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Examples of Tom Golisano's Cheapness


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We all know the story of how Golisano "SAVED THE FRANCHISE".....that is all good stuff and he picked us off the ground. However, with that in mind.....He has done many things regarding this franchise that worry me:

1) The Sabres fired most of their scouts years ago to switch to a more "cost effective" video scouting system.

2) Went from having a dynamite affiliation with Rochester to "sharing" the team with Florida. This one really bugs me more than anything. A lot of our current Sabres "bonded" with each other and went through the growing pains of making their way to the NHL. Now they are playing with another team's prospects. This only teaches them to "stand out" and not be a team player.

3) Setting a dangerous precedent of not paying for proven veterans

4) Elimination of promotions at the games (for the most part). Other than getting a magnet and a recycled white T-Shirt or Pom Pom...what the heck do they give away??

5) Overall gameday experience is down (as Apus brought up in a recent post)...Whats next...getting rid of the organ guy????


I for one have been very disappointed in where this franchise is going. You always need a pipeline of guys who know the system and have the talent to compete. Without a true "minor league" team and hardly any scouts...how do you plan on continuing this??? If he is skimping because he is planning on selling the team to a local owner, please do it and get it over with!

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Your so right Golisano is so cheap for keeping ticket prices in accord so that many in Buffalo can afford to go see games instead of jacking prices to be in line with league averages and keeping alot of people in Buffalo outside of the arena. Man i cant stand how cheap he is. Next you should be saying that he should take a financial loss of the Sabres just because he should. Lets be a little realistic here. I am not saying Golisano is perfect, I am just saying he kept the team in Buffalo and allows for people in Buffalo to afford to go to games if they want to when it is totally within his rights to jack up prices and make a huge profit on a loser team. That is not what is happening and to suggest otherwise is unfair.

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We all know the story of how Golisano "SAVED THE FRANCHISE".....that is all good stuff and he picked us off the ground. However, with that in mind.....He has done many things regarding this franchise that worry me:

1) The Sabres fired most of their scouts years ago to switch to a more "cost effective" video scouting system.

2) Went from having a dynamite affiliation with Rochester to "sharing" the team with Florida. This one really bugs me more than anything. A lot of our current Sabres "bonded" with each other and went through the growing pains of making their way to the NHL. Now they are playing with another team's prospects. This only teaches them to "stand out" and not be a team player.

3) Setting a dangerous precedent of not paying for proven veterans

4) Elimination of promotions at the games (for the most part). Other than getting a magnet and a recycled white T-Shirt or Pom Pom...what the heck do they give away??

5) Overall gameday experience is down (as Apus brought up in a recent post)...Whats next...getting rid of the organ guy????


I for one have been very disappointed in where this franchise is going. You always need a pipeline of guys who know the system and have the talent to compete. Without a true "minor league" team and hardly any scouts...how do you plan on continuing this??? If he is skimping because he is planning on selling the team to a local owner, please do it and get it over with!

1. No they didn't. They got rid of the management layer over the in-field scouts.


2. 2 words: Steve Donner. 'Nough said.


3. Care to provide the details of this dangerous precedent? They extended Hecht, they signed Teppo 3 years in a row. They brought in Spacek. They wanted to sign Drury, just screwed it up. They wanted to sign Grier, he chose to leave for the same money the Sabres were offering.


4. How many times do you see teams selling out all the seats have major "promotions"? Would it be nice that they do more promotions, probably. Is there anything the Sabres will tangibly gain, probably not. And they still do have the "promotions". They do a 50/50 raffle. They have their parachute drop thing and they still have kids shooting on Sabretooth during an intermission of most games. They have the signed ornament sale at Christmas time (which btw I will never buy one again, as I bought 2 for my kids and one didn't have an autograph on it). How many in game promotions do the Loafs, Habs, Rangers, or Wings have? I haven't been to any of their games in years, but my guess is not many.


5. Yesterday's game was the only one that I was at this year that Doug or Ronan didn't do the anthems. Sabretooth still beats his drum around the rink. The best way to improve overall gameday experience is win some #%@%@ games.

