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Everything posted by LTS

  1. He's about the only saving grace in that movie... and even he hates that he was in it. I think you both share something in common. It says a lot in the end-credits scene in DeadPool 2 where he shoots himself in the head while reading the script and says "You're welcome Canada". Ryan Reynolds is definitely savvy with his money. His shtick may wear thin (like Will Farrel's) but he gets marketing.
  2. Bottom line it for me: Who gets to decide if a crime was committed?
  3. I'm not trying to pick a fight. You made the comment "Must be a whole lot of autistic people out there". It's easy to find out as I shared. You made no additional comment however so it does leave things up for interpretation. I asked for clarity. I think it's great. These are the kinds of things you do as a team to get feedback from your regular fans and hopefully from those who attend because they are trying to include more people who otherwise would not be able to enjoy the game. Given the sound system at BCA having no music would be fantastic. I actually avoid games because of it.
  4. Sprints were interesting.. Michigan Mile? Now my kids always hated that one.
  5. You never know. For a long time, and it may still be, there was no Spectrum TV app on Amazon. However, when I had Spectrum I did have a Samsung TV and that had an app for Spectrum. A very poor app, but an app all the same.
  6. I hit awesome, not for your son's struggles but that he might be able to enjoy a game. I would hope it would go without saying, but in this day and age I felt I should clarify.
  7. The itch is understandable but no matter what you do, this is not the year the Sabres are going to have a shot. So unless a move helps the team next year and the year beyond I don't see anything happening. I think/hope they are involved in the trade deadline, but not by giving up the picks and prospects. Unless they can give up a #1 two years out. I'd be up for that. I am still patient on the ever improving team. I don't care about how long it's been since the playoffs, I'd rather see a team that gets in and stays in for a long time than flash in the pan.
  8. https://lmgtfy.app/?q=Autism+in+the+United+States First result from www.autismspeaks.org So yes... there are a lot of people out there who are diagnosed on the spectrum. A simple search would tell you just how common it is. Pray tell, do you find what the Amerks are doing to be a positive or negative thing? Given the way you've worded your post I could assume, but I'd love for you to clarify it.
  9. Has the person been arrested? That's all I am looking at for right and wrong here. If the person who throws the punch is not charged, then it was not considered a crime and therefore not in violation of the law or the rules. It's not really for us to say what is and is not allowed. There is clear video evidence here. Either that person will be charged or they will not.
  10. Looking out for your children when they need it or they cannot protect themselves is not helicoptering, that's just parenting.
  11. I have about 4 sites I visit with any routine. This is one of them. The only sport I truly care about is hockey and the Sabres are far away my favorite team and the only one I actually care about. All other hockey teams are interesting to me simply because they are part of hockey and in the world of the Sabres. This place, at its best, is full of information and insight, debate and conversation. This place, at its worst, is the Internet. I've met a few people on here and it makes it even more of a community because of it.
  12. And the helicopter parent is giving way to the lawnmower parent.
  13. A few bigger name players have already begun advocating for 10 min OT. So... never say never.
  14. I remember all of it. Can be upgraded and "will be upgraded" is the problem. Even the food options are a joke however and that's something that doesn't take renovation. That said, all the entertainment areas and there were plenty of people in the seats at Bridgestone.. and the crowd was into it. I think the crowd can't help but be into it given the scoreboard, the PA announcer, and the culture the fans have created there (with the college like chants). I need to get to some more venues (sadly I don't travel to many NHL cities).
  15. Was in Nashville all this past week.. took in the Devils/Preds game Thursday night. There isn't any capacity of the Predators in-game/on-ice experience that isn't superior to the Sabres. (Not talking about the quality of the hockey team itself or its play). The pre-game, on-ice projections (including a projection of shot locations between periods), the PA announcer, crowd involvement, the concessions, the scoreboard.. I mean everything is superior. The KBC is an absolute dump by comparison. Buffalo should have put the football stadium downtown and driven evolution into the area. Small upgrades are not enough for the hockey venue... I would love to see the Sabres get the benefit of the Predators arena and production quality. I get the draw of Broadway in Nashville, but Buffalo could achieve similar results (without the exceptional music) if it wanted to. It screwed up on this and that's another 20-30 years of impact because of it. Sad. PS. My edit.. if it appears: The Sabres are right to have individual goal songs however. Although it was pretty cool when Duchene scored the 4th goal which apparently gets everyone a free frosty. That said, 6x times of "I Like It, I Love It" does not make me want some more of it. However, if I were to hear Gimme Gimme Gimme 6x in a night I'd probably be okay with it.
  16. I guess it shows how desperate some people must be to be a head coach in the NHL. Rick Tocchet must have some faith in Vancouver to not get screwed over like his predecessor. No way I'd want to be part of that. I'd keep my cushy TNT job until the next opening happened. Not that Tocchet is all that as a coach.
  17. Or it involves multiple players and the team receiving Hinistroza wants him in the AHL for now. Since he pass waivers he's technically not in the NHL so the team that acquires him does not have to bring him up yet. (I believe I have that right). In any event, it sounds like the Sabres are going to "do something." 🙂
  18. Based on the text I got from my kid... he does.
  19. If the All-Star game were about the best talent or the best anything they wouldn't include a player from every team. Because they do.. it's already meaningless. Brock Nelson? Kevin Hayes? Clayton Keller? Troy Terry? Seth Jones? In the Atlantic there's no way Dahlin should not have been in over either Larkin or Suzuki.
  20. I did not watch the game last night but it's good to hear they were clearing the crease in at least one period. Before I'll buy into the theories you've posited I will need to see them do it against a team that didn't play the night before. I would expect a team on back to backs to lack a certain energy level by the end of the game. But, in order to clear the crease against even tired opponents you have to adopt that strategy and so it's good to hear they were doing it. Hopefully it continues. Hopefully whatever motivation they used last night is something they can channel repeatedly. They need to find that way.
  21. I can't even imagine delivering that kind of news. That's the ultimate even if people accept everything dies they don't go around welcoming it. To have to deliver that information... I feel for you sir.
  22. If he chooses to not report they can pursue that action.
  23. I did not take it that way at all. I blathered on about my viewpoint but ultimately I wanted to make it known (probably doing a very bad job) that you should not question being around here as you had indicated in your post. Don't let the grumblings of the group get you down.
  24. Today was reduction in force day at work. I had to let someone go and it sucks.. no two ways about it. Having to let someone go not directly because of their performance but primarily because of the performance of others, the current market conditions, etc. Then having to look at my team and say.. it's going to be this person because I have to be that passionless analytical person to make a decision. You spend all this time building rapport with your employees. You know them. And then the day comes and you have to be a cold hearted jerk again because you aren't allowed to say anything other than the passionless legalese that HR has prepared. All so we don't get sued. I know I had to make the decision but having to deliver it like the person never mattered to the company is BS. It's not just my company so I can't fault them, but it's the system and it sucks. I understand how we got here.. it doesn't make it any less crappy. I've been on the receiving end of it a few times and I know my way of handling things is very different than others and I knew it was going to be an awful experience for them because there was no way of relaying any emotion to them. I'm rambling.. so I will stop.
  25. https://www.quanthockey.com/nhl/nationality/american-nhl-goalies-career-stats.html (Most wins USA born goalie) https://www.quanthockey.com/nhl/records/nhl-goalies-all-time-wins-leaders.html (14th in wins of all goalies) Interesting take. Please explain how he was overrated.
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