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Everything posted by LTS

  1. I really should work a beer trade with some people on this board.
  2. Oh sure, in theory. But that's only if you could get value with the pick. In my scenario there was no value for the pick and thus no reason to want it in the first place. Sure there's the chance the player chosen with that pick would show value.. in less than a year? Perhaps not.. but perhaps.
  3. Actually it is more complicated. Draft picks are only valuable if they ca be used to draft an asset for be traded for an asset. Having more does not always mean you are in a better position since the draft picks don't carry over from year to year. So, the Sabres already have draft picks in 2013. Having more doesn't necessarily put them in a better position because there's only so much value to be obtained in that draft. If the general consensus is that you have too many 2nd round picks then its wise to move that pick to another point in time. So, let's say I have 2 dollars already. You want to give me a third dollar but it has to be used this year. Every product costs $1. There are only two items that are worth $1 and no one is interested in the rest of the items. So you have to spend it on something. Basically you waste that dollar. There are reasons why having more picks in 2013 is not necessarily better. I understand why people think they need more picks now but a 2013 pick can't be flipped at next years trade deadline, but a 2015 pick can. NOw, after all of that... Good luck Mr. Regehr. You are a class act and deserve another shot. Unfortunately you are on a team with Mike Richards now and that makes me have to root against you.
  4. There was as report on the daily TSN.ca that Pittsburgh is looking for a 4th line center. They listed some names but if the Pens had scouts at this weekend's sabres games I could imagine them having interest in Hecht who can fill that role and serve in other capacities as well. if the Sabres can flip Hecht for ANYTHING it would be a good deal.
  5. He was cross-checked in the hip region in the last game. Could be that it's causing a problem? Now onto the game.. These refs are playing themselves out of a job. That was the most horseshit call I've ever seen.. embellishment on getting hit from behind. What a joke. If I was RR I would take a stick and whack the ref in the face when he skated by.. okay, no I wouldn't.. but i would want to. Total BS. For them to then go ahead and call Seguin only made it even more obvious they have no idea what a hockey game looks like. Hecht with Ott and Pominville says.. look, he can play and be useful, what can you give us for him?
  6. Ask your Euro friend how he explains Brew Dog. :)
  7. Not sure of SCF. I should have explained "buried" better. My memory was telling me that Calgary was never very successful while he was there. Although I now recall them being in the Finals in 2004. Still, the guy has proven himself a class act in the NHL and players like that deserve any shot they can get.
  8. Even after a few beers... this is the most I've ever commented on a GDT.. or any thread for that matter. :) I guess my thing with Leino is that losing him isn't as big a concern for me as dealing with the other issues that the Sabres have. That said, I'm not crying if he's gone (which is why I kept speculating he was traded!). Buffalo has always had a soft spot for hack guitarists.. that could be the problem too. ######.. no one has said what RR had to say in his presser... since DirecTV cut the broadcast off quickly I'm kind of in the dark and I really, really want to know what he said about Leino.
  9. I'm not in on Rolston. I don't think they guy is a fit either. Sure the team sucks but right now I think everyone in from the "hockey operations" side is leaving this team in the off season. I think trades at the deadline are going to be handled by committee. The entire chemistry is wrong and Rolston isn't fixing it. Rolston was a DR hire in Rochester. It was a simple evaluation of DR's ability to judge coaching talent. The Sabres brought him up to see if it was Ruff. Clearly it's not just Ruff and now Rolston will pay as well. It's life. I think RR has gotten more out of this team but right now most players on that team are trying to make plans for traveling next week. They are not fully focused on hockey. Every player knows there are moves coming and that in the position the Sabres are in it won't be the kind of moves that make the team stronger right now. The Sabres probably need to flip 50% of this roster right now.
  10. I was just giving you a hard time on that. :) The strength of Leino is the patience his shows with the puck. He doesn't just turn it over and run away. He plays strong on the puck as well. He's got really good stick handling and control. One could argue that paired with some scorers there might be benefits. But this Sabres team is so absolutely awful that there's barely a chance for anyone to shine through. Also apologize for calling you clueless, that was unwarranted. I'll blame the bomber of Hop Stoopid. Now that I'm onto a bomber of Too Kind I feel different about things. :P
  11. Fine with that as well.. Regehr deserves a shot. I think Regehr will move for 2 months to a team that has potential to win. People can play up the family aspects all they want but for a guy who was buried in Calgary and then ended up in a bad situation in Buffalo 2 months for possible success would be worth the hardship.
