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Gerbe Signs

tom webster

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* You make this statement because he's not particularly vocal? Most hockey players appreciate players who lead by example, not by megaphone. He wore that C proudly.


** Annual goal summary in his Sabre career: 10, 15, 18, 19, 22. Is that not a rise?


*** Why, because he didn't put up many goals? That's not his primary skill. He's a defensive forward. There were many problems with the team this year, mostly defensive. Putting Hecht in the "didn't come through" category is absurd.


a) has nothing to do with how vocal he is. Drury rarely raised his voice. Hecht just would prefer to play his own game and stay in the background. Captaincy made him uncomfortable.

b) goals slighly up, points per game lowest in four years

c) Again, you may not like what I have to say, but you have to know I know more about the game then that. In the last twenty games he played in;


5 goals, 9 assists and your favorite stat -3.


If you take out the first game and two blow outs, in 17 of those twenty games, his stats;


2 goals, 4 assists and -12.


Taking it further, he was a negative in ten games, a positive in four and even in six.


These are all the kind of stats that you crucified Briere for in previous posts.


Jochen is going to be the third or fourth highest paid forward on the team, they need better from him.


Also, he was on the ice for critical goals in two crititcal losses. He is one of the teams veterans on a team that has admitted they came up short in veteran leadership.

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a) has nothing to do with how vocal he is. Drury rarely raised his voice. Hecht just would prefer to play his own game and stay in the background. Captaincy made him uncomfortable. And you know this because....

b) goals slighly up, points per game lowest in four years. Why not address the fact that you said his GOALS weren't up, which you were clearly wrong to say? You're changing the focus again.

c) Again, you may not like what I have to say, but you have to know I know more about the game then that. In the last twenty games he played in;


These are all the kind of stats that you crucified Briere for in previous posts.


Please, I never "crucified Briere", and you know it. I have only talked about Briere like that in terms of his VALUE. And 8 million per year, or even 7...arguably 6, is too much for him. Hecht isn't close to that. Apples and oranges in *my intended context*


Jochen is going to be the third or fourth highest paid forward on the team, they need better from him.

Not for long he won't.


Also, he was on the ice for critical goals in two crititcal losses. He is one of the teams veterans on a team that has admitted they came up short in veteran leadership.


:rolleyes: If there were ANY player who did not take ownership and point to themselves after those final games, they're not pros. To single him out is again ridiculous.


I know you like to argue ad nauseum, but I do believe this topic has been stretched thin already.

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I firmly believe if they do things different they can get these things done sooner and for less. If Gerbe's agent or family advisor is worth their salt, they knew the pressure on the team to get a deal done.

OK sorry to kind cherry-pick here, and I know this was posted yesterday, but I just got back on and this is kind of the crux of the whole argument about Sabres management. Your two statements here are contradictory if you think about it. If Gerbe's agent or family advisor is worth their salt, there was no WAY this was getting done for less.


You know the Sabres have screwed up recently, I know they have screwed up, the most casual fan knows ... so it stands to reason that the the agents/family advisors know it too. And like you said, they know there is pressure on the Sabres as a result. So if they are doing their job, doesn't it make it even HARDER for the Sabres to get it done for less? If you were Gerbe's agent/advisor, would you have taken a penny less than the max? Of course not, your guy's stock can't get any higher and you know about all the pressure on the Sabres. So how the heck were they supposed to get this one done for less?


As for the "sooner" part, I still don't see this as having "dragged on" at all. They signed him 15 months before losing his rights and what, a week after he returned from working out with Team USA? And during his final exams? It's the first thing they did this offseason, the playoffs are only half over and they did it 2 months before they can work on free agency ... to me, that's doing it right and NOT letting it drag out.


Now, if you want to argue that if they had not f'd up Briere/Drury/Campbell/etc., maybe they would not have faced pressure and could have gotten him for less ... well, maybe, but seeing as you'd be arguing over like $100,000 a year maybe, that's just another way of beating the dead horse of past screw ups. Your problem really isn't with how they handled this one but how they handled things in the past. I'm going to give them credit for getting this done and hope they act accordingly with Miller and Pommer. And yes, that has been made harder by past screw ups.

