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North Buffalo

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Everything posted by North Buffalo

  1. Gesicki actually highly rated with the fish. Olsen bkup PM me if you want join, set up league for Taro
  2. lol im in but will do 2 I never have it together
  3. need to pm Scott or Eleven No idea why folks got bumped
  4. Bought a bunch of double layered cloth masks for when im not around pts... can wash them...
  5. ? You dont have to make all the picks at once do you or can you wait every week?
  6. On the mobile app you can flag each player you are interested in for auto draft or if actually drafting flag all the players you want and when it comes your turn click "draft" button to choose said player. The ones you flagged that are drafted by others come off your board... PS try a mock draft to see how it works
  7. ? Hard to try on helmets, but time to upgrade... Need a face shield bc covid and was thinking it was time to get a new helmet to go along with it... hockey monkey and pure hockey have them only in black and one way over priced navy blue. Any other sites sell different colors and recommendations? Brands?
  8. Seems to refresh faster TY Scott
  9. Interesting after market Tesla article https://apple.news/A1YuipSHcSWGDTlgpSTvEsg
  10. Yup done it too once.... never again. Always wash hands thoroughly after... lesson learned.
  11. In like Flynn... pm'd an email... thanks for doing this and i am already set up on yahoo so can easily add a team
  12. Eleven saw you set up the league any idea when a draft might occur?
  13. PS I'm Union... Biden's father was Union... Union's are not perfect... but I pay $60 a month dues that includes my health insurance and pension... My non Union nurse wife pays over $300 for just her self. She gets paid better sure but after everything including covering my kids by my health insurance its a wash.. I'll take the Union a screw the Union busters.
  14. Edit I invited myself
  15. Problem for Cuomo is NY at the time was running out of Hospital Space... there was not enough testing to see who still was infected and it was before Trump's Hospital ships arrived late because he delayed them. In hind sight yep not a good decision in a vacuum. During the moment it was a choice among bad choices. PS I was there a saw the body bags.
  16. Agree with part 1, but not voting is not an option. Also VP is a stepping stone and I wonder if Joe if elected runs for a 2nd term. Still Ill vote against the Despot.
  17. Hey I wasnt invited on this one either... and yeh we froze our arses off...,
  18. 2020 Has definitely been an eye opener. Back in the 60s you had the Civil Rights movement and the free speech movement meld together. Now you have the civil rights and covid. Gonna leave the political statement out of it. But yes interesting times.
  19. Do you need a boat... dont have one but know how to commandeer them and run silently or if Weave is drunk it wont matter much.
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