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Everything posted by K-9

  1. Perhaps you should kick Power in the nuts.
  2. Glad youā€™re not among those Bills fans who do begrudge Belichick his luck in getting Brady in the 6th round and then develop into one of the best of all time. But many Bills fans are the very definition of the word when it comes to Belichick and Brady. I think you misunderstood my point about great coaches and great QBs which is that I canā€™t think of a coach who has earned the reputation for greatness without also a great QB along side him. They tend to go together as I said. I agree Tomlin is also a great coach, but itā€™s worth remembering that he, too, had a HOF QB at the helm for 15 of his first 17 seasons with the Steelers, which further underscores the point about how the two go together. Donā€™t know that I can agree with the idea that Tomlin has gotten a ā€œvariety of teams to the playoffsā€, either. Both he and Belichick reached the playoffs just once without their HOF QBs so far.
  3. Iā€™m not doing anything here lol. His record speaks for itself and that canā€™t be debated. Iā€™m simply saying he is a better DC than HC because he is at genius level when it comes to defense. Even in his poor seasons as a head coach, his defenses have always been tough to play against. And thatā€™s without the luxury of higher draft picks over the years. He squeezes every ounce out of his D talent. Iā€™m not one of those who begrudges his luck in having Brady, either. Every HC who has been dubbed as ā€œgreatā€ can tie his greatness to a great QB as well. The two go hand in hand.
  4. Absolutely. When I think of games that stamped Belichick as a great defensive mind, SBXXV doesnā€™t even make the list. He was lucky that Jim Kelly was too stubborn to feed Thurman all day long against that gimmick defense with the D front all in two point stances just waiting to get out leveraged by one of the best O lines the game has ever seen. And Levy and Marchibroda were remiss in not instructing Kelly to do just that. Instead, we played right into their hands. But as stupid as Kelly, Levy, and Marchibroda were, it was the defense that I point the finger at most.
  5. Poor GM indeed, and perhaps an average head coach, but he is a wizard as a defensive coordinator. Somewhat of a D prodigy as he was breaking down game film for his dad at nine years old when his father was a scout at the Naval academy. A schematic genius if ever there was one.
  6. Love that show. I need to order a Sudbury Blueberry Bulldog Shoresy jersey.
  7. Josh is 503 feet, 11 inches tall? I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever been happier for two people to see a game. Good on you, Scotty. Good on you.
  8. Douglas told Tim Graham that he could have played today but the team decided to keep him out as a precaution. He should be back next Sunday, so the loss of Benford wonā€™t hurt as bad. As for Elam, after a shaky start he seemed to settle down a bit, KC has less talent than the Steelers at wideout, so thereā€™s a chance he can be ok. He had a key INT in the endzone at KC last year so he wonā€™t be intimidated at least. The injuries to our LBs hurt big time. Dodson has to come back and if the injury to Spector is serious, theyā€™ll have to sign somebody off the street as there are no LBs left on the practice squad with the elevation of Klein to the active roster. The injury to Bernard looked serious, too.
  9. Agree entirely. Iā€™m just hoping his last five games represent a turning point for him. His command in the crease has improved greatly over that span, imo.
  10. Dare I say that Oopie has turned a corner in his career? Heā€™s been playing under control lately without the spazzing, wasted movement around the net.
  11. Damn right itā€™s the wind. Canā€™t have a blizzard without it. And youā€™ll never see an NFL game played in one. Not ever.
  12. PF is waxing nostalgic for all those football games played in -40 temps and raging snowstorms. Itā€™s funny how we romanticize our memories into myth. Fact is that since 1967 only six NFL games have been played in sub-zero temps. Six. And again, not one NFL game has ever been played in the conditions we saw in Orchard Park today. Not one. Ever. But yeah, lets argue why the game shouldnā€™t have been postponed.
  13. Yeah, great day for football in Orchard Park today. A football game was never played in a blizzard and your Barstool boys are full of crap.
  14. While weā€™d all prefer to see the great athletes on full display, I still respect that football is a game to be played in the elements. That said, playing in a blizzard, with 70k people going to and from the game, is unsafe and a recipe for disaster. Itā€™s amazing that anyone canā€™t understand that.
  15. Thatā€™s all well and good and Iā€™m sure many of us have nostalgia for those games and the snow days off from school when a pickup football game was the norm. But no NFL game has ever been played in a blizzard. Ever. Heavy snowfalls, sure. With windy conditions, certainly. But never in a qualified meteorological blizzard, with ā€œsustained winds or frequent gusts over 35mph and visibility of less than a quarter mile for an extended period of time (at least three hours).ā€ The 1948 NFL championship game in Philly came closest with over a foot of snow fall and winds of 20mph and even though the scribes dubbed it ā€œThe Blizzard Gameā€ as it came to be remembered, it just didnā€™t qualify. Orchard Park is currently meeting every qualification as I type this.
  16. Our Boy Savoie is a great name for a racehorse.
  17. 29 points in 12 games at the junior level. Glad heā€™s having phenomenal success, but I continue to question how that level of competition is getting him ready for the NHL.
  18. Glad you found it, but sorry you have to watch it. šŸ˜„
  19. Amerks crapping the bed to fall behind 4-2 with 8:49 to go.
  20. 2-2 after two periods in Charlotte, who dominated the period.
  21. As @jad1 said above, everyone from the GM on down confuses effort with results and I tend to agree.
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