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Everything posted by K-9

  1. He came back after the high stick to the face but didn’t he take a slash to his hand area later on?
  2. I’d rather they remove Power from the 2nd PP unit. His decision making is just too slow. I’d give little Johnson a look at least. He seems much more decisive.
  3. While I would have preferred a domed facility downtown, the new stadium will still mitigate the weather concerns exponentially, especially the wind. Sure , it’ll be cold, wet, and snowy at times, but the weather won’t have nearly the same impact in the new stadium as it does currently.
  4. You could hear Dahlin yelling instructions to RJ from here.
  5. Danny Briere? Anyway, I’ll just agree to disagree that Granato handled the situation in the best way by disrupting a line that was dominant in their consecutive wins against the Habs and the Pens.
  6. I’m all for holding players accountable and agree dropping him down to a lower line can do that, by why last night? Tage had four points, was a plus 3 and playing well over the previous two wins so why disrupt that rhythm? I think Donny G over thinks and forces things sometimes and I wonder if the players don’t appreciate that.
  7. Glad we can say that now but he was in my doghouse the first couple months. Looks like he’s found his stride. The doghouse vacancy has already been filled with Power though.
  8. I’d add Novikov to that list of 20 or younger, too.
  9. Play by play says it was a pass attempt to Knox.
  10. It wasn’t a penalty because NFL refs are gutless cretins.
  11. The obvious PI on Dawson Knox that wasn’t called on the play immediately before that, with the ref looking right at it, made that interception possible in the first place.
  12. That would make up for not being able to swing that Ruutu for Gretzky deal back in the day.
  13. Per the bold, that’s why we need a six game road trip instead of a six game home stand. Tuch and Thompson won’t be getting much sleep over the next six games. That legit worries me.
  14. The net was empty, but it wasn’t an empty net goal. Almost a save by Jarry.
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