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Everything posted by miles

  1. Not likely. it would be blacked out
  2. i got an email the other day regarding the nhl.tv
  3. Oof. Not worth the federal fines if you get caught. I dont know if you guys remember the lady that was stealing music got fine like 250,000 dollars I would rather pay my 90 dollars a year or whatever it costs
  4. it doesnt surprise me, i called this months ago that the politicians would put themselves before the people once again. if they even remotely acted like they were trying to what was right for the people, i wouldnt care as much, but they just want to line their pockets. its surprising how many super rich politicians there are, when they get paid a modest salary
  5. The first round was for people in nursing homes or assisted living and healthcare workers. These ***** are neither and jumped the line because they feel they are more important than everyone else. ***** them The feds arrested all those movie stars for paying to get their kids in college. This is worse
  6. just read that congress has decided they are in front of the line for the covid vaccine who saw this coming....everyone ***** joke our country
  7. I hate to put it like this but the government should have shut down all non essential businesses and passed a law that rent and taxes etc didnt need to be paid so they really could close without fear of permanent closure All bill collectors, like credit cards, mortgage etc, would be put on hold The only money people need would be for food, and supplies. Which could be given as unemployment. Essential workers get extra pay by government for working during this time. Significant extra. Then setup the stores where everyone gets the food and supplies they require for their household. Then they could be picked up at a specific time by being left on a table at a specific time with call in. No person interaction. Close all borders and any us citizen has to come by a specific date and quarantine for 2 weeks and after the date, nobody in or out. People would be required to stay at home for 6 weeks with only leaving for supplies or medical treatment Withing 6 weeks the virus should stop spreading because of lack of people to jump around. Then the borders stay completely closed until the vaccine. If people ignore the 6 week stay at home, then you give a huge fine that is to be paid after the quarantine or face jail time Basically we live like hermits for 6 weeks and then its over for good. Once the vaccine is released and everyone gets it, then reopen. if people choose not yo get it, then they can face the consequences for not getting it Its unamerican but we would be in a much better place This respread happened because people were out doing what they wanted, they reopened states without a vaccine to stop the spread and that happened so the economy was not destroyed. the government could have just put life on hold for a shorter time. It became a political pissing match and every American is suffering because of it. Every leader at every level failed
  8. one of my co-workers tested positive for covid. she also had it in march. when she had it in march, it lasted for 6 weeks. this time its much easier, but still not good thankfully my office is fully wfh, so no concern of spreading
  9. I had to go into petco tonight. I ordered catfood online from a different petstore and it made my cat sick after eating it It was the first store i went into in months. When i went to pay on the machine input my card in being careful not to touch anything and it came up with do you wsnt to donate for a homeless pet. It would not continue payment until i selected. i know im being overly careful but having to hit the no button that thousands of people hit, which im sure isnt clean seems stupid. I dont understand why the payment cant be just put in the card and let the cashier hit continue. Again, i know im being overly sensitive about this but with the amounts of positive cases in nj right now, any little thing that can be done to cut risk should be done. going to a store like this was the last place i wanted to be
  10. i dont want to sound super negative and backwards, but im glad the first round of vaccines arent going to the doctors and nurses. Imagine if it turns out really bad and there are horrible side effects and every doctor/nurse is out of commission. There are about 1 million doctors in the country, so there will be plenty of vaccine to hit them all, but im just glad im not the one making the decision i know that realistically wont happen because there was trials, but those trials were rushed (for good reason)
  11. I got mine back already too. It ended up being just over 24 hours. I was negative too. I had about 10 seconds of my heart racing while i entered my birthday and phone Just heard from my mom that my sister has to quarantine because her stepdaughter was working with someone who tested positive. They are getting tests tomorrow I saw this old chevy luv pickup on Ebay with a camper top and camping mattress bed in the back. I tried to convince my wife to let me get it so we can quit our jobs and just live in the back of the truck away from the rest of the world . She called me an idiot and that was the end of the discussion
  12. Had my covid test today. My wife was already negative and i never leave the house so i should be negative too. However im uneasy right now about it. It says 4 days for results
  13. a quick update. my wife's test came back negative. she wants me to get a test just to be sure too. i havent left the house in about 1 month, so i am not worried about having it. anyway, im going to sleep good tonight. i honestly didnt sleep much the last 2 nights
  14. My wifes company has another case. Tbey had an outbreak at the beginning of the pandemic and 2 people died. They made people wfh for 3 months and made everyone come back. Now today they said there is another case and everyone needs to get a test before monday and they are going to have the office closed for at least 1 week to see how the tests come back. I have already asked my wife to just quit and we will live poor until she finds something new. Her greedy boss is putting hundreds of lives at risk for no reason. they can successfully wfh but he insists everyone be in the office. I already told my wife if she comes back positive that i want to send him all medical bills There should be restrictions for this crap where the owners of companies should be responsible for this negligence
  15. I was hoping this was the goat head. screw this one. its garbage
  16. I used to work 12+ hours a day everyday and only get paid for my normal salary. something clicked in me one day that it does me no good. My boss even said so. All it does is show that they can keep giving me more. At this point I put i put in my 8 hours and the owner of the company is now paying ot. Even though we are salary. I dont work ot for free unless its caused by my mistake. I also found i am significantly less stressed that my old boss quit. She wss all about impressing people at our expense. Can you work this weekend, ok good. Im going to do this sweet thing. Wait your not helping? Just me working, no thanks
  17. i would be for getting the vaccine as quickly as i can. i would get it today if i could
  18. with the holidays coming my wife and i are at odds. she thinks the covid thing is fine and has no issues with going to see her whole family at once, where i will not. unfortunately she is making my choice because she is going to see her family, and then coming home. her brother has a kid, that goes out with friends and hangs out all the time, which i dont believe a 14 year old is being safe. her brother already started the ***** of we want to host thanksgiving this year, etc. normally we dont even see them on thanksgiving, now all of a sudden they want everyone to drive 2 hours to their house to see them during a pandemic my brother in law is flying from puerto rico, which introduces a bigger risk to everyone my wife didnt commit to going, but i know that i am not going. unfortunately, if she does go, she has the possibility of bringing it home to me. also, she has been doing shopping and other stuff, not just for necessities either. we already had big arguments about it, but at the end of the day, she will do what she wants. even her mother has sided with me about this because she isnt taking my opinion into consideration when going out and risking her health and mine. its odd because she is normally very thoughtful when it comes to others feelings. on this, she doesnt care. to her, its not a big deal.
  19. i wonder how samson feels since he kept getting 1 year bridge deals
  20. i read in an article today that is actually the only way to get it. 🙂
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