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We all know the story of how Golisano "SAVED THE FRANCHISE".....that is all good stuff and he picked us off the ground. However, with that in mind.....He has done many things regarding this franchise that worry me:

1) The Sabres fired most of their scouts years ago to switch to a more "cost effective" video scouting system.

2) Went from having a dynamite affiliation with Rochester to "sharing" the team with Florida. This one really bugs me more than anything. A lot of our current Sabres "bonded" with each other and went through the growing pains of making their way to the NHL. Now they are playing with another team's prospects. This only teaches them to "stand out" and not be a team player.

3) Setting a dangerous precedent of not paying for proven veterans

4) Elimination of promotions at the games (for the most part). Other than getting a magnet and a recycled white T-Shirt or Pom Pom...what the heck do they give away??

5) Overall gameday experience is down (as Apus brought up in a recent post)...Whats next...getting rid of the organ guy????


I for one have been very disappointed in where this franchise is going. You always need a pipeline of guys who know the system and have the talent to compete. Without a true "minor league" team and hardly any scouts...how do you plan on continuing this??? If he is skimping because he is planning on selling the team to a local owner, please do it and get it over with!



I haven't been to a game under the new ownership, but I think the first part of your thread can't be overlooked. I assume it is in quotes denoting some sarchasm? Galisano is a business man and is relatively new to the sports franchise ownership fraternity. Have some things been f'ed up? Definitely. Has LQ sold a bill of goods? Some would say. I prefer TG over the more likely alternatives. I think he deserves the opportunity to right the ship. A lot of things happend in a VERY short period of time, when you consider his purchase, followed by labor unrest, followed by strike, followed by rule changes, followed by another set of unwritten rule changes. In my opinion, the likely alternatives would have been move the franchise or move the franchise. We have definitely become spoiled if we are upset that someone isn't running around the arena firing free sh!t at us thru a cannon.

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1. No they didn't. They got rid of the management layer over the in-field scouts.


2. 2 words: Steve Donner. 'Nough said.


3. Care to provide the details of this dangerous precedent? They extended Hecht, they signed Teppo 3 years in a row. They brought in Spacek. They wanted to sign Drury, just screwed it up. They wanted to sign Grier, he chose to leave for the same money the Sabres were offering.


4. How many times do you see teams selling out all the seats have major "promotions"? Would it be nice that they do more promotions, probably. Is there anything the Sabres will tangibly gain, probably not. And they still do have the "promotions". They do a 50/50 raffle. They have their parachute drop thing and they still have kids shooting on Sabretooth during an intermission of most games. They have the signed ornament sale at Christmas time (which btw I will never buy one again, as I bought 2 for my kids and one didn't have an autograph on it). How many in game promotions do the Loafs, Habs, Rangers, or Wings have? I haven't been to any of their games in years, but my guess is not many.


5. Yesterday's game was the only one that I was at this year that Doug or Ronan didn't do the anthems. Sabretooth still beats his drum around the rink. The best way to improve overall gameday experience is win some #%@%@ games.


Good to see you're still around...

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5. Yesterday's game was the only one that I was at this year that Doug or Ronan didn't do the anthems. Sabretooth still beats his drum around the rink. The best way to improve overall gameday experience is win some #%@%@ games.


Well...you obviously didn't go to many weekday games

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Well...you obviously didn't go to many weekday games


Listen if there is ever a choice between spending the money to have a contender and free shirts or whatever at the game I would hope you would choose the team. I wouldnt care if I sat in silence at the arena if the Sabres were winning.

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Listen if there is ever a choice between spending the money to have a contender and free shirts or whatever at the game I would hope you would choose the team. I wouldnt care if I sat in silence at the arena if the Sabres were winning.


