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So, Connolly has a broken rib...


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Wow, I know it isn't unexpected these days, but how this guy's body has become so intolerant to physical use is stunning. Clearly, he couldn't have always been that way or he would have never made it past squirts as a kid.

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Ever check out the life expectancy stats for football players? I wonder if it's equally shocking for hockey players. These guys are almost literally ripped to shreds, treated as little more than slabs of meat, slaves almost. It's why I have NEVER begrudged a player one dollar. They deserve every one they get.


SDS, these are brutal shots Connolly has absorbed. I don't think he's any more fragile than the next guy. I go back to Pat LaFontaine. The same criticism could be made of him. He couldn't stay healthy. Darn that porcelain mandible! How dare it break against Macoun's stick. A more legitimate question might be whether repeated concussions have left Connolly lacking in the judgment department to avoid some of these dangerous situations he puts himself into, if a hockey player can ever insulate himself from the skating assassins. (You think Tkachuk wasn't salivating when he saw Connolly with his head down? Hockey people noted how unusual it was for a hit to be delivered in that situation. Tkachuk more than went out of his way.)


This is beyond ridiculous, but why should the morning Connolly is vindicated be any different? The better question is WTF is wrong with the Sabres' medical staff, and does all this have any role in the team's swoon? The organization, led by a coach who refused to tell us what the injury was, basically hung Connolly out to dry. I imagine some players resent it.

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Christ, is this going to be another Bash Connolly thread? Does the man deserve no compassion?


Believe me I am not bashing him one bit here you grumpy old bastard and better yet I am trying to stay out of your sites cantankerous one. All I meant was that it doesn't surprise me one bit. After a 5 game losing streak every post should be a bashing one.

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Believe me I am not bashing him one bit here you grumpy old bastard and better yet I am trying to stay out of your sites cantankerous one. All I meant was that it doesn't surprise me one bit. After a 5 game losing streak every post should be a bashing one.


OK, if you weren't bashing him, my apologies. I guess I don't understand the comment, but I'll just move on. Nothing to see here.

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Ever check out the life expectancy stats for football players? I wonder if it's equally shocking for hockey players. These guys are almost literally ripped to shreds, treated as little more than slabs of meat, slaves almost. It's why I have NEVER begrudged a player one dollar. They deserve every one they get.


SDS, these are brutal shots Connolly has absorbed. I don't think he's any more fragile than the next guy. I go back to Pat LaFontaine. The same criticism could be made of him. He couldn't stay healthy. Darn that porcelain mandible! How dare it break against Macoun's stick. A more legitimate question might be whether repeated concussions have left Connolly lacking in the judgment department to avoid some of these dangerous situations he puts himself into, if a hockey player can ever insulate himself from the skating assassins. (You think Tkachuk wasn't salivating when he saw Connolly with his head down? Hockey people noted how unusual it was for a hit to be delivered in that situation. Tkachuk more than went out of his way.)


This is beyond ridiculous, but why should the morning Connolly is vindicated be any different? The better question is WTF is wrong with the Sabres' medical staff, and does all this have any role in the team's swoon? The organization, led by a coach who refused to tell us what the injury was, basically hung Connolly out to dry. I imagine some players resent it.


A brutal hit does not guarantee a major injury, but in the Tim's case, it does.


I spent a lot of energy defending Rob Johnson from his brutal hits. But eventually, you can't do it anymore. It is to the point now where he can't even skate for any prolonged length before something else happening to him, let alone "a season", or a "half season". Now, I'm not like some of the losers out there who call him names because he gets injured (like any of the name-callers could ever absorb an NHL-caliber hit). I don't blame him. His body is what his body is - I'm sure he wants the end result to be different. Yet, it still is amazing the continual stream of setbacks this guy takes.

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Do you believe "toughness" can prevent a player from being injured? Are there ribs that are protected by this quality of "toughness." More important, when a player is "weak," or lacks "courage," or "sack," does it make injuries more likely?


I don't think SDS meant fragility as in lack of toughness. Just seems that Connolly's physical makeup isn't as strong as those of other players. The guy gets injured A LOT, and the injuries last a long time. This has nothing to do with "courage" or "sack" or "toughness/weakness" when used with that connotation. Maybe the guy is more fragile (physically), because other players absorb the same hits and don't get hurt nearly as often or nearly as severely.

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Do you believe "toughness" can prevent a player from being injured? Are there ribs that are protected by this quality of "toughness." More important, when a player is "weak," or lacks "courage," or "sack," does it make injuries more likely?

I'm not calling out his toughness, just his ability to stay healthy. He either plays with a ton of courage, skating with his head down all the time, or a ton of stupidity. You decide.


I don't think SDS meant fragility as in lack of toughness. Just seems that Connolly's physical makeup isn't as strong as those of other players. The guy gets injured A LOT, and the injuries last a long time. This has nothing to do with "courage" or "sack" or "toughness/weakness" when used with that connotation. Maybe the guy is more fragile (physically), because other players absorb the same hits and don't get hurt nearly as often or nearly as severely.

