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Everything posted by kishoph

  1. Grigorenko look good yesterday, it looked like he's gaining confidence. Hodgson was awesome and had the best goal of the season. There is no one on the defense that can pass the puck worth a ######, we lose so many possessions by them just throwing the puck up the ice to nobody.
  2. It's amazing how the Canes can clutch and grab every Sabre and Regehr gets called for a hook after barely laying his stick on the guy.
  3. It would be nice to see some scoring from the Sabres tonight, you'd think it would have to come soon. Some might think that losing Kaleta, will have no impact, I think he's a bigger part of this team than others, especially on the PK. It's another test to see if the Sabres can get over any hurdles they face. Vanek being in the lineup would be a huge plus. Will we see Enroth tonight or play him against NJ ? Miller may need a break and it should come soon.
  4. I'm all for Enroth getting starts, but Rolston is trying to turn things around and build the team some confidence with wins, why stop the momentum now. Not saying that Enroth can't pull out a win, I think he can, but Miller's been hot and unless he's tired, play him.
  5. I could see it working, putting Foligno with Pommers and Hodgson would give them some grit in the corners, as long as Foligno played his game and doesn't try to be Thomas Vanek, as for Vanek with Ennis and Stafford, Vanek and Stafford know each other pretty well I believe and when Vanek and Ennis are on the ice together, they usually get good scoring chances. The team needs something to jump start the scoring and this wouldn't be bad to try (IMO). If it doesn't work, then you switch them back, or try another combination.
  6. Hecht in his sweet spot, behind the net. Nice feed by Grigorenko.
  7. That's good, put Kaleta out there every time Kovalchuk is out there and get him off his game.
  8. I agree, I find it hard to complain after a win, sure it wasn't pretty, but sure the hell beat a loss.
  9. Does that mean they won't be able to trade him this year ? Never mind, I see from the above post's that they can't.
  10. I was thinking the same thing earlier, when you're a bad team, the refs don't look at plays like the one Pardy made without thinking that he must of hooked him, because that's what they've come to expect. I think a big problem with the offense in the 2nd period was with the defensive men not carrying the puck out, instead they kept trying to make long passes that were missing. Still a lead after the 2nd period is nice and rare this season, maybe only the 2nd time ?
  11. See the Pardy call. A 3 goal 1st period is nice, too bad a bad call got the Panthers on the board. Gerbe has a deceptive shot that he snaps off quick. Maybe we need more small players on the team. :w00t:
  12. I find it hard to read about any trade scenarios while Darcy Regier is still the GM.
  13. I'm hoping this is the game where we see some goal production from the Sabres. I think against TB, the plan was to shut them down, with the Panthers, who are allowing the most GA's and having the largest goal differential, maybe this will be a cure for the offense. They have to keep out of the box.
  14. The big difference was in the past once they "blinked" they kept their eyes closed for the remainder of the game, yesterday they didn't let that early goal get them down and the same with the string of penalties in the 2nd period. It was the 1st game in a while were I felt optimistic going into the 3rd period and I think the team may have too.
  15. Miller had a good game and made some big saves, but this was not a win that he stole, the team did a good job limiting TB chances, with a lot of the shots coming from the outside, with no one in front of Miller. They gave up 9 SOG's in 6 PP's, against one of the leagues better PP's. Miller has stood on his head in a few games this season and the team has let him down, neither was the case last night.
  16. SOG's tied at 5, I guess that a good thing holding the Lightning to 5 shots, now if we can get more than 5, that would be much better.
  17. Rolston said it might take 5 games to start getting things turned around, hopefully we see some signs of this happening tonight. In no way do I expect to see some huge difference in this team so soon, but I'd settle for any signs of progress right about now. Scoring 4 goals or more would be nice to see against a goalie that is struggling. Tampa is not much better than Buffalo in goals allowed per game, but they lead the league in goals for overall.
  18. kishoph

    Waive Hecht

    When he's playing 8-10 minutes on the 4th line and PK (as he has under Rolston), I have no problem with him on the team, when he's getting 15+ minutes on the 3rd line (as he was under Ruff), it bothers me. Every team has it's "role players", as long as they're are in the right role, they can be a good fit.
  19. The past 2 games they have been putting more shots on net (both games above their average) and yesterday they had some good scoring chances, but Nabokov made some nice saves. I think the last 2 games have been more of a case of getting some bad breaks, than just terrible play. The bad habits they have, are not going to disappear overnight.
  20. kishoph

    playoff line

    If I had to bet on the Sabres making the playoffs this year or me getting hit by lightning, I might go with the lightning strike.
  21. I hate hearing the phrase "the winningest coach in Sabres history" thrown around about Ruff, he could of averaged 10 wins a year and still would be the "winningest coach in Sabres history." Look at the winning percentages and you'll see that there were better coaches than Lindy Ruff that have coached the Sabres.
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