Well...we will see where they go this summer.....I just have an uneasy feeling about what they will do with Pominville, Miller, and the need for a rugged veteran on D.....it will be an interesting offseason

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Guest Sloth
Well...we will see where they go this summer.....I just have an uneasy feeling about what they will do with Pominville, Miller, and the need for a rugged veteran on D.....it will be an interesting offseason


I can honestly see the Sabres doing whatever it takes to keep Pominville and Miller. They did a good job w/ Roy...Edmonton messed up the deal w/ Vanek, but I'm still glad we have him. Miller likes the key players in Buffalo and he feels they can build a good team around them. In my opinion, that is an incentive for him to stay, and I also think he was including himself in the key player category. If the Sabres sign Pominville and Miller, I'm sure they will pick up a veteran defenseman.

We're about to truly find out what management is all about. They have made their efforts to keep players. Drury left because he wanted to be a Ranger. Campbell is going to be over paid and would've cost the Sabres Pominville or Miller.

Tom G. said the Sabres need to make the 2nd round of the playoffs to make a decent profit. Buffalo's management will have to be agressive this summer. To make it simple, you have to spend money to make money. Tom G. didn't rich w/ out knowing this. This season could actually benefit the Sabres for the upcoming years.


One more thing. Change your picture! :blink:

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1. No they didn't. They got rid of the management layer over the in-field scouts.


2. 2 words: Steve Donner. 'Nough said.


3. Care to provide the details of this dangerous precedent? They extended Hecht, they signed Teppo 3 years in a row. They brought in Spacek. They wanted to sign Drury, just screwed it up. They wanted to sign Grier, he chose to leave for the same money the Sabres were offering.


4. How many times do you see teams selling out all the seats have major "promotions"? Would it be nice that they do more promotions, probably. Is there anything the Sabres will tangibly gain, probably not. And they still do have the "promotions". They do a 50/50 raffle. They have their parachute drop thing and they still have kids shooting on Sabretooth during an intermission of most games. They have the signed ornament sale at Christmas time (which btw I will never buy one again, as I bought 2 for my kids and one didn't have an autograph on it). How many in game promotions do the Loafs, Habs, Rangers, or Wings have? I haven't been to any of their games in years, but my guess is not many.


5. Yesterday's game was the only one that I was at this year that Doug or Ronan didn't do the anthems. Sabretooth still beats his drum around the rink. The best way to improve overall gameday experience is win some #%@%@ games.


1. Say what you want about "management layer"...you still need guys to make decisions...the GM has enough to worry about


2. Ok....I will give you that...but it was the Sabres who would not pay for veterans to make the team (Rochester)competitive...regardless...as an owner..you can't let that happen!


3. Hecht...Teppo...Spacek...I would hardly call them "proven"....and lets get serious...Drury, Briere, Mckee, Campbell, Dumont...all of those guys wore an "A" or a "C" and they are all gone....coincidence?????


4. First of all that 50/50 is a joke...and I am not saying this is huge....but it would be nice if the Sabres and other teams bucked up once and a while


5. And of course I mentioned that Doug Allen "rarely" does the anthem during the week

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Listen if there is ever a choice between spending the money to have a contender and free shirts or whatever at the game I would hope you would choose the team. I wouldnt care if I sat in silence at the arena if the Sabres were winning.

You do know that the free shirts and other stuff they give away usually doesn't cost the team that much, thats why the beer cozy thing I got at yesterdays game had a big AT&T logo on the back along with a card about signing up for the Sabres info through AT&T, and those Pom-Poms had McDonalds/Channel 2/New Era logo's, the T-shirts from the "White Out" had HSBC logo's on them. And its not like the money from those items are going to break the bank and keep them from signing a player in FA.


And as for keeping ticket prices low, thats fine, but it isn't going to make a difference if they don't put a decent team on the ice. Do you think they are going to sell as many season tickets this offseason, or that they would have sold as many this year if they didn't come off an ECF finish and had to pay before they lost Briere and Drury? Plus many family members can't afford to go to games now because to get the single game tickets, most had to buy season tickets because they had so many sold.


And sure, Sabretooth still bangs his drum (once last night) and fires a few t-shirts to the crowd, and McDonalds and Northtown had drops from the rafters, but the atmosphere the last 2 games I went to just felt "cheap", and shouldn't they be trying to get the crowd fired up even more when the team is struggling? The arena was DEAD yesterday for the majority of the game, and they were still in the game, and technically still in the playoff hunt.

