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Sabres Fan in NS

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Everything posted by Sabres Fan in NS

  1. Like everything else in this life ... the size is not critical ... how you use it is. That's what she said anyway.
  2. I missed the whole Ranger GDT and everything. Put the loss on me if yous want. MUST WIN!! GO SABRES!!
  3. I feel that I woke up in another parallel universe when this guy is untrolling the Bills. That worked out just plain old *****, eh!!
  4. Oh, yeah ... The Clash was and is the only band that ever mattered.
  5. I am only The Ghost of Doohickie, not the actual Doohickie. He and his bikes are gonzo. Now, if you lend me a kayak we will be in business. So long as it's a safety dance ...
  6. You are no more a jinx than anyone else around here.
  7. It's bloody Thursday again? Another week almost shot to hell. That's a complaint, I suppose.
  8. If that's the case, why does he start this thread and not the GDT?
  9. I always thought that the Flames from Calgary was a dumb name to keep when they moved from Atlanta the first time Atlanta lost their team. Did Calgary burn down and nobody told me? They should have come up with an even dumber name ... like Stampeders, or Saddles, or some other dumb Calgary themed name. Anyway, MUST WIN!! GO SABRES!!
  10. CANADA!! On the frozen tundra in Edmonton are about to avenge Montezuma for his revenge.
  11. I think the opposite. I think they will sign Semien and not Ray. Unless he wins the Cy Young then they will break the bank for both.
  12. Thanks, Promo, for getting us started. You are the best Promo The Robot we have. MUST WIN!! GO SABRES!!
  13. I am feeling nostalgic this morning. I remember dancing all night when this came out. I was 18. Mercy!!
  14. Huge win for Canada last night on the frozen tundra in Edmonton. Canada solidifies itself in spot 3 in this final group competition. One point behind Mexico and US. 2 points up on Panama. Another huge match on Tuesday against Mexico. I am in a tricky situation since I want to boycott this WC, but it looks like Canada may just qualify.
  15. @Thorny is referring to the ESPN nonsense, since he is habitating in The Great White North and we don't have such a thing up here. I believe for all that are interested that this is the early game on HNIC. We can't watch many games up here.
  16. Me thinks this was the best all round game the Sabres have played all year. Yes, I do mean since November of 2020.
  17. I don't like him as a player for the Sabres and really in general. That said, as a human being I hope that he lives a long and healthy life after this. I really don't care if he ever plays hockey again.
  18. No. Didn't you hear some dude from NS and his buds have closed the border.
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