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Everything posted by Ogre

  1. Very true. My brother’s little dog can’t wait for tricks n treats.
  2. I had a ton of habanero last year that I sliced and dehydrated. Made some crushed pepper for everyone and they are great to toss into a sauce, stew or soup. They reconstitute well. Today was the day to clear the gardens of squash and watermelon. I gave that big honker from up thread away to a family with a lot of kids. These are more my size. Those weird striped hybrids I showed you guys have mostly ripened. We have eaten a few, they’re delicious. We’re using them as festive displays now but will eventually store them with the rest. Have one in the oven now for a pie. I’m saving the seeds, they were isolated enough that I hope to get them next year. Totaled about 20 of them from two plants. BTW, the box is full of Adirondack Blue potatoes. There’s also a big box of popcorn as well. I’m set for winter if the food supply chain crumbles.
  3. The full reserve of Fitzmagic was spent on their loss today. I predict 4 interceptions vs the Jags. Allen looked like a stud. Digg’s hands are silky smooth. Give the offense a decent TE that can make a catch and hoooo boy!
  4. I was seething when I read the email. I live in the wide open. No homeowners association. I never signed a single document forfeiting my individual rights when the property became mine. If anyone thinks they’re going to bully me, maybe make me scamper away, I have only one response. Make me.
  5. And Darnold’s head probably felt like it weighed 40lbs by the end of that game. BTW, that was all replays and I never noticed that.
  6. The chairman for the local Republican Party complained to the code officer that there was an ordinance that stated private land owners were not allowed to place political signs on their property until September 24. The code officer then went door to door making the property owners with Democratic signs and told them they had to remove them. The Trump signs it seems were deemed to not be political Lawyers were quickly involved and Mr. code guy has to go back to every house he originally visited and tell them to put their signs back up. I hadn’t gotten mine up yet before the censorship but rushed to make it so after all this. We decided to celebrate and make it a festive homegrown affair. I’m working on a homemade sign now. Last I knew I was living in a free country and am free to say whatever I want on my own ***** property.
  7. This is a Sugar Baby. It should be the size of a volleyball. The rest are. Not this one. Judging its weight to an Olympic weight plate I’d say close to 40 lbs.
  8. With a continent brimming with stupidity, are we surprised to see the headlines? I gotta go. Sanity is calling.
  9. I’d like to say I feel bad for the fans but they brought the fubar to the Amerks and it was only a matter of time.... Wait until they bring the in game experience they’ve been feeding us Amerks fans.
  10. Mr. Jones and me tell each other fairytales...
  11. When you can’t trust the government, or what you read on the internet, or the hospital director, you put your trust in your fellow worker that shares your plight. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.kold.com/2020/07/17/nurses-approve-first-union-contract-arizona-amid-covid-/%3foutputType=amp
  12. I’ve been a stargazermoonbather for a loooing time. I know. It doesn’t seem like a threatening enough pastime for a person like me but that’s a different story. This is a nice arrangement that I’ve been waiting for. You should git yer arses out there and enjoy,
  13. Better the shoe than a tire. What’s that old saying? You get the value of the money you spent less the expectation deductible...or something something what you pay for? That’s why I do ALL my home projects. If I don’t know how to do it then I learn. Another old saying? Fool me once, c’ain’t get fooled again.
  14. Ogre


    Do you remember hearing this at any point? “Do not turn head but look with eyes to left. Is KGB bus.”
  15. Ogre


    Can I bring Little Bear? She’s stone cold.
  16. You have obviously never seen Little Bear in her teeny weeny white bikini.
  17. LBI Sunset ocean side. Sunset bay side. All set roof side.
  18. Doesn’t make any sense. Taylor was getting more from the young guys than any other coach from the last ten years. Dineen also did a good job developing youth. Oh well. It was fun winning.
  19. This guy? Sorry. The Revolutionary War was a huge pastime as a boy and how often do you get to give a guy like Mordecai a shout out? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mordecai_Gist Dude named his children Independent and States. That’s hardcore.
  20. Dude. What did I tell you? STFD! Slow and steady beats balls to the wall. Good luck with that tendon tear. How did it look in the mri? Frayed like an old rope at sea? It will if you keep beating it up. Look at it as an opportunity to hit some upper body stamina. Arm bike is fun.
  21. Well, let’s hope he has the juice. Waaaaaay the ***** out of his league.
  22. I agree with @LTS and admit that he was one of my favorite players. Both Sabres and Amerks. That dude never quit.
  23. For example, Adams signs Murray who was a kid that came in late and still grew. His numbers tapered off because suddenly Mitts is down and needs first line minutes, PP minutes, PK minutes...all the things that Murray was playing. Mitts started getting his legs a bit. That’s a developmental coach doing good things for both a fringe player and a draft pick. That’s Taylor working with the situation and still bringing guys along. What’s this new guy have? Let’s hope he isn’t Ron 2.0.
  24. I see. I should elaborate. I really think Taylor was a great developmental coach. Someone mentioned Ron and that’s where my thoughts were. He had a team of prospects(girgs, McCabe) but he couldn’t do squat in the league because he was out of his league. That’s why I’m lamenting the loss of Taylor and skeptical of new guy(new Ron)....
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