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The only people that complain about golisano are those who simply do not understand how business should and must be done, or those who refuse to listen or accept it.


Golisano was under no obligation to Yes, SAVE the franchise. He did so because Western NY is his home and he's committed to it. What TG has done in his lifetime should be earning him respect, with STREETS named after him. Instead we get idiot (yes, idiot) fans who react to the little fraction of the story that they understand, wins and losses.


Golisano is under no obligation to ANYONE to run the sabres as a charity. He RIGHTFULLY chooses to run it as a business that must AT LEAST break even, and I respect him for that. You should too. As should everyone.


The responsibility is on FANS in Buffalo and elsewhere to keep the Sabres viable going forward into an NFL-like salary inflation environment. Ticket prices will HAVE to go up; no way around it. It will be the FANS who decide if the franchise survives or not. If they pay up, and continue to buy merchandise at the excellent pace they've shown, they might have a real shot.


Otherwise, Golisano shouldn't have to pay out of his pockets just because he's wealthy. That's the kind of thinking proffered by jealous minds; minds that contrive to think that something is OWED to them.


Grow up or wise up - maybe both.

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1. Say what you want about "management layer"...you still need guys to make decisions...the GM has enough to worry about


2. Ok....I will give you that...but it was the Sabres who would not pay for veterans to make the team (Rochester)competitive...regardless...as an owner..you can't let that happen!


3. Hecht...Teppo...Spacek...I would hardly call them "proven"....and lets get serious...Drury, Briere, Mckee, Campbell, Dumont...all of those guys wore an "A" or a "C" and they are all gone....coincidence?????


4. First of all that 50/50 is a joke...and I am not saying this is huge....but it would be nice if the Sabres and other teams bucked up once and a while


5. And of course I mentioned that Doug Allen "rarely" does the anthem during the week

1. You wrote that "(t)he Sabres fired most of their scouts years ago". It wasn't true the 1st time you wrote it. It still isn't true now.


2. Don't have time to post fully on the dynamics between Sabres and Amerks. It's a pity the last year or so of posts was lost as there was a lot of good info about the affiliation posted. Readers Digest version: Donner was/is undercapitalized and that was a major reason the Amerks didn't/don't bring in "AHL vets".


3. Believe it or not, Hecht, Teppo, and Spacek have all worn the "A" or "C" for the Sabres as well. 2 of them while the dueling captains were here as well. It's well known the Sabres wanted to keep Drury but screwed up in the fall of '06.


4. So now the issue is the Loafs and Rangers don't "buck up"? :huh:


5. Doug makes surprisingly little per game he sings at. Without knowing the details, I'd guess that if Doug isn't singing the anthems as often as in the past it's due to conflicts with his schedule rather than Tom looking for ways to save money besides hoarding sugar packets.

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The only people that complain about golisano are those who simply do not understand how business should and must be done, or those who refuse to listen or accept it.


Golisano was under no obligation to Yes, SAVE the franchise. He did so because Western NY is his home and he's committed to it. What TG has done in his lifetime should be earning him respect, with STREETS named after him. Instead we get idiot (yes, idiot) fans who react to the little fraction of the story that they understand, wins and losses.


Golisano is under no obligation to ANYONE to run the sabres as a charity. He RIGHTFULLY chooses to run it as a business that must AT LEAST break even, and I respect him for that. You should too. As should everyone.


The responsibility is on FANS in Buffalo and elsewhere to keep the Sabres viable going forward into an NFL-like salary inflation environment. Ticket prices will HAVE to go up; no way around it. It will be the FANS who decide if the franchise survives or not. If they pay up, and continue to buy merchandise at the excellent pace they've shown, they might have a real shot.


Otherwise, Golisano shouldn't have to pay out of his pockets just because he's wealthy. That's the kind of thinking proffered by jealous minds; minds that contrive to think that something is OWED to them.