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I promised myself I was done wiht this, but you keep mis-representing me.


a) an informed opinion

b) I never mentioned GOALS. You said scoring in your original post and I did the same. The NHL counts goals and assists equally and most of the people I know use the generic term scoring to mean both. You changed the focus.

c) when you were on your +/ kick you continually ripped him for it and still continue to diminish his game. I will admit, that you seem to have a more even opinion then most, however.

d) that is part of my point, they are going to be paying a lot of money for a guy who may end up being their sixth most valuable forward.

e) I am not singling him out, just saying that as one of the few veteran players, he came up woefully short in crunch time.


If you are going to argue with me, at least represent what i say correctly and be consistent in what you deem valuable when it comes to evaluating players.

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Guest Sloth

I'm excited guys. I literally just found out 15 minutes ago. Next up is Tim Kennedy. The Sabres will be busy this offseason. I hope the Sabres can reach agreements w/ Miller, Pominville, and our RFA's. I also hope the Sabres bring in a couple of above average, not outstanding, veterans. It'll be interesting and scary to watch. Buffalo has started off on the right foot, but they have a LONG way to go. I really hope Pominville considers Buffalo his "home town." This offseason can determine what we have to look forward to or dread for the next couple of seasons. Get r' done management!

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OK sorry to kind cherry-pick here, and I know this was posted yesterday, but I just got back on and this is kind of the crux of the whole argument about Sabres management. Your two statements here are contradictory if you think about it. If Gerbe's agent or family advisor is worth their salt, there was no WAY this was getting done for less.


You know the Sabres have screwed up recently, I know they have screwed up, the most casual fan knows ... so it stands to reason that the the agents/family advisors know it too. And like you said, they know there is pressure on the Sabres as a result. So if they are doing their job, doesn't it make it even HARDER for the Sabres to get it done for less? If you were Gerbe's agent/advisor, would you have taken a penny less than the max? Of course not, your guy's stock can't get any higher and you know about all the pressure on the Sabres. So how the heck were they supposed to get this one done for less?


As for the "sooner" part, I still don't see this as having "dragged on" at all. They signed him 15 months before losing his rights and what, a week after he returned from working out with Team USA? And during his final exams? It's the first thing they did this offseason, the playoffs are only half over and they did it 2 months before they can work on free agency ... to me, that's doing it right and NOT letting it drag out.


Now, if you want to argue that if they had not f'd up Briere/Drury/Campbell/etc., maybe they would not have faced pressure and could have gotten him for less ... well, maybe, but seeing as you'd be arguing over like $100,000 a year maybe, that's just another way of beating the dead horse of past screw ups. Your problem really isn't with how they handled this one but how they handled things in the past. I'm going to give them credit for getting this done and hope they act accordingly with Miller and Pommer. And yes, that has been made harder by past screw ups.


Good post.

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I'm excited guys. I literally just found out 15 minutes ago. Next up is Tim Kennedy. The Sabres will be busy this offseason. I hope the Sabres can reach agreements w/ Miller, Pominville, and our RFA's. I also hope the Sabres bring in a couple of above average, not outstanding, veterans. It'll be interesting and scary to watch. Buffalo has started off on the right foot, but they have a LONG way to go. I really hope Pominville considers Buffalo his "home town." This offseason can determine what we have to look forward to or dread for the next couple of seasons. Get r' done management!

Why would you want above average players and not outstanding players?

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Why would you want above average players and not outstanding players?

Maybe because they won't pay them?


One sidenote on bringing in a vet from another team...I really think that a vet(3rd or 4th line) in his mid 30's could really be a good influence down the stretch and in the playoffs, but it is no guarantee of success.

