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Everything posted by kishoph

  1. I think he's been benched, they haven't announced anything about an injury. I know that Rolston was pissed the last time the Sabres took a penalty for yapping at the ref, so he probably sat him. Hopefully he'll be back for the 3rd, he's been more of an asset than a liability and there's not a lot of players on this team that you can say that about.
  2. 5 more games for Kaleta, that poor guy can't throw a check without the refs arm going up.
  3. I think one of the Sabres biggest problems is coming out of their zone, I lose count of how many times the defensive men just throw it up the ice to no one. The Amerks do look good at times, but yesterday's game was not their best played, they were outshot 38 to 14 (a page out of the Sabres book).
  4. It would be hard to convince me that losing games is going to make the team make moves, especially when it comes to getting rid of Darcy, I don't think they're going to try and further embarrass themselves and fire him months after giving him a new contract. I wish they would, but I'm not so sure it will happen.
  5. We also hit the pipe a couple of times and Foligno just missed ramming that one in. If it is any consolation, the Lightning only had two shots, unfortunately one of them went in. I can't blame Myers at all for that goal, he looked like he may have been one of the few that was in position.
  6. If you'll look at the post above yours, you'll see I didn't make it up, when Robviously first posted that Schopp wanted to trade him, I said he may of said that, but I didn't listen long enough, but now it seems that he has it in an article (which I didn't or won't bother reading) he has up. So maybe before you accuse people of "making something up," check all the facts.
  7. Wow, I'm sorry your Highness, at least I had the "integrity" to admit I may have been wrong, instead of coming up with some excuse or ignoring it. Maybe you should put me on ignore if I'm ruining the "integrity" of your message board.
  8. I don't think Myers has been playing that bad, at least not nearly as bad as he did in the first 15 games, in the 15 games under Rolston, Myers has only been a minus player 3 times, each time a -1, he's also been on the plus side 5 times in the last 15, compared to once in the first 15 games. Of course that doesn't tell all, but he's not coming off the ice with a -2 or -3's. Also I think getting him away from Leopold could only help his game more.
  9. Honestly, Schoop may have talked about trading him, I only was able to listen for a couple of minutes once I heard Bulldog say he wanted to keep him, I couldn't take any more of it. It seems to me that every talking head on that station flip flops every few days. Unfortunately I can't get 1280 in my house for some reason, so I haven't much choice for sports talk radio.
  10. Schopp and the Lapdog were adamant yesterday about the Sabres needing to keep Stafford, yet they push on getting rid of players such as Ennis, Foligno, Miller and even Hodgson. The dumb and dumber of sports radio.
  11. "He was more than just a coach, he was really a teacher." In Rolston's first 15 games as the Sabres coach, he is 7-5-3. It's been bumpy, but it seems that the players are playing with a lot better attitude
  12. I think it was an interview with Leopold today, where he basically said that Rolston has them getting back to the fundamentals with a lot of teaching from videos, I don't think it's the "system" anymore than they're just playing sounder hockey.
  13. I didn't know he wasn't on the bench, but Rolston was having Ott take the faceoffs in our end and then going to the bench, for Ennis. The wins haven't been the prettiest but they're wins. James Patrick wearing the Rolston glasses, is this new ? I never noticed it before.
  14. I know, I'm just bustin your balls. There are times when you would also wish he would take the shot and he passes, I'm just happy he's back in the lineup and I even thought I seen him smile. First goal was tipped by Vanek, they'll change it.
  15. Yea, he should have a hat trick by now, 2 goals just don't cut it.
  16. If they can pull out a second (in 5 nights) win against the Habs on the road tonight, I would be impressed and think that things may be changing.
  17. After thinking about it, I think you're right, I love Ott's game, but putting the C on him might require him to take that edge off his game, refs are looking for the Captain to be diplomatic and not in their face, they may not like it, which could cost the team. I don't want Ott changing his game, give him an A, but at the same time, I think the team does need a change at Captain.
  18. Interesting they both had over 24 minutes ice time. Is that showcasing them ? I hope not, I would hate to see Ennis go.
  19. Although I'd like to see Enroth get the start, sitting your $6.5 million "all star goalie" probably wouldn't go over too good with management and if they do have any ideas of moving Miller, you don't want to be sitting him on the bench.
  20. I think Cooke was pleading with the refs to break it up because Pommers was trying to snuggle.
  21. I've never noticed that. I don't know if I ever seen a team that has so much trouble getting the puck out of it's zone. I'm sure a lot of it has to do with the opposition has no fear of sending 3 guys in to forecheck, that and it seems that everyone on the defense is afraid to carry the puck, as soon as they get it, they just move it asap, usually without looking and usually to the other team. The forwards aren't much better with this, nobody has the confidence to carry the puck out of the zone and through the neutral zone, when they do, the results are much better. I've lost count of how many times Pommers would toss the puck back deeper into the zone instead of turning and heading up ice. This team has no confidence and other teams are feeding of that.
  22. I've never been a fan of giving the C to a player that is so new to the team, but I think Ott would be the kind of captain this team needs desperately. As far as upsetting Pommers by stripping him of the C, who cares, what's he gonna do, play softer or give less of an effort ? I would rather see Gerbe wear the C, (from the pressbox) than Pommers right about now.
  23. If they can keep this up for 2 more periods and 18 more games, they might have a shot at 9th place. I was gonna say playoffs, but we know that's not happening.
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