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Everything posted by deluca67

  1. One advantage Clinton is going to have as President is that she isn't following some Republican clusterf**k president Like Bill Clinton and Obama had to. She is following one of the most successful Presidents in US history. All she has to do is maintain the momentum Obama has built through his two terms and we will all be fine. A bonus would be if the Democrats can regain control of congress which would help in the keeping of the positive momentum and possible accelerate it. Who knows how far along we would be if we had a functional Republican free congress for the past 6 years. It's sad that the Republicans are so afraid of a Black man's success that they would harm the country as a whole to prevent it from happening. I would say that hopefully after 6 years of the Republicans embarrassing themselves that people would smarten up. But you have Trump as the candidate which quells that hope.
  2. There have been 132 mass shootings this year. If anyone is wondering, the number of children under the age of 11 shot/killed is up to 254 this year alone. The number of 12-17 year olds shot/killed is 1,263. I want someone to tell me with a straight face that if the founding fathers new what the 2nd amendment would turn into that they wouldn't have left it out. How anyone can look at the daily carnage caused by the proliferation of firearms in this country and not believe the 2nd amendment should be repealed immediately is beyond me. I feel bad. You spent all that time writing this long post thinking you were listing scathing information about Hillary Clinton. There's just nothing here.
  3. If you don't have faith in Murray's ability to scout the Flames and acquire a quality prospect, why would you expect him to hit on the #8 pick? I have faith in Murray that any player he would accept in this deal would be a quality NHL ready prospect just as I have faith he we could get a solid prospect at #8. I also love the idea of trading the #8 pick as a part of asset management.
  4. 4 to 1 asset acquisition. We're not talking a top five pick or a player likely to jump right into the lineup. The Sabres end up with a NHL ready prospect and 8 picks in rounds 2 & 3 to use in other moves or to draft themselves. The building is far from complete.
  5. At the end of Futures Past Mystic was Stryker, how did the real Stryker end up with him?
  6. Too soon for a move like trading for Nash. I know it's easy for fans to want to jump the gun. The young guys are far from ready. If the Sabres are going to trade for an established NHL player you want to stay around that 24,25 or 26 year old range. The Sabres are still 2-3 years away from being a serious contender. Bringing in a high priced 30 year old veteran at this time is a waste of assets. The Sabres need a player like Bennett. In a dream big world that would be the ideal trade.
  7. Saw Xmen: Apocalypse, I have to say I left a bit disappointed. Apocalypse is a favorite villain of mine and I thought they missed the mark. They should have gone CGI with the character much like Thanos in the Avengers/Guardians movies or Colossus in Deadpool. Apocalypse is a larger than life character and they made him come across too human. The Wolverine scenes made no sense to the movie or the time line established in the movies.
  8. Just throwing this out there while watching the Indians and Angels play. The Calgary Flames trade their three 2nd Round picks and a prospect to the Sabres for the #8 overall pick. The Flames than trade the #6 pick, #8 picks with Johnny Gaudreau to the Leafs for the #1 overall pick. It would be an ultra aggressive move by the Flames. They have a lot of talent. Moves like this may prevent them from falling into an Oilers like loop of mediocrity. Release the Bolton hounds if you will.
  9. Neither are correct. I pointed this out a while ago and everything Trump has said and done tells you he has no interest in being President. He never did and never will. His entire campaign was deigned to be nothing more than to get his "brand" out there. Right now Trump is trapped within a bad joke that he can't escape from. If Trump is truly guilty of anything, it was underestimating how far gone down the rabbit hole the Republican Party is. Years from now Trump will be seen as a hero, as the man who killed the Republican Party.
  10. Totals: 8,261 injured 4,081 killed that includes the 165. That's over 1,000 a month. That is a pandemic, is it not? I would bet he bombs Mexico first.
  11. I don't know why I torture myself by listening to WGR. This has been a great start to the playoffs for the NHL and all I am hearing is complaints about seeding and reseeding. There is no system that is going to make everyone happy.
  12. When did Morgan Freeman straighten his hair?
  13. They missed the playoffs this season by 6 games. I think everyone can go back over the season and find those six games where the Sabres left points on the ice. Playoffs in 2016-17, IMO, comes down to two things. 1) Healthy consistent goal-tending. 2) The continued maturity of the young leaders on this team. Ristoleinan, Eichel, Reinhart, O'Reilly and Kane. This team was a great deal closer than it may have seemed at times. Even without a major acquisition or top three draft pick, this team is going to be on that playoff bubble at the very least.
  14. For those keeping track, 85 mass shootings and 165 children under the age of 11 injured/killed YTD. Please continue with whatever you were discussing.
  15. Image how those who were declined membership because they weren't the right color of woman would feel about this comment? Voting for the party that has basically stopped governing is the better option?
  16. I've put off seeing Dawn of Justice because I heard from so many people who didn't like.
  17. The fact that in 2016, some people still think it's OK to discriminate and refuse service to any group of people makes me sad and I have to wonder what is wrong with people?
  18. The third period comebacks, the lack of quit on this roster. Watching the young guys grow with each game. As Dudacek said, the return of "Hope." Top 9 penalty kill. Top 11 power play. Solid road performances. The end of 50 loss and -100 goal differential seasons. The anticipation of I feel for season two of the Jack & Sam era.
  19. If I had to guess, I think Enid is part of a group that will appear down the road, if she is from the books. I'm hoping they stick with the books and go with Glen.
  20. I would like to see Moulson and Legwand moved out and McGinn brought back as well as Troy Brower signed. Add Cam Fowler and we may be talking playoffs next season.
  21. In sports only winning percentage matters, or at least should. The NHL point system is still a source of embarrassment.
  22. 82 points is not .500. 41 - 41 is .500 :rolleyes: Glad to see this team hold on and win. That 5-3 penalty kill, giving up only two shots, showed some character. The Rangers had all the momentum and the Sabres did not cave. The Sabres seemed to have very active sticks in the game. I don't remember them ever deflecting as many passes as they did tonight. Not sure if a stat is kept on that. Game 79 in a long season with not playoffs ahead of them and this team played hard and they wore their passion on their sleeves tonight. The is no running for the buses or the golf courses for this team. They look like they are ready to play another 30 games. Hopefully there just won't be room. Not saying this in a bad way against Legwand, just hoping with more young talent coming up and maybe a couple of off-season moves the talent bar will be raised enough where Legwand just wouldn't make the cut. I hated the job Johnson did on the first goal Hayes scored. I thought he was slow getting across the crease.
  23. I think he is a young kid with a ton of talent. I can't wait to see what next year brings for Kane.
  24. The Leafs are now 27-70-6 all-time in games played in Buffalo. Sports are just funny that way sometimes.
  25. It's hard to ignore back to back 27 goal seasons. At 26 six he is in the age range the Sabres should be looking at. As a RFA he is likely looking for a bigger contract than I would like to see the Sabres pay him. There were rumblings about some locker issues if I recall. I also seem to hear that the Sens are down on him. We heard the same thing about O'Reilly. I wouldn't just say No right off the bat. 27 goals a year deserves serious consideration. It would really depend on the off-season trade market. As said above, if that 1st round pick can get a top pair D-man to play with Risto, it might be better served to burn that asset at that time. If I am sitting there at the draft table with no deal for a D-man and the sens make a call, I would have to listen.
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