:


For all the criticism heaped upon this team, you would think that people would understand that 29 teams fail every year.


Right. And those teams that get close but don't win aren't necessarily failures, either.


12 years--four trips to the conference finals. 33%. Not too many teams can say that. A few can.

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well done, but I was referring to organizations. :thumbsup:


For all the criticism heaped upon this team, you would think that people would understand that 29 teams fail every year.


I kind of agree with you on this one, but kinda don't.


My uncle has been a Detroit Lions fan all of his life.


I've always been a Bills fan, though I no longer live in Buffalo and haven't for the past 10 years.


Some people (any random obnoxious Jets or Giants fan from NY will do) may look at the two franchises I mentioned above, and claim that they are garbage because they never won anything.


On this side, I would agree with you. Only 1 team each year gets to hoist the Lombardi trophy. I also consider the Bills 4 consecutive Super Bowl runs as close enough to be termed a dynasty for those late 80's and early 90's.


But I love the Bills because I love the Bills. A Lombardi trophy would only be icing on the cake (and 1 year of bragging rights)


On the flip side, as much as I love the Sabres, one gets the feeling (especially after the Briere/Drury/ Campbell contract garbage, and the recent comments by both Quinn and Regier) that the franchise is ok w/ mediocre; as long as it sells tickets.


I mean, if they are really committed to winning the Cup like Quinn keeps on bloviating about, then they have made tremendously poor moves on their roster. The line also seems to be a familiar one of all of those former Sabres as they leave town. They all seem to question Sabres management commitment to winning.


In that sense, if you aren't even going to try to get better, then no...it is not ok to take the dollars of hard working fans and dupe them into believing that "change is coming from within".


If the organization as a whole is busting its butt every year to improve, then yeah...only 1 team can win the Cup.


But if they've thrown in the towel a couple of years ago and just want to coast on yesterday's successes to pad their wallets, then no, they don't get a pass.

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I kind of agree with you on this one, but kinda don't.


My uncle has been a Detroit Lions fan all of his life.


I've always been a Bills fan, though I no longer live in Buffalo and haven't for the past 10 years.


Some people (any random obnoxious Jets or Giants fan from NY will do) may look at the two franchises I mentioned above, and claim that they are garbage because they never won anything.


On this side, I would agree with you. Only 1 team each year gets to hoist the Lombardi trophy. I also consider the Bills 4 consecutive Super Bowl runs as close enough to be termed a dynasty for those late 80's and early 90's.


But I love the Bills because I love the Bills. A Lombardi trophy would only be icing on the cake (and 1 year of bragging rights)


On the flip side, as much as I love the Sabres, one gets the feeling (especially after the Briere/Drury/ Campbell contract garbage, and the recent comments by both Quinn and Regier) that the franchise is ok w/ mediocre; as long as it sells tickets.


I mean, if they are really committed to winning the Cup like Quinn keeps on bloviating about, then they have made tremendously poor moves on their roster. The line also seems to be a familiar one of all of those former Sabres as they leave town. They all seem to question Sabres management commitment to winning.


In that sense, if you aren't even going to try to get better, then no...it is not ok to take the dollars of hard working fans and dupe them into believing that "change is coming from within".


If the organization as a whole is busting its butt every year to improve, then yeah...only 1 team can win the Cup.


But if they've thrown in the towel a couple of years ago and just want to coast on yesterday's successes to pad their wallets, then no, they don't get a pass.


Ok. But:


1. I really feel for your uncle, unless he's a fan of all Detroit sports, in which case he's gotten to see the Tigers, Pisssssstons, and Wings win championships since, what, '84?


2. Feel free to completely discount the opinion of any Jets fan under the age of 50. Giants fans, well, they have three, one of which isn't too distant in the past. No team ever will win four trips in a row to the Super Bowl again, though.


3. The Sabres aren't the rich-boy Yanks or Red Sox of hockey, exactly, and the teams that are (Montreal, Philly, NYR, and Toronto come to mind) have won exactly as many Cups as the Sabs have in the last fifteen years. You started with analogies to other sports, so I'll make one here: the Sabs will win if they can follow the models of the Florida Marlins or Anaheim Angels, or even the Pittsburgh Steelers, but not if they follow the models of the Yanks or Red Sox or Dallas Cowboys. Just spending, it seems to me, doesn't do it in hockey, and I think the last several Cup-winning teams bear that out: SOME may have larger payrolls, but those teams were not put together by grabbing high-priced free agents and throwing them into home sweaters.


ON EDIT: 4. If your criticism is that they haven't done enough at the "lower" level" of developing talent and/or bringing in young talent, I can't disagree right now. But I think the Sabres' bigger problem is that a couple of guys got offers that were bigger than their skills, and left. And those guys are not as good apart as they were together--not by a long shot.

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