Grow up or wise up - maybe both.

Sorry for hurting your feelings Mr. Golisano


But the Honeymoon is over. The fans are doing their part. They are buying your merchandise (and the majority of them don't even like it), they are filling the arena (How many sellouts did they have this year, they announced it last night but you probably missed it since apparently you weren't there), the plaza outside, and are doing their part. Your responsibility is to turn a profit, we understand that, and no one is asking you to take a loss, but you should also understand that sometimes it takes money to make money.

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Sorry for hurting your feelings Mr. Golisano


But the Honeymoon is over. The fans are doing their part. They are buying your merchandise (and the majority of them don't even like it), they are filling the arena (How many sellouts did they have this year, they announced it last night but you probably missed it since apparently you weren't there), the plaza outside, and are doing their part. Your responsibility is to turn a profit, we understand that, and no one is asking you to take a loss, but you should also understand that sometimes it takes money to make money.


This offseason will be a real test. They have two core guys that need to get paid. But who else are you referring to that the Sabres refused to pay? Briere is nowhere near worth the money he is getting paid and even if he took a hometown discount I still dont think he is worth it. You can come back with the 5/25 the season before thing, but no one could have predicted that the market would soar that much for him. The Sabres were willing to match NY offer for Drury and he chose to leave. They shelled out big bucks for Vanek when they didnt have to. Campbell was another Briere. Again could or should they have gotten a deal done over the summer, probably, but thats all speculation. The fact is that Campbell and Briere are good hockey players but are not worth what they both will and are getting paid. Another point on this was made by Paul Hamilton on GR this morning. He was saying that alot of the big market teams sign plyers to these huge long term deals fully expecting to buy them out before the end of their contract. Buffalo cannot do this so they are a little bit limited on the big name front. Bottom line is that the Sabres have and will continue to pay players what they deserve under Golisano. What will not happen is Buffalo overpaying for someone they dont feel is worth the investment. The Sabres already went through bankruptcy once for poor management.

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The only people that complain about golisano are those who simply do not understand how business should and must be done, or those who refuse to listen or accept it.


Golisano was under no obligation to Yes, SAVE the franchise. He did so because Western NY is his home and he's committed to it. What TG has done in his lifetime should be earning him respect, with STREETS named after him. Instead we get idiot (yes, idiot) fans who react to the little fraction of the story that they understand, wins and losses.


Golisano is under no obligation to ANYONE to run the sabres as a charity. He RIGHTFULLY chooses to run it as a business that must AT LEAST break even, and I respect him for that. You should too. As should everyone.


The responsibility is on FANS in Buffalo and elsewhere to keep the Sabres viable going forward into an NFL-like salary inflation environment. Ticket prices will HAVE to go up; no way around it. It will be the FANS who decide if the franchise survives or not. If they pay up, and continue to buy merchandise at the excellent pace they've shown, they might have a real shot.


Otherwise, Golisano shouldn't have to pay out of his pockets just because he's wealthy. That's the kind of thinking proffered by jealous minds; minds that contrive to think that something is OWED to them.


Grow up or wise up - maybe both.

No one held a gun to his head to buy it..With that comes praise and criticism..He was there and on TV every game for 3 good years..This yr after screwing up he turtled..Explain???????


Its the responsibility of the ownership to run a team that is succesful and wins if you want the fans to sellout your arena every game..


Its Golisanos choice to pay out of his pocket to have a winner just likes its the fans choice to pay out of their pocket to go see a hockeygame..I wont pay for a bad product i would expect a wise consumer like yourself wouldnt buy a rotten dozen eggs would ya?? You might but I doubt it..Put a good team and we will pay..He had his free pass this yr, I doubt they get fooled again..

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Nineteen posts in and no mention of Sugar Packets. I am thoroughly disappointed in my fellow SabreSpacers...


5. Doug makes surprisingly little per game he sings at. Without knowing the details, I'd guess that if Doug isn't singing the anthems as often as in the past it's due to conflicts with his schedule rather than Tom looking for ways to save money besides hoarding sugar packets.
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