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Everything posted by deluca67

  1. Reading the article, I took it to mean that when President Obama referred to "European & Gulf countries", which he specifically said, need to be more involved in "coalitions", it was not a reference to any financial responsibilities. I took it to mean more about "boots on the ground" and military actions. It was by no means a direct thought on NATO or any individual countries not pulling their financial weight. If you want the US to be a world power, and we have positioned ourselves as the world's police, there is a cost. And honestly, if the US goes in and creates a cluster in the Middle East putting NATO allies at risk, it seems a bit odd to want to invoice or pass the check to those countries. He's a business man that has a history of running up a debt than bailing on it through bankruptcy. Maybe someone should sit down with him and explain bankruptcy isn't an option as President.
  2. And some people want to shout down groups like Black Lives Matter because they have the nerve to want police and the country to give equal value to their lives.
  3. The thing is, even if Trump wasn't bat crazy, he still has nothing of substance to bring to the presidency. We have consistent job growth, a national healthcare plan that is working, Wall Street is hitting all-time highs, gas is still about $2.30 a gallon. What is Trump's plan to improve on all these numbers? Building a wall and deporting 11 million people isn't going to get the job done. Starting wars in Syria and Iran isn't going to get it done. Racially dividing the country even further isn't going to get it done. Gary Busey as the next supreme court justice isn't going to get it done. You can;t solve this country's problems with beauty contests, Trump Steaks or bankruptcies. You need substance. People can dislike Hilary Clinton all they want, they can't deny she has the experience, skill set and substance that Trump is lacking. Frankly, the Republicans would have been better off with Mitt Romney.
  4. It goes to show that Trump supporters are more about the oddity of his campaign and not based on any real substance. Trump tells people what they want to hear while having no idea on how to deliver on what he is saying. Trump keeps saying he is going to "Make America Great Again." How? Is he going to put an end to the 76 month run on job growth? Is he going to strip the 20 million who now have healthcare under the Affordable Healthcare Act of their coverage? Is he going to follow previous Republican presidents and manufacture another meaningless war in the Middle East? Is he going to destroy the economy as Bush did leaving Wall Street and the Auto Industry on the verge of collapse? If a portion of this country keeps eating the BS that Trump is serving they better get use to the taste, when he collapses this economy it will be all they can afford to eat.
  5. Some one will need to explain to Trump what NATO is before he makes that decision.
  6. You are going to have pay taxes on it in NY State. Just make sure you have a valid PA title signed over correctly and a bill of sale.
  7. Don't forget the free Trump Steaks.
  8. Trump having zero substance is not news. If the Republicans wanted a true "outsider" with something to offer they should have reached out to either Vince McMahon or Howard Stern. Both are better businessmen than Trump. Vince became a billionaire by promoting wrestling, a fake sport, and Howard Stern is worth of $600 million by telling fart jokes and promoting lesbians on the radio. Much more respectful than Trump's scamming people out of money than declaring bankruptcy to avoid paying what he owes. I would vote for either over Trump, who brings nothing to the table.
  9. Trump is a scam artist skilled at separating people from their money. Unfortunately, Trumps go to move, bankruptcy, doesn't really work when in running a country. I get that people don't like or trust Hillary, but let's not pretend, not even for a second, that she is not vastly more qualified to President than Trump. In fact, Trump has zero qualifications to be President. To be President you need to have substance. Trump will need to bring more than the hate speech and hands full of poop he flung during the Republican debates. Did we learn nothing from the George W Bush presidency? You can't have a buffoon in the White House. It's too important. Put Trump in the White House and say good bye to the 72+ consecutive months of job growth. Say goodbye to sub 5.0 unemployment. Say goodbye to the record stock market success. You think things are bad now, put a couple of racists in the White House. Look at Nazi Germany to see what happens when a crazy person is in control of a country.
  10. The best line I have seen all day is " Holly crap Trump was right, immigrants are ripping off hard working Americans!" When Trump builds the wall, which side of the wall does Melania stand?
  11. Are those same people to blame for her claims of having a college degree even though she dropped out freshman year? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/melania-trump-college-claims_us_578dd95ce4b0c53d5cfac0dc
  12. It is easy to dehumanize a people when that people look different than you.
  13. Do you think that went into the decision? I just have serious doubts that the US had anything "humanitarian" intentions when they decided to drop the bombs. They had this weapon they wanted to use in battle, it would send a message to the Soviet Union at the expense of a people they had little compassion for. Debated, yet not used.
