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Night Train

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Everything posted by Night Train

  1. I still can't believe there are humans on this planet that do not like beer.
  2. Envious of many here. I'm in my mid 60's and Beside R&R, I loved the Punk, New Wave, Ska bands of the 70's - 80's. I was at all the shows in that time period. Problem is, they're all retired or dead. 😢
  3. Welcome . We will kill all your expectations and hope within the hour.
  4. I was throwing Milk Duds at him... until I realized I just paid $12 for the box. 😞
  5. So Granato's immediate plan of screaming " Save us ! " as he walks in the door a bad idea ??
  6. McKenzie cut. Harty takes his place.
  7. Many posters have Manic Depression by Hendrix playing all day in a loop.
  8. Will continue to watch the additions. Harty is interesting. Now they have 2 guys (Hines) with blazing speed. Up to Dorsey to get them the ball. Very happy to see Poyer return. That area still needs additions. OL from Dallas can play all 3 interior positions. I get that. Edmunds is no big loss to me. Too often, looks like Tarzan, plays like Jane. Lacked instincts. Out of position a lot. Can't believe Bears gave him that $.
  9. Team needs to hit the weight room and find an attitude.. Until then, opponents will just run them every 3rd period until they change. Standing still and watching the puck isn't how a team plays D. Yes, they could use a Goalie upgrade but it's not difficult to see their idea of being physical is swinging their purse at the opponent.
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