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Everything posted by sabresparaavida

  1. I don’t have a problem with competition at the goalie spot. An older prospect is getting beaten out by a younger one? Good, we will have a better system overall. Most of these goalies cook for 2-3 years in juniors/Europe/NCAA before signing anyway, so if we had 2 young goalies in the AHL right now, and drafted one this year, by the time he’s ready for the AHL we should have an idea if the others have a shot at the NHL or not.
  2. Thanks, couldn’t remember the exact number and was too lazy to look it up.
  3. From the limited things I’ve read on him, I’ve seen that he is really aggressive in the offensive zone, and often overplays in the neutral zone. Not saying he’s a bad prospect or anything, but doesn’t really come across as a stay at home D to me.
  4. I believe it is whoever has not played 240 (not sure if that number is right) professional games by the start of the season.
  5. I’d like the Sabres to look at Noah Warren with the second round pick. He’s a big, stay at home rd, someone I could see pairing well with power in 4-5 years.
  6. For those of you hankering for some size, Kirill Dolzhenkov is someone to look at for the 2nd/3rd. 6’6” 235 lbs. and had 28 points in 33 MHL games.
  7. If the Sabres had the rangers Sv%, they would have allowed ~213 goals this season, and they scored 229.
  8. There are only so many contract spots available, but any player drafted in that spot could eventually take one of those contract spots, so I’m not sure why this is an argument? I think a goalie a year is pretty valid personally, not every one will be good enough for a contract as goalies are pretty tough to predict, and things will balance themselves out. And if you have too many quality goalie prospects, you can always trade one or their rights.
  9. Vasilevsky, despite a rough game last night, still has a .923 save percentage, and a 2.53 gaa. That save percentage would have been good for 3rd in the regular season.
  10. I’d sign him for the Amerks with a shot at the NHL, but wouldn’t expect him to make it.
  11. He’s been a point per game player in juniors, just like those players have, and he has also played 50 games in a men’s league, 50 more games than those players.
  12. Really thought that any games the rags would win this series would be games that Shesterkin steals, was pretty surprised they got 6 on the lightning. Still expect the lightning to take the series though.
  13. I think the Sabres will not come close to the cap next season, and likely the year after as well. I think we will see a max of 2 UFAs signed above 3 million for next year. I think the Pegulas are willing to spend to the cap, but primarily through re-signing players that have done well for them.
  14. So, not the habs then, like in the original tweet?
  15. I bet they did, they took Bloom in the 3rd, as one of the chl players who didn’t play, and he’s been performing well. My guess is they did their homework and liked Rosen better. We’re quite a few years away from being able to tell if that was a mistake or not.
  16. I wouldn’t pay a cent for Gibson. He’s been below average since 2018 and has considerable term left.
  17. It wouldn’t surprise me for Tage’s goal total to drop some. If he kept the same shooting rate and went from a 15% shooter to 12%, he’d still pot 32ish goals. It also wouldn’t surprise me for his assist total to go up a bit, as he got better as the year went on.
  18. Of that list, only Thompson has proven to be a good top 6 center. I think Mitts will show that ability next season, and am hopeful Cozens will, but he may need another season. We have a lot of players that can play 3rd line center right now, but if Tage goes down, we would be in quite a bit of trouble (though that would be true for most teams’ 1C.)
  19. The Panthers, who won the presidents trophy, had a 3.2% power play in the playoffs this year.
  20. Yeah, I was more or less referring to Robertson/Dubois.
  21. We would need our 3rd for next year back to offer sheet someone, unless you want to give up 4 firsts.
  22. He is a Rfa and will likely cost something in the neighborhood of 7-8.5 million per season. In terms of cost… pretty tough to say. My guess would be something along the lines of mitts, Johnson, the Vegas pick and maybe Portillo. (Similar pieces amount to the Eichel trade but likely lower quality) I don’t think I would want to give up what it would take to get him, as it would probably take one of our young Centers++. Either that or 9OA+.
  23. I want enough depth Bjork sent down to Rochester, if someone claims him, no sweat off my back. I would be alright with re-signing Hinostroza, but would prefer a Copp, Burkakovsky type high end middle sixer.
  24. ^kinda funny, the article said the post- Jake Eichel era.
  25. Considering Forseberg will likely require a contract just like Skinners, it’s probably a lot closer than you think. Signing Forseberg will require term, and he has never had a season like last years. If he reverts to earlier form, he would still be a solid player, but would cost 8 million + at term and could impact signings of key players later on.
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