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North Buffalo

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Everything posted by North Buffalo

  1. Yeh... I forget which side Bryson plays, but isn't 14th a little low... especially given what he showed in the NHL last year.
  2. Yup agree, they'll paint it as developing in house talent... but it is still a tank given current roster.
  3. You replied... Alex Fischer at your service 🤪 One Fish Two Fish... Red Fish Blue Fish
  4. Having fun on a wtf... we are talking about Sabres bs not political BS... go away
  5. Hmmm... Prof Ovi... Sounds like a decent beer
  6. Any relations to Ace??? Sorry had to go there bettin he's heard this all his life.
  7. So to actually have some pics I caught these two 5 lb plus smallies on the Quabbin Reservoir in Massachusetts one on a red power worm the other on a purple power worm.... we thru everything I had at them non live bait til we went to power bait. Only catch and release today....
  8. I have heard of baseball guys doing it... gotta be a flexibility issue... not enough small muscle and tendon stretching and strengthening too much large muscle bulk working out... We once had a big guy on out team tear a bicep taking a slap shop... work out warrior... little tendons and muscles help stability and control and take stress off other parts being used
  9. Wish I could, away this weekend and foot from ladder fall still healing... not sure I could handle walking too far.
  10. Unfortunately reading cont ed articles on xray and CT
  11. I won the draft lottery... dead last lol
  12. I have one of those! Think I got mine in Hengerers
  13. Neck deals are weird with or without surgeries... Sometimes they get better sometimes not... rule of thumb is dont do surgery unless you absolutely have to... Some of the newer surgeries are showing better results and it helps Jack is young... either way its an iffy deal.
  14. Keep Adam Mair on bench, didnt realize he called that shift.
  15. If you want to watch and reminisce about those days...
  16. Fire like Linde Ruff, man I miss the run em boys during Ottawa series... could Gronberg bring this much passion--- looks like it... me likey
  17. Cant wait still probably another 8-10 years
  18. Hit to the head no, charging and unnecessary yup... and very dangerous... McCabe got what for hit on Laine... two games? Gonna be interesting
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