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Ross Rhea

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Everything posted by Ross Rhea

  1. Looks good. I like the small dark crossed sabres within the blue on the top.
  2. Mo wore 42 before MLB retired it in 1997. Anybody already wearing it was allowed to keep wearing it. Mo was the last one, and no one will ever wear 42 in MLB again.
  3. ...and Jeremy White just said they are trying to trade Halak to the Wild. Giddyup!
  4. During the Leafs/Habs 1st int. tonight Don Cherry eluded to the bolded also. Said something to the effect of TM going over/around/under PLF to the owner about the trade, and that was why PLF left.
  5. On a flight from Detroit to Orlando in 1998 or 1999 my seat was among the Orlando Solar Bears hockey team of the IHL. I made small hockey talk with some of them but most of them were napping or had head phones on. When I found out who they were, i couldn't believe it, as they were just young looking teenage kids. They were all cool and that was a good flight.
  6. Yeah, I don't know how many players are in the league. I could figure it out it's not hard, I just kinda estimated though.
  7. Yes. 4 inches either way from 6' is 5'8" to 6'4". I don't know but I'm guessing about 98% of the NHL falls between those heights. There are exceptions, Gerbe, St Louis, Gionta, John Scott, Myers, Chara, Bishop etc. That's why I used 6', no rhyme or reason just thought it was middle of the road as far as height goes.
  8. because 6' seems to be middle of the road in the NHL world
  9. Could have been a location thing, it was on in Monroe county.
  10. I have DirecTV and it was on channel 14 CW, whatever that means. It was NOT however in HD, so the quality sucked but I got to watch it atleast.
  11. Plenty of good goalies over the past 20 years who were way under 6 feet tall. Only now has it become an issue because the reality of RM leaving is real. What's next to pick on the guy about? The height thing is really kind of non issue. If it was JE would not have ever made it to the NHL let alone play in 73 games so far.
  12. Oh yay, another immature video insult.
  13. but but but according to you JE haters JE doesn't have enough of a sample size yet, right! That's what you all have been saying. Hmmm, hypocritical much.
  14. OMG, you guys whining and jonseing for RM to play sound pathetic and desperate. It's comical, almost like someone took away your pacifier. Wow!
  15. Why? because YOU say they are not. Gimme a break!
  16. Interesting to say the least. I also think RM had a way better supporting cast, team around him in his beginnings, where JE not so much.
  17. ....cause that defense is stellar in front of him...
  18. Were you now, good for you! See the problem with all the RM fan boys is not being able to cope with the fact he is about to be gone. The coping process has now gone to unrealistic, unproven fabricated made up Enroth bashing about his size. Once that is beaten to death, what will be the next Enroth bashing topic? Even strength goals against? PP goals against? more bad rebound control? Will you use the "crap defense infront of him" excuse like you use for RM? or no it's all Enroths fault? Which will it be? The guy needs to be given the opportunity to actually see if he do the job. Until the nobody knows if he will succeed or fail.
  19. My thinking is if LR and the Stars wanted him that bad, there would have been a done deal by now. If RM really is all that, and LR thinks likewise, RM would have been a Star along time ago. The Stars would have given Buffalo what they wanted. You mean like Washington, NY Islanders, or Minnesota?
  20. Here is something no one has brought up yet. If RM is sooo good why haven't the Dallas Stars come calling yet? You would think Lindy, who knows RM extremely well, would be all over that if he thought RM was the answer. Dallas is only 5 points out of 6th place, surely RM would put them into the playoffs and carry them to the cup, right! Why hasn't RM to the Dallas Stars happened yet?
  21. yes the defense is bad, but at some point the goalie needs to be also held accountable just like the rest of the team. you just can't simply blame every single goal scored on the defense no matter how bad they are. it is a joint venture.
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