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I have been on the anti-management bandwagon for some time, but I don't think there's anything negative to read into this situation from management. I have zero evidence and have nothing to base this on, but the way I'm reading the situation, looks like Gerbe had a great season and wanted to take some time to reflect and talk his future over with the BC coach, his family and friends. He went to the U.S. training camp and realized he's not that bad and is pretty good playing with pros. I think Darcy knows he had very little negotiating leverage and let Gerbe's camp come to him and tell him they were interested in signing. Once Gerbe decided he wanted to go pro, I think the agent did some negotiating and basically said, "Look, this guy's your top prospect, you're not going to get him for lower than the rookie maximum and from your salary cap perspective, the rookie max is nothing so let's sign the rookie max and be done with it." Really, the only negotiation I could possibly see is coming from the bonuses that are not a cap hit because there is no way Darcy could negotiate the salary.


Had Darcy signed him last year could he have gotten Gerbe for less? Possibly, but who said Gerbe wanted to even sign last year? I'm just excited this got done, and I don't think there's much negative to read into this. If Darcy gets Kennedy signed, I think we're in a great position for the future. Just my take.

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Anyone still trying to suggest the Sabres screwed up yet another negotiation WRT to Gerbe is really reaching far beyond any reasonable measure just to make a (much belabored) point. Why? To convince us that the Sabres can screw up a negotiation? Like we NEED any more evidence? Sorry, they handled the Gerbe situation the right way. They waited for him to make up his mind as I believe they were compelled to do by NCAA restrictions and then offered him the only reasonable amount acceptable given Gerbe's past season. Way to go FO. Welcome Gerbe!





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Then the News should be held accountable for letting Drury, Briere, and Campbell leave.

I think Buffett should kick in some money for salaries with all the stories he gets for his paper. Seems fair to me.


No wonder the Sabres desperately needed to sign this guy. Apparently he plays forward, D, and goal. ;)

But is he a good wingman?


By the end of the week , he will be 5'10" and 180

Spinal decompression. He'll be the next veins veins veins guy :thumbsup:


They're on record saying they wanted to get something done with him. I'm sure there was a relatively high offer on the table, but Gerbe wasn't ready yet. That doesn't stop the talks from happening, especially since in many cases, the family advisor does basically everything. Once Gerbe returns from the world championship camp, he's ready and talks get serious (aka. a flurry of activity).


Family advisor just getting him some good exposure for later. Presser in 2011 says "remember when Gerbe signed back in 2008 there was a 'flurry of activity'. Sounds better than "He likes hockey more than school". SH?T, I'd quit school for $850k a year :w00t:


Don't think he was hugely over paid, just a shade. Also, he is a reluctant leader, and at 30 years old he should have taken some of that veteran leadership void. His scoring has not been on the rise either and finally, I thought he was one of the players that didn't come through toward the end, albeit there were several.

oh, Tom. tom tom tom...

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a) an informed opinion Anyone can say that

b) I never mentioned GOALS. You said scoring in your original post and I did the same. The NHL counts goals and assists equally and most of the people I know use the generic term scoring to mean both. You changed the focus.

Oh jeez, whatever. He shoots, he scores, means a goal. Hecht's GOALS have gone up every year he has been a Sabre. I would have thought you could use deductive reasoning to pick that out of the context of my statement.

c) when you were on your +/ kick you continually ripped him for it and still continue to diminish his game. I will admit, that you seem to have a more even opinion then most, however.

Show me where I "still continue to diminish his game" I have never diminished his game, Tom. How many times must I repeat myself for you? He's a quick summary: He's really good offensively. He's not a two-way player. He's not worth the contract he signed. I see considerably more value in Roy. That's the gist of everything I've said about your boy. You say you have a small personal connection to him. That makes sense because that's the only thing that possibly explain your super sensitivity to All Things Briere.

d) that is part of my point, they are going to be paying a lot of money for a guy who may end up being their sixth most valuable forward. I'm sure your opinion would be different if you had a 'personal connection' with Hecht, too.

e) I am not singling him out, just saying that as one of the few veteran players, he came up woefully short in crunch time. Briere has been involved in that storyline before too. Uh oh. Did I just re-open the can of worms?


If you are going to argue with me, at least represent what i say correctly and be consistent in what you deem valuable when it comes to evaluating players.


I have done precisely that. I know you're going to need the last word on this, but I'm done.

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