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Everything posted by SABRES 0311

  1. Is there anyway to create an auto format where the GDT creator would fill in the blanks from drop down lists then post?
  2. You’re welcome, thank you. The aquarium is huge. It’s something to see when you walk through the glass tunnel.
  3. I use to think he was so good it only “looked” like he wasn’t trying. Now I see he doesn’t put forth much effort but when he does he is almost untouchable. Shades of Ovechkin minus the insane number of goals.
  4. Blackout on NHL TV so couldn’t watch but saw highlights on nhl.com. Nice tic tax toe with RES line for the second tally. Not to knit pick but anyone think Eichel should have shot it? He moved pretty quick side to side, good vision too. Nice to see a motivated goalie.
  5. Any thoughts about switching Ristolainen and Dahlin? Ristolainen and McCabe have played together before and I would be interested to see how Dahlin matches up. Nothing permanent but more of a trial for a period or so.
  6. Sheary Eichel Reinhart Skinner Mitts KO Rod Berglund Tage Remi Girgs Pommer
  7. Remember when he contributed? I think it was a Tuesday. What happened to Girgs? Thought he had potential.
  8. Pilut should be in for bowluuuu. Know nothing of remi. Here’s to hoping.
  9. Hey guys nothing is gonna change the game or how the season will go. Turn to other games for entertainment.
  10. We should have pulled the goalie in the second period
  11. Haven’t heard Eichel lately. Is he benched or just invisible?
  12. Right? Instead we hear “I’d rather him play 20 minutes in Roch than 7 minutes in Buf.” In the meantime we are stuck with this garbage
  13. Rodriguez had two good chances this game
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