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Everything posted by JustOneParade

  1. I’m wondering if anyone else who watched found the Caps broadcast extremely annoying. WWE-style arena announcer, replays during live action, bombastic ads, etc. Was it just me?
  2. Interested to see if they take Elam out of mothballs for this one and try to scheme/minimize Hill with help. He’s the only Bills DB with the speed and athleticism to hang with Tyreek Hill.
  3. Was Levi on the good end of the shutout? Anyone with info on how he looked?
  4. Just watched DG’s presser from last night. He addressed expectations in his typical excellent communication style. He said (paraphrasing): ‘Two years ago we weren’t ready to win. Last year we thought we COULD win every night. This year, we feel we are good enough and EXPECT to win every night’. Pretty well sums up where his expectations are.
  5. I may be wrong about this .... but it appears Casey was arrested this summer and someone photoshopped his camp card into the mug shot in place of the usual one with all those numbers on it.
  6. Not sure what you were expecting @PASabreFan. Since the Draft what has there been to talk about wrt the current roster? (If you exclude the daily updated Dahlin contract tread). It's largely set. The prospects have been the only ones on the ice. Camp starts today and the team has reported. As we work up to the season opener the prospect talk will morph into mostly an Amerks and 'Others' threads and focus will return to 'the present'. But you know all that.
  7. A definite possibility if the Sabres retain 50% salary ..... 😉
  8. The knee-jerk, sky is falling crowd is a bit disappointing, but I get it. Most fan bases have a similar faction. On the other side of the coin though is living in MA and seeing/hearing these smug Pats fans in meltdown mode post-Brady. Simply fantastic! One of the reasons I hope the Bruins fall hard. What do they do then? Can't wait 'til that happens.
  9. Its very appropriate I believe. Because if the Sabres intend to deploy a 'checking line' beyond this year, who in the current top tier of prospects can fit in that role? And if a checking line is in the plans, where are the openings that his top tier fits in? Hence, @bob_sauve28's comment above.
  10. Just for sh**s and giggles, what is the fastest forward line that can be assembled from these prospects?
  11. Been there. It's jarring the first time it happens.
  12. Excellent. Start building that chemistry now. Sabres 3rd pair in the not-to-distant future?
  13. I believe going from Daboll/Dorsey to Dorsey/Brady has had a very consequential, negative impact on Allen. He's regressed badly - looks like a rookie again. Its been written/said that with all the escalating QB contracts around the league JA's contract is a bargain. Sadly, I think he's started to play down to it.
  14. I think Comrie is second to the left of Mitts. And am I the only one who looks at Krebs and thinks ‘Mini-Tage’?
  15. Just saw last night that his upcoming concerts, including tonight's, have been postponed. Hope you can get to the rescheduled show whenever that is. On the bright side, he is known to put on some epic 'make up' performances. Just his way of saying sorry for the inconvenience.
  16. Sooo ... if Mitts replaces Quinn as most expect he will, what is the best line 2 construct .... JJP/Cozens/Mitts or JJP/Mitts/Cozens? Is it a valid outside the box option or too ridiculous to consider?
  17. This is why I believe, when he's ready, Benson will replace JJP on that 2nd line and JJP will be the 3rd line winger (along with Kulich) centered by Mitts or Krebs.
  18. Plan on spending 3 hours at the show. Seriously.
  19. Seven more home wins in other sweaters and the Sabers have a winning record at home. 😉
  20. Nice. One of my top 3 favorite Sabers players. I seem to remember that if the team was a bit flat it was Dudley that could get them going with his energy.
  21. My hope is that if Sabres go on a couple 8-10 game stretches of poor play that have typically turned into losing streaks in the past, that Levi can steal a game or two in the midst of those and mitigate the damage. Of course, the better solution is to not have those stretchers to begin with.
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