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North Buffalo

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Everything posted by North Buffalo

  1. What did he say post has now been deleted
  2. D League champion... TG we have guys who can skate because Im still outta shape.
  3. Nnot Bills fault, they have a competent GM that the Pegs have backed off and let make decisions. Sabres have spent money, just not wisely.
  4. He was meh last night... gave up 2 in third before Col won it
  5. First or 2nd season episodes were filmed at the Hospital I work at. Im watching other games and watch music vids on youtube
  6. Gonna be interesting to see how Granato turns out...
  7. Gonna take time to fix this tire fire... Ill accept incremental improvement
  8. True, just would go forward first round for that very reason.
  9. So I disagree... Bryson and Risto seem like a good match. Borgen when he comes back... Dhalin... Miller yeh Joker is just too small Dhalin needs to get bigger. D with a solid goaltender not so bad. Im great if Schmidt there in 2nd
  10. Oh it was there for Reinhardt... replay show a whole open side... problem was puck was on edge not flat and he didn't need to swing his stick so high on follow thru, but hard to judge when puck comes off wobbly.
  11. Even noticed it especially in the first period, by the end of the second guys looked gassed, but I liked the effort... bout time.
  12. Today's cysto negative for cancer... almost 2 years woo hoo
  13. Or Sam my preference if he comes back health is Jake McCabe
  14. Agreed Jack is awesome just not a Captain... take the pressure off him and let him find his game again.
  15. I am still mixed until someone can figure out way to light a fire under Jack and show him how to be a leader or if not find another Captain til he grows up.
  16. It may of sailed as a job but they can still find a way to make nice and bring him back for an honor... Paddy Day next March 17th or something
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