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[OT] It's done.


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I've been thinking of getting one, 'cept I don't know what to get. I want something that symbolizes the home town and that whole steel-town mentality... but I don't want a sports logo. Perhaps an old standing Buffalo or something?


Ha... and that new husky of mine has figured out door knobs it seems... wow... I heard they were smart.

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Fantastic work Deluca. Looks great. Any thought of maybe later doing something further with the hands pulling down Eddie's shirt? I am pretty sure they were supposed to be the hands of his victim in his death clutch, but was curious if you ever planned to do something further with them.

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Fantastic work Deluca. Looks great. Any thought of maybe later doing something further with the hands pulling down Eddie's shirt? I am pretty sure they were supposed to be the hands of his victim in his death clutch, but was curious if you ever planned to do something further with them.

I am deciding if I want the entire arm to be Iron Maiden or if I want to go with a 80's metal sleeve. I haven't decided yet. Planning further ahead, I want to have the French Connections Topps hockey cards tattooed at some point. I may start with Gilbert's to see how it looks.

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Thank you Paul McCartney.




Seriously though. I'll admit that I'm inkless, thrusting me I suppose into the camp that doesn't get "it". But for me it's just an aesthetic thing. And I see so many guys with the same band thing around their arm I'm left to wonder why they want to "distinguish" themselves with something that has become so commonplace and unoriginal. I doubt there are many arms with that on it though.


Call me boring but if I wouldn't want something on my living room wall I probably wouldn't want it permanently affixed to my largest organ. (I'd make a 'second largest' joke here, but that seems too obvious.)



But with yours, the artistry is certainly something. Iron Maiden - now I get it. Not being that familiar with their old album covers, I had just figured you were into mean, decomposing chicks.


Perhaps consider these classic album covers for your next one:



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