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Everything posted by sabremike

  1. And the fact that if the league and officials did their job and handed out severe punishment to players who injured guys on filthy plays there would be no need for frontier justice shows that they all have IQ's identical to their shoe sizes.
  2. I am reminded of a great Bobby Heenan line on how he would've fixed WCW: "I'd get everyone in charge of it in a room and roll in a hand grenade.".
  3. Botts was actively shopping ROR well before the 2018 trade deadline. He clearly wanted to get rid of him. Botts is far and away the absolute worst GM in the entire league, a complete and total failure. Our roster is terrible, our prospect pool is mediocre at best (and at forward it's actually really bad), the drafting has been poor (passing on the leading goal scorer in the OHL for a dime a dozen defensive prospect, packaging late round picks to move up in late rounds, the infamous 6th round trade with the Leafs that was among the stupidest things in sports history) and absolute stupidity in handling player development (Tage and Mitts). There is no excuse for him not being sacked the second yet another non playoff (and very possibly another bottom 5 season) ends.
  4. I have no idea how a PP where everybody just stands around like statues instead of moving and drawing the opposing players out of position can be so terrible? Truly one of life's great mysteries.
  5. The idea that Kaliyev was there for us on a silver platter and we passed on him to take our 10,000th defenseman...
  6. Wondering: are the games from the UK league streamed online and available in North America?
  7. Which is quite the testament to the amazing coaching he has been given by this organization. They literally kept a bad high school coach behind the bench for TWO FREAKING SEASONS and people can't understand why this organization is the laughingstock of the entire sport?
  8. You are burying the leede: This means that someone (presumably Larry) is going to miss games because of injury.
  9. And the worst part is that he isn't going anywhere for the next several years because he has conned our horrible ownership into believing he knows what he is doing when every shred of evidence says the exact opposite
  10. So essentially it looks like they worked Dreger and Vogl with the flu story to cover for what was really wrong. Always a great idea to outright lie to the media to make them cynical and not believe anything you tell them.
  11. Nobody is even close to Hasek. Any time this argument comes up this is what I say: Remember that game 7 between Dallas and St Louis last year where Bishop had a performance in defeat that people were saying was among the greatest in playoff history? Hasek in his prime had performances for us like that on a fairly routine basis.
  12. Figured I'd start a thread for traveling or displaced fans to organize and meet up with one another at road games. Anyone going to the game on LI a week from Saturday? I still remember the game last year where the first thing every single adult Sabres fan did after entering the building was make a beeline straight to the beer vender selling tallboys. I told my Isles ticket rep they should've sent Housley a check as a thanks for all the beer he was responsible for selling that night.
  13. Got this on eBay: With the exception of Ronnie and Dineen Captain Crunch is probably my favorite player ever.
  14. Everyone was right: Jack IS a coach killer!
  15. Ran into this guy at the Devils game last night:
  16. My best friend who has been going to games for decades was at the rags-Devils game on Saturday and said he has never seen an NHL team in person that looked worse than the Devils. This one is an absolute must win, and really the outcome shouldn't even be in doubt going into the 3rd.
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