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Everything posted by miles

  1. im in this boat too. i might have the philly games, maybe on my tv, but otherwise im out of luck.
  2. miles

    Stanza plus?

    Hopefully that worked. im not near my pc. It looks like straight up spam, but i could be wrong
  3. miles

    Stanza plus?

    I dont think i subscribe. I didn't think it was related to this site. I was only asking here since it was nhl related and seeing if others were getting it too
  4. My sister works at a mental hospital. They are finally able to get vaccine, but she said the administration is asking who is refusing it and why. Im not sure if that falls into the HIPAA laws. My sister wants to wait on the vaccine but is afraid she will be fired if she doesn't get it since they are asking. She works from home and doesn't see people so it shouldn't be required for her
  5. miles

    Stanza plus?

    I Google and it looks like a calendar software. i hit report spam on my gmail.
  6. I keep getting nhl emails from stanza plus. I have no idea what it is. Is it related to the nhl.tv subscription? Any help is greatly appreciated
  7. I read that with his current salary, he is negative 93000 per month. That is more than most people make in 1 year. As i said before, hopefully he gets it squared away and turns his life around. that number though is shocking
  8. I read last night that Dallas has a delay in their season because of 17 positive tests. At least they are getting it early and will be good for the rest of the season, assuming at least temporarily being immune
  9. couple of days until hockey. i am siked. give me that hockey
  10. i dont wish this on anybody. hopefully this will help him out of his holes so he can turn it around
  11. miles

    Goal Song

    i am very partial to this song, at this point
  12. miles

    Goal Song

    Ja ja dingdong is the only choice, and should be the only votable option
  13. We had a client that was from England and it took me a couple of meetings with him where i needed to listen closely to what he was saying. After that i had no issues and after a bit i no longer heard the accent. Same with when i used to follow baseball. i watched the red sox and their announcer, jerry remy has a big boston accent. it took a few games for me to get used to it and eventually I didn't hear the accent anymore Not related to the post topic at all, just saying
  14. I just enjoy silly cat things. Didn't really have a good excuse otherwise
  15. Wouldn't french Canadian be Canadian that lives in a predominantly french speaking area? What do i know though
  16. I read that pharmacist purposely destroyed covid vaccines. he was arrested
  17. nhl.tv is going to be 99 dollars for the season. got the email today. This is the basic part of it. i dont remember how much it was last season, but im going to buy it.
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