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Everything posted by inkman

  1. I’m really starting to loath the “a” word. It’s become the blue collar fan rally cry. What are they going to do, bench $55 million dollars worth of players and call up rookies? They hitched their wagons to these guys. We get to deal with the repercussions. Yay us.
  2. Donny’s 2nd intermission speech. “We just gotta keep not tying and get lucky” This just in, you’re a pompous ass.
  3. How are you watching? I’m streaming DirecTV and I’m at least 20-30 seconds behind.
  4. I think it’s more like Philly is trying, Buffalo isn’t. I don’t see any strategy to it.
  5. I don’t know if I have ever called out effort as it’s a lazy platitude. But these guys are mailing it in. Tage, Cozens, Olofsson, the list goes on. They need to gut the roster.
  6. Pegula should just team the arena personnel to just turn off the lights. Cancel the season.
  7. I don’t even need to see the replay. The next time he bothers to play D will be the first time.
  8. Yeah I wonder if that late night meeting Wednesday night was TP telling Beane to get that delusional loser off the team. I hope so.
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