  14. You're right, that's my mistake, doing too much at one time. As N'eo pointed out there were other options available to the US other than atomic bombs. The US could have let the Russians take care of Japan. The US wanted to maintain what they saw is a strategic point in the pacific. There was no need to let all those people die. People have to realize we are talking about human lives. If we all woke up tomorrow morning and found out the US dropped a nuclear bomb in the middle east wiping out ISIS, would you really be happy? Say only 100,000 people were killed, is that acceptable?
  15. Why didn't the US use an atomic bomb then against the Germans? Why not fire bomb Japan? Again, the US lost 400,000 lives in WWII, why not drop the atomic bomb on Germany in the beginning?
  16. The cost was paid to prevent the Soviet Union from entering Japan and fighting the ground war. It was unnecessary, the tides of war had already changed at that point. I don't believe it did. All it did was cause the US and Soviet Union to spend trillions of dollars in an arms race. And here we are today afraid that every little country that wants a Nuke will end up with one. I absolutely believe if the Japanese people looked like Western Europeans those two atom bombs would have never been dropped.
  17. The United States would never even have considered dropping an atom bomb in white Europe. The bombs were dropped in Japan to prevent the Soviet Union from gaining a greater control of the post WWII world. The United states killed 220,000 Japanese with the bombings. Mostly men, women and children just trying to live their lives. We as a country, as we do, give those lives zero consideration. Their lives were meaningless collateral to this country's desire to maintain a military advantage.
  18. Take your head out of the sand. Wars against ethnic backgrounds other than white Europeans has always been an easy sell in this country. I did not write America's history. The slaughter of American Indians actually happened. Slavery actually happened. As pointed out, placing Japanese Americans in interment camps actually happened. The denial of Black American's their basic civil rights has and continues to happen from the end of slavery to today. The rounding up of innocents from the Middle East and placing them in jail without any credible evidence and due process actually happened. Policemen executing black-men during routine traffic and police investigations is happening today. Save the anger for yourself, I am doing nothing other than holding up a mirror.
  19. Was it not the Japanese that caused the US's involvement in WWII? Not the white skinned Germans. Korea? Vietnam? Now the Middle East? Seems to be a pattern IMO.
  20. I finally saw Dawn of Justice, I am lukewarm on it. I did not like their version of Lex Luther. The new Superman I am starting to like and even Ben Affleck as Batman was better than I thought he would be. Being a set-up movie, I am interesting to see where all the follow-up movies go and which characters the decide to use and how.
  21. We are what we fear most. A radical religion based society looking to spread Christianity, disguised as democracy, to parts of the world deemed inferior due to the color of their citizens skin. Which country has dropped more bombs on foreign soil over the past two + decades than the United States? Is there any wonder why we are a prime target for terrorism? We are the most violent country in the world. Not many other countries would see a school of small children killed gunned down and do absolutely nothing. As a country we are in no position to judge the motives of other countries.
  22. Refugees aren't the problem. You don't deny help and sanctuary out of fear that a couple may be terrorists. If you do than the terrorists have succeeded. On a separate note: I just got done watching Straight Out Of Compton. The news flashbacks to 1991 and the Rodney King beating, the farce prosecution of the racist police officers and the ensuing riots was a reminder that over 25 years we have not made much progress. Here we are and everything the NWA sang about in the early 90's rings as true today as it was 25 years ago.
  23. If that is true, it needs to pointed out that Jesus is history's most renown pacifist, and we have a portion of this country holding a bible in one hand and a gun in the other hand which is just outright blasphemy. I wish we could rescue Christianity from the conservative right and actually practicing Christian values of Peace, being our brothers keeper and respecting and honoring life. Seeing more polices officers dead sets the entire country back. This will only lead to more deaths, tensions will be heightened which will lead to more senseless violence.
  24. I would guess that more people watch internet porn than own guns in this country. This will probably just end up being another huge mistake by Republicans.
  25. As Chris Rock said to a white audience "not one of you would trade places with me, and I'm rich!" We live in a country that holds on to the false idea of a "right to bear arms" with great fervor yet gives little to regards to the ideas of "One nation under god" or "All men are created equal." You are aware of the inequality in this country. I was going to go on, but I was shown this video recently and this really strikes at the heart of problem. Hearing this kid gives real hope to the future. To have such an enlightened perspective on life in this country as it truly is at such a young age is impressive. :thumbsup:
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