  12. Aye. Because the Sabres are so good overall right? I'm not saying Leino is spectacular but he's certainly better than 50% of the Sabres roster. Well, last season he was clearly misused and didn't mesh with Ruff. This year he was injured, so.... it's pretty hard to judge him. I think he's in line for a buyout depending on what happens between now and next season. If they can't get enough talent in then they can wait and buy him out next year if he doesn't show up. I've no problem if they buy him out. I just wouldn't say he's one of the worst signings ever.
  13. ######... on DirecTV I'm losing the feed now so no postgame? FUGGLES!!!!!! Actually there are no fuggles in the beer I am drinking... but anyway.
  14. What the hell did you do use Word to respond to that? You are clearly clueless. Regardless of your opinion on his "signing quality" he's still far better than 50% of the Sabres roster. So what does that say to you? If the WORST SIGNING IN NHL HISTORY is better than 50% of the team that signed him? Just curious. Frankly I just think he's a perfectly good player put on a bad team. By the way.... Rick DiPietro is the worst signing in the NHL.. ever. I know you said "one of the worst".
  15. This just in.. Buffalo Sabres sued by Dyson for infringing on their patent of never losing suckage. I need another three beers...
  16. A corpse wouldn't have laid on the ice as well as Miller did on that last attempt. Bring on RR and his comments on Leino... they should just let the players coach themselves the rest of the season. It's clear the morons behind the bench have no clue.
  17. Well.. then DR believes he has a deal.. perhaps he's trading with Feaster? :) All I can think of right now is this:
  18. So Leo has a goal and an assist in the last two.. he's playing for a trade. Nicely done.. I still think Leino is on the move... if RR just benched him for the game then RR should be fired.. unless Leino said something to RR in the locker room. Something like.. "This team is a bunch of !$!$#! and you are the !#!$%!@ leader." I can't wait for the post-game presser.
  19. At this point.. if RR is still just benching Leino I think he's an idiot. I don't care what Leino said to the referee he's worth more on the ice. Since I don't think RR is that big of an idiot I'm sticking with... Leino has been traded. I know no one here would believe it.. either that or he's injured.. but I don't see that.
  20. Pominville is going to LA.. unless they want Stafford or Leino. Perhaps his between the legs pass was enough to convince them? I realize it's Feaster on Sunday but can we stop talking about the Feaster Bunny already? He laid an egg, I'm not sure why anyone is surprised.
  21. This Leino thing is interesting... he was on the bench but not on the ice in that period. Either his hip is bothering him or perhaps he's part of some trade discussion and they've pulled him from the ice? I love rumor mongering.
  22. Has Leino touched the ice since his penalty? Sekera goal.
  23. Pittsburgh is going all in to be sure but they are going to have to move people either in the offseason or next year to keep that team intact. $32.4m committed to Malkin, Crosby, Neal, Martin, and Fleury next year. They've got 10 players who are either RFA/UFA next season. Kunitz, Malkin, Orpik, Letang, Niskanen Sutter, all in the last year of their contracts next year. Someone is going to have to budge. It's a good move on their part. I see them moving Malkin, Orpik, or Letang next year to get back a draft pick or two / prospects they gave up this year. Still, I'll be real curious to see how Pittsburgh does over the next 2-3 years. It could be mortgaging the future for now. Something I guess we Sabre fans wouldn't mind at this point. Win once, lose for another 6-8 years? I'm still convinced that Pominville ends up in LA, especially now that they missed on Iginla. I think the Sabres target Bernier. Does MIller move? Hard to say.. either now or later.
  24. You can find information all over the net about aging beer. There are lots of great examples and styles. On my 40th a few weeks ago we had a 2006 Braggot, a 2008 Stock Ale, and a few other nicely aged beers. You can age a Double IPA if you want. They begin to take on a barleywine like flavor as the floral aspects of the hops gives way to the bitterness. Barleywines are some of the most notably aged beers, many of them being aged (if bottled properly) an easy 10 years. Imperial Stouts as mentioned above are also commonly aged. They'll lose carbonation over time and take on interesting characteristics. When beers have been aged on oak, or brewed with chocolate that will also tend to mature over time as well. As long as you keep the beer out of light, at a constant temperature (preferably 55 degrees to 48 degrees) you should be okay. At one of the recent Belgium Comes to Cooperstown events Ommegang did a vertical tasting of Three Philosophers. I believe they had samples from 2002-2011 so you could taste each and see how they developed over time. Stone brewed the 1.1.1 - 12.12.12 series specifically for the purpose of aging those beers until the 12.12.12. date. So if you think about the 1.1.1 brewed in 2001 was intended to be consumed 11 years later. JW Lees Harvest Ales routinely are aged for long years. I had a 1999 version last year. It was fantastic. it takes on a very liquor like characteristic at a lower alcohol rate of course. The problem with aging is that any substandard conditions or even a bottling defect could mean you end up with vinegar or a number of interesting side effects from aging. It happens.
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