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Everything posted by nucci

  1. yep, not calling penalties affect the game just as calling them does. I hate the phrase, "letting them play" . Just means you get away with stuff
  2. I'm sorry for being an idiot. I've never heard of practice. Interesting. Then definitely continue. Happy Thanksgiving
  3. There's also a pregame skate and warmup. That should do it
  4. morning skates are a tradition that should be no longer. What's the point?
  5. It's a bit different because they are trying to add talent more than getting rid of it. There are times we look really good. Having said that, I don't have the optimism of some saying be patient, the team is growing and leaning to win. It's just not there right now.
  6. I don't think praying works...kinda like when people cross their fingers.
  7. I think Kim suffered a stroke and Terry is taking care of her so not sure who is running things. I think the Bills are lucky they have Beane who seems to know what he is doing. Sabres don't have anyone like him.
  8. too many kids on the roster and expecting them all to be good NHL players. That's not realistic
  9. I was told to not be upset after a loss because the plan is to win in 2-3 years
  10. I'm different. I don't enjoy losing. I watch because I like hockey. I'm confused around here
  11. from your post..... Put Vinny in there every game, sign another 'bottom 6' veteran forward,
  12. why do you want a bottom 6 forward? Why not a top 6? regardless of all the points you make, they still lost 4-1.
  13. I get it but it's ok to get pissed off once in a while
  14. I've never seen a fan base rationalize and accept losing like here.
  15. The jersey looked good, obviously wrong call on pants. Looked like Team Finland. Having said that, it's fun having a team that can score goals again
  16. we used to have Ted Darling, RJ, Jim Lorentz. Sad how bad the broadcasting team is now
  17. Dunleavy has to be the only play by play announcer that can't say "score" after a goal. He's just the worst
  18. miss playoffs for 11 straights years...during those years some of the worst seasons in Sabres and NHL history...fans aren't going to start buying tickets at first positive steps
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