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Everything posted by deluca67

  1. If Putin was behind the leaked emails is it that far fetched that he is behind all the recent terrorist attacks? Something to think about.
  2. Back before we all found out it was complete BS. I would love if the Democrats referred to Donald Trump as John Miller for the entire convention :rolleyes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luf_4lwRUaY
  3. I wonder when Michelle Obama speaks tonight, if she will speak slowly so Melania can write it all down correctly. I saw this earlier 'Michelle Obama, the first woman to have a speech at the DNC and the RNC in the same year." Funny stuff.
  4. That would be a tremendous idea.
  5. Don't be surprised if it turns out that the email leak came from within the DNC. DWS is not a popular figure within the party from what I can tell. A preemptive strike in the hopes of leading to a more unified party. Sanders supporters will be appeased at some point. When it comes to hot button topics like gun control, abortion and immigration lets face it, neither party heads wants those issues resolved. They need issues like these to keep their bases energized and engaged. If the Republicans were smart they would pass extensive gun control and a reasonable immigration reform which would leave the Democrats nothing to rally behind. Same with the Dems. If they dropped gun control as an issue, allowed abortion to become illegal again and allowed for the 11 million illegal immigrants in this country to be deported, the Republicans would have nothing run on. It's 2016, as Led Zeppelin sang, The Songs Remain The Same.
  6. I may have to start on my tinfoil hat to keep the government out of head. I have pretty much figured that Hilary has been steered towards the Democratic nomination for years now and it all was not done by signs and bumper stickers. That there may be more unsavory tactics used to ensure Hilary in 2016. I have been also wondering if the Republican Party's reluctance to embrace and endorse Donald Trump isn't also a bunch of BS. That the RNC has been positioning Trump as the outsider as a way to gain back control of the White House. How much of what we are allowed to see and hear can we really take at face value. Isn't every election pretty much who can manipulate the most voters? Unless you are that top 1% of the population that your interests are not even considered?
  7. What is the big shock or big reveal here? That the heads of the DNC wanted Hilary as it's candidate? Haven't we all known this for some time now?
  8. We have a modern day monarchy system in place here in the United States. Where all the real power and influence lies with a very small percentage of people. We may not have kings, queens dukes or lords, they have been replaced by billionaires & millionaires. As said in Gladiator, the people are allowed their traditions, we are only symbolically part of the process. We are pawns in the battle of two "royal" families looking to maintain control of the country.
  9. Logic and facts have nothing to with Trumps campaign nor his appeal to his followers. As long as he continues to say what they want to hear it doesn't matter that he wont be able to deliver and none of what he says actually makes sense. We have to remember that a negative message is easier for the masses to believe than a positive one or the truth. Feeding into peoples fears is how unqualified people end up in power. Why do I think that is exactly how a Trump Presidential cabinet meeting would go?
  10. It is definitely more nuanced as you say. Retaliation is never the answer. Black Lives Matter is hurt deeply when individuals lash out in such a violent way. The gun fire drowns out a very important message and sadly there are those that will use the retaliation as some sort of justification for the initial shootings.
  11. I know, I was just having some fun with that.
  12. Why can't Republicans just denounce the murders of innocent black men and respect a peoples cry to have their lives valued? Why is it so difficult? Is racism that entrenched into who they are they can't allow themselves to do the right thing. By agreeing that "Black Lives Matter' it doesn't mean you hate or are against the police. Only in a twisted racist mind is that the case.
  13. Fixed that for you. President Obama is a highly intelligent man, easily the most intelligent President this century. And I am sure he has access to information we have no idea about. If the President says there is a problem, you can bet your arce there is a problem. He is way too smart to jump to conclusions, that's what the Trumps of the world do. There is no way we were safer with a moron like George W. Bush's having access to the button. The same W that let the Reagan ban on assault rifles expire. So if people are living in fear you only need to look to the Bush family's war on Islam and the Republicans and the gun culture making sure this country is saturated with violent weapons and blocking any attempt to not only stop the violence but block any real research on the matter.
  14. If only Chris Christie were VP.
  15. Of course it's Obama's fault. On a more positive note, I hear it was actually Melania who actually freed the slaves.
  16. I would only suggest that Hilary keep Tim out of any Buffalo bars. It's been a bad year for men named Kaine in Buffalo area bars. What other factor than keeping Donald Trump's finger away from the button would one need?
  17. Can we take a moment and reflect on one point that is being overlooked? The Republicans had their convention and Ted Cruz was the sane one!
  18. How many mass shootings in Germany this year? The US is up to 200 this year. The vast majority of those are immigration charges leading to deportation. That is vastly different than saying 37% of all prisoners are illegal immigrants. That's the type of misinformation Trump uses like saying that shootings/killings of police officers are up 50% when the fact is that it is up 8% from this time last year. By the way, more illegal immigrants have been deported under President Obama than any other President in history.
  19. I'm still waiting on Melania to claim that she is African American.
  20. "37% of the prison population are illegals?" Could you please back that up with a source? In 2015 it was reported to be about 5% according to CNN report on this issue about a year ago. Are you saying that the percentage went up 32%? Do you have a source. http://www.cnn.com/2015/07/08/politics/immigrants-crime/
  21. How foolish not to include "discouraged" and "forced part time labor" as unemployed. Why stop there? Why not include the "marginally annoyed" or the "just don't feel like going to work today" to bolster fake numbers. I use "gun culture" to include owners, lobbyist and the NRA.
  22. What do you think president Obama is doing in this photo? Going over the numbers of a 76th consecutive month of job growth? Looking at the sub 5.0 unemployment rate? He looks deep in thought. I doubt Donald Trump has ever been deep in thought.
  23. Every time I turned on the RNC this kept popping into my head.
  24. They both criticize, but do not have the same criticism. It's like you and I talking Buffalo Bills and I have an issue with the production of individual players and you believing the salary cap is too high. Trump is talking about a "lion's share" which the article points out just isn't true. The problem is that Trump supporters are not going to take the time to fact check. The article indicated that the US is about at about 22%, with Germany being next at 14% and I believe it was Great Britain at 10%. That is not a "Lion's share" by any definition. When it comes to Trump there is a huge void of facts and truthfulness that his supporters are clearly not concerned with. It's what they want to hear and could care less if it is true. That's extremely dangerous, especially when selecting a President.
  25. The guy didn't have a gun and the police should not be making life or death decisions on what ifs or assumptions. Is ti too much to ask for police to do some actual police work and obtain some facts and access the situation before pulling their guns out and shooting the first thing that moves? Their has to be a way to somehow restore the value of human life back into policing. Either on an individual level or an institutional level. The senseless shootings/killings need to end. I don't know if that is even possible until some officers who use excessive force actually get punished for it.
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