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North Buffalo

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Everything posted by North Buffalo

  1. Here is mine: take reprimand: https://fischerwilliamsphoto.smugmug.com/Corona/n-GnRmQS/i-nS7zhrr
  2. My cousin Chad just posted a rehash of one of the School of Fish songs. He was an original member of:
  3. You guys have inspired me to break out my old Mark II 1Ds digital back. PS up in Amherst MA at our old house, kicked renters out so we would have somewhere to go to this summer. lotta young hotties scantily clad... man do I feel like a dirty old man.
  4. take a look at this floating head. I have something similar. Believe my stick is also a Manfrotto. https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1162342-REG/manfrotto_mhxpro_bhq2_xpro_ball_head.html Also this stick is similar to mine without the tripod style base: https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1290571-REG/sirui_ep_204s_aluminum_multi_function_photo_video.html
  5. It still may not work for you but typically I plant the monopod and keep both hands on the camera. I affix the mono to the lens sheath hole and swivel from there. I shot a number of triathlons and road races using this technique. In addition, the fast release and solid set one I have did me well. It has a floating ball head that can move vertical as well. Going up to where it is stored and will try and send a pic. Used it a-lot for my 100-400 4.5-5.6 lens because of the weight.
  6. No clue... jury is hung right now without further evidence.
  7. LTS, consider a monopod instead of a tripod. Much easier to use when walking around. Mine doubles a walking stick. Also a lot lighter... they telescope for easy storage. Use a 3 point stance... the mono serving as the third leg... no wise cracks from our resident Beevis... makes for good steady shoots and they make them strong and light weight. Dont get a cheap one...
  8. I have an Uncle down there and nurses I work with from the area that said GA was imploding with the virus...
  9. And for those you of you too young... that is who the pic was... Dudely
  10. Sabres interview with Mitts on website sounds like a guy on downers... got wonder about fire in his belly.
  11. Best I can advise is get a face shield or goggles, spray chairs after each client with a disinfectant. Spray shoes and leave at salon. Of course masks and surgical gloves change after each client. And have masks for them if they do not have any. Put your clothes in a bag at end of the day and have a change of clothes to go home with. Thoughts and prayers
  12. Why would you wear a mask and then pull it down below your nose?
  13. Use a mirror, I did came out good even impressed the wife!!!! Insert winky thingy
  14. PS my cousin Chad just did a reboot of his theme song to Scrubs dedicating to Nurses and frontline workers, with my wife and myself pictured toward the end:
  15. Its called a beard buzzer... use it on your head..
  16. So if Sabres keep their pick who do you want LGR? You probably stated it before... but Im so lost on this draft...
  17. I liked that game as a kid... the whole neighborhood would come out and play and I had my preferred hiding spots from which I could decide when to attack the can to kick it...
  18. If that is true then maybe... just been here nowhere near enough testing down there and lots of in home deaths... who knows but they keep having lots of flare up hotspots so something doesnt add up.
  19. Yeh me too, checking with red cross donation sites... wife told me there is one near us.
  20. Could have started it in the politics club but may have been misinterpreted!
  21. Im partial to this one: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=jim+craig+hockey+usa&t=iphone&ia=images&iax=images&iai=http%3A%2F%2Fww3.hdnux.com%2Fphotos%2F11%2F40%2F73%2F2494182%2F7%2F920x920.jpg
  22. Means I know what I Had in April and now have immunity, for how long who knows? gonna donate plasma.
  23. Yes, means test for virus verbally reported to me was bs or actual virus test, not the antibody test which I got back via doh, was communicated improperly.
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