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Ross Rhea

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Everything posted by Ross Rhea

  1. So in the end if CM ends up averaging 90 points per year and JE "only" averages 75, what are we really talking about? Not much difference if you ask me.
  2. Yes a lot of them are stolen from legal owners, yet a lot of them, especially assault rifles are brought into this country in an underground black market way and bought and sold in the same way, kind like the underground drug world, or underground sex slave world, etc,. It's that whole seedy underworld that everyone knows exists yet not much is done about it. So again if our leaders were to take everyone's "legal" firearms, only 3 groups would continue to have them, police, military, and criminals. Sorry but I don't trust any of those 3 groups. I like to be able to defend myself instead of cowering and hoping the police show up in a reasonable amount of time. When the world totally goes to crap and the police and military are stretched too thin to help in a timely manner and you have a problem with a criminal what are you going to do? If i'm going down, i'm going down fighting not cowering like you lefties, people like you are easy pickings for the criminals, criminals like your type.
  3. Please give some numbers on how many of those were committed with an Illegal firearm opposed to a legal fire arm. Last time I checked criminals don't care about firearm regulations or laws.
  4. It already is and then some, but I can see the only thing you would like is for the total eradication of every fire arm from law abiding, gun owning US citizens. If that were to ever happen then we would have police, military and criminals with guns. Sounds like a great plan to me. SMH!
  5. Yup, which will be a slam dunk victory for the Donald!
  6. Great, a criminal for president, she will be lucky not to be in prison by 2017. Not happening, 8 years of a PC minority screwing the USA up is 1 million times working against her. Wait until voting day, Trump wins in a landslide, book it Dano!
  7. The more Trump wins the more you reach. You liberals that talk of Trump being a hater need to look in the mirror. Comical, really! Nice Comment I found about Trumps competition that counters you. "The big question for Trump is whether he can rise above 35 percent" Using this idiotic logic, one could ask it the other candidates can rise above 22% or 11%. Rubio, about to be the RNC boy, does not have an original thought in his head. He is fed every single word to say, proven. Cruz is incredibly deceitful and cannot be trusted. Actually hired Cambridge Analytica and is using psychological data based on research spanning tens of millions of Facebook users, harvested largely without their permission, to boost his surging White House run and gain an edge. Disgustingly financially supported by hedge fund magnate Robert Mercer. TRUMP in 2016 if you know what is good for you
  8. And you are an all knowing political savant, aren't you! Please! Must be nice knowing everything about everything and then telling everyone you know everything about everything! SMH!
  9. You are absolutely correct that i'm not up for the challenge. It is impossible to talk sense with people like you, so why bother. This will play itself out regardless of our opinions and or bickering. When the chips fall next year and Donnie boy is our new president, I will be happy, you will cry and apologies will be accepted. Thank you have a good day.
  10. and in typical liberal fashion, you get mad, run away and cry when someone sees the world through different eyes than yourself. Boo hoo!
  11. Whatever, and Hillary is just a flat out POS with mental issues also, while Sanders is a socialist. 8 years of Obama has doomed the Dems clown show greatly. People have had enough of everything the libs stand for. Trump in 2016, bank it!
  12. Funny watching all you anti Trump people squirm and reach for anything that has the slightest most remote possibility of overtaking Trump. Trump in 2016 deal with it!
  13. Hot roast beef sandwich, Gatorade and Munchos
  14. Yep he does and so does Carey, Kolzig, Theodore, and older guys like Hextall, Vanbiesbrouck. I don't think any of those guys were considered elite either, yet they managed to win the Vezina also.
  15. The goaltending was only elite while Hasek was here. Nobody else, it's foolish to think otherwise.
  16. Yes, and with his blond hair he reminds me of Ivan Drago!
  17. Nope if they ended their careers her with Miller like numbers, I would be disappointed because Millers career numbers are average. I and you being fans should want better than that.
  18. look at the numbers dude! they are similar regardless of being a rookie or veteran.
  19. Contrary to what you may believe about Miller, based on numbers, Miller, Ullmark and Johnson are all pretty even. The myth that Miller was some sort of great, we were spoiled to have him, goalie is apparently still alive and well.
  20. I just wouldn't want Kane to injure his repaired shoulder. Lots of torquing and shoulder use during fights.
  21. And that is the rub. You think he wasn't a problem and were totally fine with average play, apparently, whereas me and some others didn't buy into the Ryan Miller is elite propaganda machine that many fans spewed and thought he was a big part of the problem and wanted a better goalie and better goalie play.
  22. When and where? Name a huge spot where Miller showed up and stole the show!
  23. Yeah, right! I was going to say the same thing. I remember when it was said to be careful what you wish for if Miller was traded. Well, I for one wished for Miller to be gone, as I couldn't stand him. Guys like Hackett, Lieuwen, Enroth, Neuvirth, and Lindback were nothing more than average, just like Miller was, and the sabres goaltending didn't miss a beat without him. The biggest hockey myth ever was that Ryan Miller was an elite goalie. The fact of it is that Ryan Miller was/is the most overrated goalie of all time. And he chokes on the biggest stage, good riddance.
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