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Everything posted by Ogre

  1. Huh? Where did I say that!? I love watching the prospects. I get to see them multiple nights a week looong before you guys do?. Yes I do. Everyone in the rink seemed to respect the guy. What prospect do you think he failed and why? Why wasn’t Taylor the right guy for these kids?
  2. I just don’t want to go back to watching a bunch of losses because yada yada development. Taylor was developing what few true prospects we had just fine.
  3. What did Taylor have to do with that? I thought he was great with the young guys. They always seemed to be the last guys on ice at warm ups.
  4. Have we established wtf was wrong with Taylor in the first place? Taylor was winning. Winning is good.
  5. This is the exception. These military appreciation jerseys worked well with the pants. I should have bid in one of these.
  6. They’ve also worn pink. I thought that was one of the better looks. St. Patty’s, military appreciation.... The problem with the special jerseys is wearing them with the regular pants, gloves and hats.
  7. No way they were any worse than these game worn jerseys. People actually bid on these and I still have to look at them when they’re worn to a game.
  8. It’s really petty to try and revive the birther movement. Born in the US only counts to this Sower of Chaos if you are white. Kamala wasn’t my favorite pick for the presidency because Biden has been so reliable for labor but I think she is a great fit at VP. She’s smart and doesn’t seem to have time for BS. IMO that’s the most honest way to approach problems. I’m accused of animus for it but honesty really is the most effective way to bargain.
  9. I particularly like how the piping follows the contours of the cut in the back. It also appears to have a fuller cut throughout the shoulders. I also like the numbers on the shoulders. It helps me when watching live and I just think it’s a lot cleaner look. Looks like I will be spending some $ after all.
  10. Oh. Yep! I can’t stop stuffing them in my face. Big old ‘mater sammiches on kaiser with lots of mayo, salt and pepper. Sometimes the crushed habanero ends up in there. They’re so damned sweet!
  11. Not sure what you mean but I eat those purple tomatoes before the red ones. Delicious.
  12. So they kicked me out of PT last week. I was showing up all the old ladies.? I guess there’s nothing else they can do for me. I’m four weeks ahead of where the surgeon thought I’d be. Starting some heavier (still very light by my standards) weight training. The best part? I rode my motorcycle for the first time this year. ***** awesome. Oh and I’ll be able to go to work in a few weeks!
  13. I had a ton of watermelons last year. Sugar baby and yellow baby. Lots again this year but they had a later start. I prefer them smaller anyway.
  14. Mrs iT planted some purple tomatoes this year but forgot to tell me. The first one rotted on the vine because it looked half ripe. Oh yea she says. I forgot I planted those. Anyways, these are hands down the sweetest tomatoes I have ever eaten by leaps and bounds. I plan on doing a bunch for sauce next year. This is a fully ripe, soft tomato.
  15. Since I’m here. These bizarro pumpkins are actually pretty damn cute. I’m guessing it’s another pumpkin/delicata cross. @ubkev, even my potato plants are reading the signs.
  16. You’ll need to figure out how to make the sun stay in the sky longer. Are there yellowing leaves? Powdery mildew? I’m guessing your plants are just reacting to the change in daylight. These pumpkins should show you how it’s all going down. Those aren’t all of the pumpkins growing but that is the batch I planted early. Lots more little guys that came up in the compost trying to get a big as they can. Anyways those little zucchini’s are perfect for roasting on the grill!
  17. How about something good to decorate this dying day?
  18. I’ve known too many suicide victims. Who could ever say why? Who could predict? And if you could, who could stop it? These are all the questions that a family new to this thing are asking. These are all old questions that have no answers. Every single time this happens, every single person that you’ve known that has chosen this route, they come back to the front of your mind and torment you all over again. For the rest of your life. True story.
  19. The wife of one of my closest friends in this world took her own life a few days ago. She had three children. What a terrible mess. Truly unbelievable.
  20. I’m considering lining my strainers with cheese cloth to minimize clean up. We freeze a lot of it and it’s just easier to set up and do a bunch in one chunk. I do all the clean so I’m very interested in less work.
  21. How much do you lose in the cheese cloth?
  22. I’ve been working on a little summer squash press to get all that excess liquid out. So far two equally sized mesh strainers seems to be the most effective method. (Or just squeeze that sh!t out with your hands) Also, Mrs. iT makes zucchini cookies that are so clean that they get gobbled up with fruit and eggs for breakfast.
  23. Our local news isn’t sharing the depth of facts in this story but with their reputation, who is looking for facts from these social nerds? It’s a torn in my paw.
  24. These are a must do for me every year. Substitute habanero for jalapeño though. A burger ain’t a thrill without some Spicey Ogre’s Dill!
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