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Everything posted by Weave

  1. Gat dammit. Different mods should have clued me in.
  2. Without looking, this is my recollection as well. It was against Quebec, no?
  3. If the Sabres played and noone was in the game day thread, did they still suck?
  4. I’ve called for that since we drafted the kid. Everyone wants balanced lines, but when you have 2-3 decent wingers tops, it doesn’t make sense IMO. Top load and fill out the rest with bulldogs.
  5. Hydrate, my friend. You head will thank you in the morning.
  6. If most of the roster changes are internal promotions, my bet is this team is a lottery team again next year.
  7. 6 on 5 for the rest of the game. Or until the guy who serves bench minors gets suited up. Not sure that would result in better hockey.
  8. I think we’re going to need a 50% roster turnover to do what the Avs did. And that 50% needs to be upgrades across the board, not just changes in JAG.
  9. That was my point. The players haven’t listened to the last two coaches. Why would they listen to an alternate captain?
  10. Have you seen the crowds at the games? You haven’t. They aren’t coming to the games. And I agree. Movies are a better value right now. Thanks for being a part of the crowd that that up for me.
  11. 50 here, so no millennial. And you're damned right I expect a certain level of entertainment for my ticket. A night out for a hockey game is a good $100-150 when you consider tickets, parking, food, and drink. A movie might cost me $15-20 if I go to Imax. And it def affects the league, not just the home fans. Noone else wants to pay to see Buffalo on their ice either. And if my team were neck and neck on the last day of the season and the other team was playing Buffalo in a tank year I'm pretty damned pissed. ANd LOL at entitled. WTF felt entitled to a "generational talent" enough to sink two seasons and alienate an entire fanbase and put an entire league through multiple seasons of pitiful performance? There's your entitlement right there. everyone else, I want my star and you all can suffer for it.
  12. I think it screams trying to shame his teammates into the appropriate level of game play. But, yeah, I think he's had his fill of losing and wants to move on. I don't blame him. the city has been encouraging it for at least 5 years now.
  13. After last night I am convinced he will start next season in Rochester. Skills were evident, but it was patently obvious that he had no idea where he should be on the ice quite frequently.
  14. He said the team has a bunch of guys that rotate through, basically on call. It happened to be his turn. I also didn't realize that he was the emergency goalie for both teams. Had Winnie lost both their goalies he would have worn a Jets uni.
  15. I felt like he was being taken advantage of at times. But he'll learn from those things.
  16. Youtube stream gave up the ghost. I'm sure Casey will score now.
  17. He's a 2nd line RW right now. Damned shame. He has 1st line talent when his head is in it.
  18. You can't resist, can you? :P
  19. Refresh my memory. What years did you guys tank? Oh... that's right.
  20. They were epically bad for 4 of those seasons, but you aren't tanking if you are icing a roster including Lemieux, Kovalev, Lang, and Kasperitis, or icing Lemieux, Kovalev, Straka, Daigle, or icing Malone, Tarnstrom, Morozov....... OK they bottomed out here, but were also going through bankruptcy, not angling for drafting first overall. Remember, Crosby was drafted after a lockout in a lottery where Buffalo had as many balls as Pittsburgh did. It is a losing battle. We fundamentally disagree that 1. tanking and rebuilding from nothing is a strategy with more risk than benefit and 2. losing on purpose is always disrespectful to the fans (league-wide). The proper response to the tailspin post-Drury/Briere was to immediately embark on a GM search to identify the guy that is capable of turning the spin.
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