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Everything posted by matter2003

  1. Wow he settled for a lot less than what i thought...but he did struggle at times last year
  2. This is inexcuseable to be tied...they should be up 20
  3. Strange schedule for pre-season where the Sabres play 3 teams twice each....is this the same for all teams?
  4. What is the point of keeping a player up here to play 6 minutes a night? He is NEVER going to develop like that. If he is a top 6 forward then you send him down until you can give him top 6 minutes and he has earned those minutes.
  5. This lineup is holding their oen and at times looks like the better team...cant really complain with how they are playing for the most part...
  6. Its amazing to me that first round picks in hockey csn routinely be third line players and thats considered a good pick if its outside the top 10...baffling.
  7. They are bad because poor people live there who can't afford to keep their homes in good condition and when people don't have much they resort to robbing and stealing or selling and using drugs. The neighborhood ends up declining like a snowball rolling downhill...slow at first then faster and faster as it gains momentum. If they want to fix the neighborhoods they need to fix the income level of the people living there first. They are bad because poor people live there who can't afford to keep their homes in good condition and when people don't have much they resort to robbing and stealing or selling and using drugs. The neighborhood ends up declining like a snowball rolling downhill...slow at first then faster and faster as it gains momentum. If they want to fix the neighborhoods they need to fix the income level of the people living there first.
  8. They do realize that people have actually died from being blown off the bridge, right? Do they plan on increasing the height of the barriers to prevent that from happening with it having people actually up there doing stuff instead of just changing tires?
  9. Anyone who says a center group that includes Eichel is one of the worst in the leaugue isnt worth even discussing anything with.
  10. Whats done is done. Nothing we can do about it now and no point worrying about something in the past that prevents you from looking towards the future.
  11. We got a 1st round pick snd a 2nd round pick and a young player they thought could make a big jump in Thompson. Nobody expected STL to win the cup last year, most thought they would be closer to where they wwre at the new year... Hind sight is 20/20. Please don't even pretend you thought OReilly was the missing piece to Saint Louis winning a cup.
  12. Exactly WHO is trading a 2C? He is supposed to trade with Casper?
  13. Maybe because centers don't just grow on trees. This isn't EA Sports...you cant just offer a team 3 garbage players for a 2C and they take it...too many people think EA Sports AI is realistic when in all actuality as someone who designs AI, i can tell you its pathetic.
  14. Just like Chubbs Peterson sang to Happy Gilmore.... https://youtu.be/6oly3TMCdfQ
  15. A future star would have more than 17 goals and 35 points a year. Lets be real.
  16. Can't remember ever seeing a team have 4 goals on 13 shots...who is the goalie coach again?? Dominating but tied at 4...amazing
  17. Its hard to take much out of the preseason since most games are half NHL players and half guys that will not be on the team once the year starts. But we have looked far better than they have.
  18. Anyone else find it strange there is literally no coverage of any stats outside of NHL.com for these games?
  19. Oh please...are you claiming that you have never done anything that falls into a gray area? Those are the types of people you read about in the paper getting busted for embezzling millions of dollars from a company and nobody can believe it.
  20. Get a VPN if you are that concerned about Big Brother..nobody gives a crap about a person streaming...they have far bigger fish to fry and hardly a budget to do it with.
  21. I dont feel bad for these companies who in large part caused it to happen themselves by gouging consumers for many many decades with nonstop price increases. Their greed is what caused this to happen and now they can deal with the fallout from that. Software companies once tried to fight it...now most have given up. Microsoft secretly encourages it because the use of a product regardless of legality drives market share and increases future demand. Music companies once tried to fight it including suing users in court...now they have given up. The internet is too powerful and too all encompassing for these companies to fight it. It is up to them to change the way they do business to take advantage of the rules. Like Swiss watchmakers, adapt to the new norms and technologies or perish.
  22. No. If he was going to he would have played like Bennington or even Hart from Philly when they got their chance... He started out OK then faded rapidly
  23. Looks like you are right...it uses the IPTV Smarters App which appears like it only is available for Android...sorry for the misinfo...
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