What he said.

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I don't think SDS meant fragility as in lack of toughness. Just seems that Connolly's physical makeup isn't as strong as those of other players. The guy gets injured A LOT, and the injuries last a long time. This has nothing to do with "courage" or "sack" or "toughness/weakness" when used with that connotation. Maybe the guy is more fragile (physically), because other players absorb the same hits and don't get hurt nearly as often or nearly as severely.


This is how I tend to view it. I just don't think he is doing himself or anyone else any good at this point by continuing to try to play. He is a target who's body cannot handle the abuse. This makes him no less of a person in my book.


Playing any part of a game, much less a whole one, with a rib broken says a lot (positively) about the guy. That's a lot of pain for those who have never broken anything in the upper torso.

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Do you believe "toughness" can prevent a player from being injured? Are there ribs that are protected by this quality of "toughness." More important, when a player is "weak," or lacks "courage," or "sack," does it make injuries more likely?


He didn't drink enough milk as a child........... :beer:

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Hockey is a game where people hit each other. If Glass Joe is too stupid to know where that hit is coming from then it is his fault. Once...OK...it's a fluke, twice...OK...just some bad luck, as many times as he has been hurt...IT"S HIM. PA, save your compassion for Rwandan refugees. Timmy will do just fine spending his money at Mothers.

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You've got to be kidding me. Compassion? PA, how much does Larry pay you? The guy has done NOTHING to warrant a three-year contract. NOTHING!


Larry pays in slug merchandise, which sucks.


Hindsight is always perfect eh? The contract was certainly warranted after the 05-06 season. Certainly worth the risk. No guts, no glory.

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Playing any part of a game, much less a whole one, with a rib broken says a lot (positively) about the guy. That's a lot of pain for those who have never broken anything in the upper torso.

I know the pain. I work for UPS and two years ago I broke an upper rib during the first week of our peak season (December). I didn't tell anyone because I wasn't going to miss out on those fat paychecks. I wrapped my chest in an ACE Bandage everyday and worked through the pain, although some days were worse than others. I had boxes falling off shelves into me, I was leaning over boxes to look for the ones I needed, trying to pick up 20 lb - 150 lb boxes up off the floor, etc..... No it's not the same as hockey, but it still hurt like hell. Didn't Travis Henry or Willis McGahee play with broken ribs? Like I said before, Connolly is not made to play physical sports. He is injury prone and he obviously will not play without any type of injury at any time. Didn't he even get hurt one year while rehabbing that set his return back even more?


Give it up Tinny.

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I know the pain. I work for UPS and two years ago I broke an upper rib during the first week of our peak season (December). I didn't tell anyone because I wasn't going to miss out on those fat paychecks. I wrapped my chest in an ACE Bandage everyday and worked through the pain, although some days were worse than others. I had boxes falling off shelves into me, I was leaning over boxes to look for the ones I needed, trying to pick up 20 lb - 150 lb boxes up off the floor, etc..... No it's not the same as hockey, but it still hurt like hell. Didn't Travis Henry or Willis McGahee play with broken ribs? Like I said before, Connolly is not made to play physical sports. He is injury prone and he obviously will not play without any type of injury at any time. Didn't he even get hurt one year while rehabbing that set his return back even more?


Give it up Tinny.

I give credit to you as well, hockey or not, working through that is not easy to due. I came about a centimeter away from a compound fracture of my collar bone at the ripe young age of 16 and I remember quite distinctly how painful it was to breath, let alone move.


And, I agree TC needs to hang up the skates. He's not helping himself or anybody else by continuing to go out and get injured. Unfortunately, he is not built to take the blows and I think it's safe to say the injuries will continue. It's a shame because of the talent he has but that's how I see it.

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A brutal hit does not guarantee a major injury, but in the Tim's case, it does.


I spent a lot of energy defending Rob Johnson from his brutal hits. But eventually, you can't do it anymore. It is to the point now where he can't even skate for any prolonged length before something else happening to him, let alone "a season", or a "half season". Now, I'm not like some of the losers out there who call him names because he gets injured (like any of the name-callers could ever absorb an NHL-caliber hit). I don't blame him. His body is what his body is - I'm sure he wants the end result to be different. Yet, it still is amazing the continual stream of setbacks this guy takes.



I see what you are saying... On one end you have the argument that some bodies are more fragile than others (your ageneral argument)... And then on the other end (PA's general argument) that the problem is focused around what the person is doing or having done to them.


It has got to be somewhere in the middle? Like you have touched on in your first post of the thread: He made it this far argument.


Why is he a glass figurine!?


Could it be anything linked to medications he has been on?


Or is it something more incidious on how the league/sport operates? Players know he is glass... Do they go after him more?


Hockey is strange... This is the sport where the players didn't want the new jerseys because the other players could see where one is taped... Strange. Probably the only sport where you can pre-emptively hit and get away with it... There is really no defining much of it either (football tells the players how they can block)...


I just can't fathom it is genetics... Afterall, he made it this far.

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