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Night Train

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Everything posted by Night Train

  1. Bizarre. Who's chair was it ?? Seems like a lot is missing from this story and being disabled myself, I'm NOT defending him.
  2. I sent Victor O some Old English Wood cleaner to make his long term pine experience more comfortable.
  3. Is UPL one of the 2 Goalies going forward ? There's a question.
  4. 2023-24 is when I thought they actually had a shot at the playoffs. Prior to the late season rally last year, they seemed miles away from competing like an actual NHL team. Instantly fold if the opponent scored 2 goals. Now our expectations have increased. Maybe a bit too fast but I do wish to see how they address the Goalie position and a few other spots this coming off-season. They can't win at home. Try solving that speed bump first.
  5. Hope Victor O secures a good seat cushion for the foreseeable future.
  6. The best part of the 1st was Matthews getting stopped, then having Dahlin smash his face into the boards. I found that highly arousing.
  7. Mickey killed himself so let's not visit that parallel. I'm hoping he lives and plays.
  8. Cool for Zamboni Unless we find out you were grubhub delivery of tacos.
  9. Winner take all 3rd period. Keep it under 10 and you got a shot !
  10. Anthem still playing...but the game is an unmitigated disaster ! OK...breath deeply...
  11. My friends are taking me out for lunch in a short time. If my post lunch nap after goes beyond 5, I don't care.
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