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Hayden Panettiere


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YIKES! Thanks for making me feel like a ped...I thought perhaps it was a photo from the 70's (due to the hair, dance position and old-school jersey)...


Couldn't you just have PM'ed me so I could have removed it and leave me with some dignity?



My bad. The brain isn't functioning quite at top speed this morning...the little guy was up teething last night so we didn't get a lot of sleep. Sorry.


I'll delete my responses, just go ahead and edit the OP and then kill the reply.

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My bad. The brain isn't functioning quite at top speed this morning...the little guy was up teething last night so we didn't get a lot of sleep. Sorry.


I'll delete my responses, just go ahead and edit the OP and then kill the reply.

Thank you, sir, I appreciate it.

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Why look to hollywood when we should look in our own backyard? Here's my choice:




I believe all requirements are met here:

  1. Smokin' Hot;
    I don't think there is any dispute on this.
  2. Hockey Fan;
    Not only a fan but very hockey-knowledgable. Not only a hockey fan, but...
  3. Sabres Fan!
    Need I say more?.

There's more:

Spndnchz has some confidence too. Any of you that remember MonkeyGirl, she once posted her own pic in the original Hayden thread. She was a cute young lady, but some idiot said something that offended her and she removed the pic within minutes. Chz seems to be able to deal with the raging hormones a few posters may have.


I think Spndnchz is a perfect fit here (if she's up to it).


Opinions (preferably from the poster in question)?

I see that Cheese demurred (and is perhaps flattered) for the time being.


For my own part, I sort of prefer to look to Hollywood - it's a more abstracted proposition (although since this is a message board, Cheese herself is also somewhat abstracted (as are we all, for the most part)).


Let me try to illustrate my point with a story some may find familiar: There's a married a couple I know through work, and a few years back, when U2 was in town, the wife had a few beers at the concert and then had some fairly randy things to say about Bono (whatever). The husband was all like, "hey, whoa, wtf?!" So the wife then proposed that they each have a short list (1-3) of celebrities/public figures that each were permitted to ogle, etc. So they're at a Sabres game a couple months later, and whose face appears on the jumbotron but the lovely Jodi Johnston from Channel 2 - and the husband blurts out something like "aye chee-wah-wah, daddy likey." To which the wife gives him a punch on the shoulder. To which the husband says something like, "hey, what?! i thought we were in a nest of the trust tree here?" While she never really articulated it, the wife's objection had something to do with Johnston's proximity to their reality, I think. Certainly, the husband encountered no similar reaction when he drooled over Jessica Alba.


My other thought is this: They say comparmentalization is the hobgoblin of a simple mind. Well, then I must have a simple mind. I'm like a toddler at meal time, I like to keep things separate and apart from each other. That bolded piece above is true and accurate: Cheese is a terrific fan of the game and the team. For my own part, I'd prefer that she remain just that 'round here.

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I see that Cheese demurred (and is perhaps flattered) for the time being.


For my own part, I sort of prefer to look to Hollywood - it's a more abstracted proposition (although since this is a message board, Cheese herself is also somewhat abstracted (as are we all, for the most part)).


Let me try to illustrate my point with a story some may find familiar: There's a married a couple I know through work, and a few years back, when U2 was in town, the wife had a few beers at the concert and then had some fairly randy things to say about Bono (whatever). The husband was all like, "hey, whoa, wtf?!" So the wife then proposed that they each have a short list (1-3) of celebrities/public figures that each were permitted to ogle, etc. So they're at a Sabres game a couple months later, and whose face appears on the jumbotron but the lovely Jodi Johnston from Channel 2 - and the husband blurts out something like "aye chee-wah-wah, daddy likey." To which the wife gives him a punch on the shoulder. To which the husband says something like, "hey, what?! i thought we were in a nest of the trust tree here?" While she never really articulated it, the wife's objection had something to do with Johnston's proximity to their reality, I think. Certainly, the husband encountered no similar reaction when he drooled over Jessica Alba.


My other thought is this: They say comparmentalization is the hobgoblin of a simple mind. Well, then I must have a simple mind. I'm like a toddler at meal time, I like to keep things separate and apart from each other. That bolded piece above is true and accurate: Cheese is a terrific fan of the game and the team. For my own part, I'd prefer that she remain just that 'round here.


I don't know about all that, but we need more posts that include "aye chee-wah-wah, daddy likey." In fact, I think RJ should make that one of his goal calls. Or at least we need to remember it and post it after every victory next season, something ...

Thansk to guys like me it can get way too serious around here ....

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I don't know about all that, but we need more posts that include "aye chee-wah-wah, daddy likey." In fact, I think RJ should make that one of his goal calls. Or at least we need to remember it and post it after every victory next season, something ...

Comedic gold.


Thansk to guys like me it can get way too serious around here ....

Au contraire.

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Wife jealous of Jodi Johnson pretty much defines the no-win situation. :lol:

well played.


but i can't ultimately agree: jodi's got the goods. she may not le hott by tee vee standards, but having seen her in person several times: i can't deny the (my) truth.

