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Everything posted by Quint

  1. The roster is full of finesse players who can skate, shoot and pass, with many more coming up in the pipeline. But even the biggest and most talented guys are getting pushed around. They are essentially weak. Need to balance the roster out with gritty checkers and guys who can set an example on how to play defensive hockey. Need a policeman or two. Greenway is not it. I'd like to see three new physical defensemen, one #1 goalie with Levi as backup (goodbye UPL and Comrie), and emphasis on the boring things in hockey...defensive structure, responsibility, checking, blocking shots, faceoffs and the penalty kill. So far, these boys have been fed a steady diet of ice cream and cake (shooting and making plays) but they need a basis of meat and potatoes (defensive hockey). Trade some prospects and guys who have grown stale here. Balance the lineup.
  2. They're illiterate besides. That's what Grammarly is all about. Incompetence and not caring.
  3. ...that's "of their last 6 games," Lance, not "if they're last 6 games."
  4. We need professional hockey men to run this organization, not first-timers like Adams, Granato and all the rest of them. But Pegula won't permit people to talk back to him or make decisions for themselves, so we're stuck in Arte Moreno Land.
  5. Hopefully, we won't see Luukkonen back next year. I'm sick of this this s***
  6. After today, it'll be 1-5-2...and those two OTs were losses so in reality, the Sabres are 1-7 since Greenway joined.
  7. Reality check here. We know this team is the youngest team in the league and shows its inexperience and inconsistency on many nights. It's been an exciting team this year -- until playoff hockey started. On a yearly basis, this is the time of year when the best teams tighten up, batten down the hatches and don't play pond hockey anymore. A good comparison last year was the type of year Quinn was having with the Amerks, but when the playoffs started, he was just shut down. Lots of our guys can't tolerate playoff hockey. We're just too weak and inexperienced and don't have the goaltending, defense or coaching to compete with this different and non-forgiving brand of hockey. This collapse at the end, especially with the tougher back-loaded schedule, was all too predictable.
  8. As discussed in that artlce posted last week, Adams was probably handcuffed by the owners. But on the other hand, the owners hired another amateur to run the team.
  9. To me, the season ended when the Sabres lost handily to CBJ. That's a team we beat 9-4 earlier in the year. They've been stumbling and bumbling ever since with Toronto being the exception. As bad as the Sabres have been playing, Ottawa, Washington, Florida, Pittsburgh and NYI are in striking distance. Maybe they're not playing so well either. Buffalo needs to put together a final kick and will need an Andy Dalton-type play to get in.
  10. I think the Sabres are rushing him, which is more a reflection on the team's desperation to make the playoffs than anything. Sometimes you might get a Binnington or a Barrasso who are great when they're plugged into a good system, but the Sabres' defense is really terrible. They just hang their goalies out to dry. If Levi gets shelled, hopefully Granato won't inexplicably keep him in for ten goals like he did to Comrie. I just didn't understand why Granato didn't pull Comrie for his morale and for that of the team. Apparently, Granato is learning how to coach while the team is learning how to play.
  11. Maybe the coach pounding his fist on a table is not good criteria to acquire a player, especially giving up a 2nd and 5th. The concept of Greenway is solid. He looks the part of beast. But it seems he doesn't have inner drive to be the best version of himself. Maybe next year.
  12. I'll bet Anderson is ready to retire right about now.
  13. I'd like to see Greenway become much more consistently aggressive. With that size and strength, he needs to become an intimidating factor. He has the tools. He should go out and use them. I think all he needs is a motor.
  14. Lehner let many of those in on purpose. He wanted out. On the other hand, where's Ben Bishop when you need him?
  15. Greenway lost Tom Wilson on that tying goal. Losernen looked so bad against Oshie in the shootout. What has happened to Tage Thompson? He isn't scoring anymore. Is he playing hurt?
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