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Carmel Corn

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Everything posted by Carmel Corn

  1. There's a reason nobody is actually wearing the "C" on their shoulder....there is nobody on the roster who has the qualities to lead and hold his teammates accountable.
  2. I miss the power play from the previous coaching regime. That was one thing they got right! I don't think this coaching staff has a clue on special teams.
  3. At some point Okposo's contract will be problematic.
  4. I think you're correct. Vesey checked him into the boards around 4:48 left in the 1st. Not a cheap shot, didn't look that bad really. Bogo's back was to the camera, so don't know if his stick got into his own mid section or not.
  5. I would rather they bring back the cool Black/Red/Silver ones. They have not achieved squat since bringing back the Blue & Gold
  6. Kane was a little snake-bitten last season but IMHO is much more noticeable on the ice and difficult to play against than Okposo. I would rather see him stay than being sent away under-valued in a trade.
  7. They got their top 4 D-man, now onto getting Lucic (reunion with the GM).
  8. Agree....something I like in the highlights is that he uses a WRIST shot. I think too many NHL forwards depend on a slapper which end up being off target or deflected by the opposing defense....in other words missed SOG's and scoring opportunities.
  9. IMHO - from an offensive standpoint, John Van Boxmeer had the best shot from the point
  10. My guess is that if this were a republican president, with any of these "minor" scandals you would be calling for his head.
  11. Nice of Pomminpuff to wave his stick at the guy as he flew by....waste of a captain.
  12. He's accomplished more this game than anybody on the first line. At least they notice him when he's on the ice.
  13. Hard work, talent, compassion......maybe we need to have the guys from Cellino & Barnes suit up.
  14. Sabre Dance??? Please NOOOOOO! It's old, outdated, uninspiring and creates about as much excitement as watching the Bill's offense. Those wanting Sabre Dance are too attached to the name vs. how dull & boring the song actually is.
  15. Ugh....Sabredance....yawn! Just because it has a name recognition factor does not mean it excites people....fine during intermissions or commercial breaks, but not when you're trying to set a tone and get players and fans adrenaline going. Rock & Roll works best here.
  16. Something Rock & Roll played LOUD! AC/DC: You shook me all night long!
  17. Max is the other guy who usually shows up....unfortunately not a possibility tonight. One minute to go...thank goodness this period is about up.
  18. Geez guys....wake up! I'd love to see Sundin and Tucker get laid out!
  19. Any speculation on what happened with Max? Was it the play he slid into the boards? Not surprising that the refs haven't made any calls.....after all, it is the LEAFs. We may not see a powerplay all night. Maybe the netcam will be broken again too!
  20. Nevermind....saw some information at the Sabres' site. Apparently it's the groin. Looks like we called up Leighton from Rochester.
  21. There are many reasons to justify hammering Ruff! However, I to lost the feed to the postgame show and have yet to see any information (including here) that indicates what the real story is regarding an injury or not. Does anybody here really know if an injury was involved or was it a Coach's decision to make the change without any such consideration? Did the postgame show reveal anything?
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