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A lot of female TV newscasters are hotter in person. I met Allison Rosati (former Ch. 2 newscaster from 87-90) in 1990, and she was very hot in person. 5'11", long cheerleader legs and a great butt, she looked great.

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For the record:

I am flattered by your opinion of me. I have spent and do spend time reading a bunch about sports and contracts. I guess it is to seek to understand the language and how people think (one of the reason I love this board). While I see a career out there in the field, I'm not quite sure where I fit in yet, or want to for that matter.


It seems as though I may have missed a few posts that got edited so I say with a grain of salt I would like to be that Sabre Space girl. But like every woman you guys know, I change my mind. I'm not demur but I don't share with everyone either.


Okay, not to sound like an online dating questionaire; I enjoy being slightly imperceptible and mysterious. I show my true colors to those who appreciate it. Raging hormones are good, at the right time. You can write what you want about me, I won't be offended by some lame ass comment, why? well because it's a lame ass comment... I also like slow walks on the beach at sunset, and daddy-o's that say "aye chee-wah-wah, daddy likey" because it annoys the wives.


People don't pay to see the real me and last but not least GO SABRES!!!!!!



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It seems as though I may have missed a few posts that got edited so I say with a grain of salt I would like to be that Sabre Space girl.


People don't pay to see the real me and last but not least GO SABRES!!!!!!

so, you're not just a first-class fan, cheese - you're a self-possessed gal and good sport, to boot.




p.s. unless it was a set of initials, i missed the significance of "SUL" ... then again, i was the guy who needed to be educated earlier this month to what it meant when someone dropped "FTW" on me.


p.p.s. in the event i can bring anyone else up to speed: "FTW" means "for the win" (I think it's a euro-football usage) and is becoming increasingly common/popular on message boards; by way of example, if there were a debate around here as to who should be the "SS girl", many would no doubt reply "Spndnchz FTW".

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so, you're not just a first-class fan, cheese - you're a self-possessed gal and good sport, to boot.




p.s. unless it was a set of initials, i missed the significance of "SUL" ... then again, i was the guy who needed to be educated earlier this month to what it meant when someone dropped "FTW" on me.


p.p.s. in the event i can bring anyone else up to speed: "FTW" means "for the win" (I think it's a euro-football usage) and is becoming increasingly common/popular on message boards; by way of example, if there were a debate around here as to who should be the "SS girl", many would no doubt reply "Spndnchz FTW".

life's to short to hold crudges. I'd prefer a Hollywood person to be the new 'Hayden'. Someone who likes hockey though. Some class to go with it would be nice.


SUL means "see you later"


For some help catching up see her : Understanding the worlds messaging.

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SUL means "see you later"

For some help catching up see her : Understanding the worlds messaging.

thanks for that list.


thanks as well for not coming back at me with AYSOS?


while there'll be no catching up for this old** dog, it's good to have a dictionary handy.


** old is such a relative term -- i'm south of 40, but for the purposes of SS, yeah, i'm old.

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I'll have to remember this one:

JFGI - Just *Freaking* Google It


95% of my answers to people's questions start with Google (95% of those end up going to Wikipedia.)

A-freakin'-men. If my parents ever figure out Google, look out...


This is one of my favorites:


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For old guys like me and Aud Smell, that site will surely come in handy ... that list boggles the mind ... can you take this as your foreign language in school these days?

I'm sure it's out there somewhere...


I bet Weasel could make a program that would de-scramble these text messages and get big bucks for it. Parents would love it.

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Could someone please spare me the time it'd take to read this thread to figure it out myself...


who is hayden p, and why is she relevant to the sabres?


Honestly, I have no idea. Is she a sabres fan or something?

you might not find the answer in this thread, and i don't think you'd find it via google or wikpedia.


but i see by your profile that you were around for the 2007 playoffs - that's when this stuff started. the nhl took the cup to the studio where heroes was filming and did some promo work with miss panettiere (a hockey fan) -- during the shoot, she took some, how you say, affectionate photographs with the cup (one of which involved a tongue (hers)). then some mainstays around here (knightrider?) saw the pics online, used them on their avatars, and the history of miss panettiere as the unofficial "SS girl" started. what followed, among other matters, were debates as to her efficacy as the team's "rabbit's foot" and the propriety/desirability of looking to her as a sex symbol.


p.s. what inky said.

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you might not find the answer in this thread, and i don't think you'd find it via google or wikpedia.


but i see by your profile that you were around for the 2007 playoffs - that's when this stuff started. the nhl took the cup to the studio where heroes was filming and did some promo work with miss panettiere (a hockey fan) -- during the shoot, she took some, how you say, affectionate photographs with the cup (one of which involved a tongue (hers)). then some mainstays around here (knightrider?) saw the pics online, used them on their avatars, and the history of miss panettiere as the unofficial "SS girl" started. what followed, among other matters, were debates as to her efficacy as the team's "rabbit's foot" and the propriety/desirability of looking to her as a sex symbol.


p.s. what inky said.


Ah. Thanks. Inky, too. I remember those pictures of her with the cup now. Never put name to face. She definitely is worthy of her own thread, even for that one shot of her high-legging the cup.

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