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Everything posted by Trettioåtta

  1. Get a big-time UFA to sign with you because you offered them 50% higher than the rest of the market doesn't really say much. Also he got 50 points playing with players he has known a long time in an area he feels comfortable with. New team, new city and getting older means i think that this $7.5 million should be for a 40 point player and anything more is a bonus. I agree that we might be more talented but most UFAs have a drop in production and most over 35s have a drop off in production every year
  2. They're about to butcher the near perfection that is the inbetweeners
  3. He is under the cap, so it's fine. Just shows he has been giving people hefty signing bonuses (Myers accounts for like $5 of the 10 million on his own. In other news, http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=403610 Quick, quick sign your best players to long extensions before a limit on years comes in. But whine about these long contracts when other teams do them!!!!
  4. Your point about number 3 is a little false i think, yes we will be back, yes the people who comment on TSN will be back. However, the more fair weather fans may not, or at least not for a while. Teams in struggling markets can't afford to just tell their fans they won't be back for a year.
  5. As opposed to dry humping the clothed variety of penguin?
  6. Oops i posted the SImmonds thing again in the other thread. However, my favourite part of this signing is the TSN users who keep asking if that is Subban in a flyers jersey and if the Habs will get compensation for the signing
  7. Ennis should get like a 10/11 million contract over 3 years i think. Not 2 years as i believe we have Pommers, Vanek and Miller in FA that year and 1 year seems too short. I think this year is particularly slow because of the CBA - not only because of the worry about how it will change/affect the rules etc. but also because people's time is being spent talking about it/apparently doing nothing about it Also: http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=403182 Thoughts? I personally like it. I'd take him for that money - second line grit with intangibles who wil be 50ish pointer
  8. Can hockey afford another lock out? The league needs to ride the recent success of teams no cares about winning (Pens, Hawks and Kings). I hope a lockout is not being used as a weapon instead of a last resort, but i really don't like the fact that: A) it took the lead a month to produce an offer - that should have been ready the moment the season finished. B) The fact the PA spent another replying, they should have spoken about what they wanted from the league and then modified their desires depending on the league's requests.
  9. I really hope they don't put Pronger on LTIR for 5 years and then when his contract runs out let him retire - that would seem like such a cheat to the system.
  10. http://www.broadstreethockey.com/2012/7/31/3206457/danny-briere-trade-flyers-sabres http://www.diebytheblade.com/2012/7/31/3205982/buffalo-sabres-philadelphia-flyers-trade-danny-briere From Sabretooth
  11. TBH, not that it has ever affected me, but i always found the pledge to be rather weird - seemed too right wing
  12. Well said - i agree completely. Andrew Amerk, i'm not sure how what you said is ever seen as an acceptable thing to say. But i hope something that fundamentally doesn't matter to life in anyway happens and you over react and your red neck justice causes you to go to prison. Chara should have been suspended, but the assault charges were ridiculous, it was a hockey play, however, if Kaleta runs Thomas or hits a player in the face with his stick, that is hard to justify as a hockey play. Quite frankly the more i think about it, the mre confused i am about how they did not suspend Lucic. It is ridiculous. It was a late play anyway, but the fact they are trying to get rid of concussions means you think they would suspend anyone to sends a another player to the hospital with a concussion
  13. I agree. I prefer women's football for that reason
  14. Hrm, okay after some very quick internet searches, it seems most guys carry it on their hip in a holster. Maybe it is just me, but i find it quite disturbing that a portion of the population walk around armed. Especially if alcohol is involved. So obviously most crime happens at night, which in my mind means you are probably either coming home from work or going out for a meal etc. fairly trivial activities where you have your wits about you. However, would be carry a concealed weapon if they were drinking? A lot of crime involves one of the parties being drunk (i.e. stupid or vulnerable), which to me means things could escalate quickly. Somehow, i feel more okay about a woman carrying a gun in her hand bag jsut because there is that longer time to get to the weapon than i do about someone carrying it on them. Also on a side note, if i lived in a city/place where i fundamentally felt the only way i could be safe was to carry something designed to kill other human beings then i think i would move. Is America really this dangerous? That even just walking down the street in a standard city there is the risk of needing to use a firearm? I'm also slightly confused as to the situation in which it would be used. Obviously there is these recent events where you might have time to pull a gun out and shoot the guy, although if you are carrying i would expect the person to have regular practice on the shooting range, otherwise you are probably as dangerous randomly firing off shots as the guy trying to shoot people. However, presuming most people carry it not because they are worried they will be in a room that is stormed by a mad man, but for the far more common event of being mugged or beaten up etc. Surely, if you are being mugged and guns are freely available then the mugger probably has a knife or a gun, either way would you have time to grab the gun and fire before they ahd time to shoot/cut you? I guess i'm just not really sure what event people imagine that having that gun would actually be a benefit to them? Anyone care to explain? I am not trying to be rude or patronising, and whilst i do not see a need to carry a weapon and so think it is wrong, i am genuinely trying to hear the other side of the argument. The closest thing i have found it people comparing it to how we wear seat belts, but i hope i don;t have to point out that is a moronic analogy
  15. Well it seems a bit red-neck/gangster to just walk round with a gun stuck into the back of your jeans and it seems a bit professional to walk around with a holster under your suit/on your hip
  16. Is legal to carry a concealed weapon? Also, if you are a man, how do you concealed carry?
  17. Buffalo Daggers or Buffalo (Sabretooth) Cubs or Buffalo Calves....you get the idea :P
  18. Hope is fit. I was checking the US team out, there are some good looking girls on the team. I feel sorry for women athletes, i defiantly spend more time selecting the fit ones than appreciating the sport :P
  19. Lidstrom is the perfect example of your argument, he used his stick to get the puck, which meant he never put himself out of the play or in trouble physically; he also never really got hit because his method meant he didn't need to scrap in the corners. However, he was also a top 3 all time D-man, so perhaps it is unfair to expect players to play like him. However, give me a Lidstrom over Stevens any day. You don't need to be physical for guys to back up and fear you. Whilst we have got bigger/tougher these last few years, we have also got slower. Our skill guys aren't even as zippy as they used to be. I think that you put too much emphasis on the physical side of hockey, Deluca, never letting your opponents touch the puck is more effective than punishing them any time they touch it
  20. Haha impressive yes, i presume you cycle lots? However, it is the shape that most disturbs me - the muscle sticks out and then sort of disappears instantly, there is no nice curve as there is with the bicep. I think the main issue is the muscle stops half way down the leg. I purposefully don't work out my calves so they don't look like that :P It sort of looks like there is something stuck beneath the skin. Like you have got a hip flask stashed down there
  21. The calf has to be the ugliest muscle in existence. It looks like a late stage tumour stick out the back of people's legs
  22. I'd settle for looking like one of the female swimmers :P
  23. 1) Yeah, i doubt him and Price are that tight, but maybe it is a courtesy visit 2) True, he could have grown up a fan. But i always wonder how much that affects professional athletes. But always a possibility. 3) If they send Gomez to the minors that is a straight swap :P
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