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Everything posted by K-9

  1. We have a bit more than that. We have three woman and one man pressing charges for non-criminal assault at that bar. And yes, it's most important to remember the allegations haven't been proven one way or the other. But it's more than just one woman accusing here.
  2. He's had numerous failures, too. Failures that led to a few bankruptcies. Not to mention there are literally THOUSANDS of vendors who've had to resort to lawsuits in order to get paid for services his companies simply decided not to pay them for. There's a reason he is the most litigious candidate in history. Honestly, I cannot detect ONE discernible presidential feature in the man. Not one.
  3. Did I really hear Trump encourage Russia to commit a federal crime and hack into the DNC and Clinton servers? Really?
  4. Listening to Trump's presser in Florida. To say he lacks intellectual agility is an understatement. My favorite quote so far: "They never should have released David Hinckley."
  5. Yes, because they enjoyed so many freedoms under centuries of czarist imperial rule.
  6. Yes. The law is pretty clear on this. Why do I get the impression Trump knows little about these laws and cares even less?
  7. Bernie won't give up his independent status, but he will always caucus with the dems.
  8. I meant that sexual assault charges have nothing to do with anything here, only the non criminal harassment and trespassing charges E Kane faces. Perhaps I caused confusion when I used Patrick Kane as an example of a white player and alluded to his troubles. My apologies if that's the case. I only used P Kane as an example to say that if it was him that night at Bottoms Up, he too, would have been arrested and treated the same if all four complainants pressed charges, regardless that he's white. Hope that clears it up.
  9. Not only am I not saying it, I never even implied it. He is charged with non criminal harassment as a result of all four complainants pressing those charges. My whole argument with you is those charges and his subsequent arrest on those charges have nothing to do with him being black.
  10. Outstanding! LMAO. All future posts in this thread are ruined.
  11. This is an interesting point. I was watching an HBO documentary about terrorism the other day, I joined it in progress and don't have the name handy but what this CIA analyst had to say about it was interesting. Essentially, until terrorism is a tangible threat to US citizens here, then it will never rise to that level of threat previous enemies warranted. Right now, according to the analyst, a person has less than .05% chance of being killed or harmed by a terrorist act in the US. The threat just doesn't move the needle in any real sense so I wonder what it would take for us to be asked to make real sacrifices in the fight against it. I mean other than what GDub asked us to do, which was to just "go shopping."
  12. The four counts of non-criminal harassment is not to be taken lightly. The term "non-criminal" doesn't make it any more palatable.
  13. Except that the quote from the article doesn't support the idea that Vesey is demanding a top 6 role.
  14. I gotta believe the civil suit for the December incident doesn't get filed if not for the June incident. That reeks of opportunism.
  15. I'm asking you to imagine if P Kane (white) was in E Kane's shoes. You claim that if P Kane had four people pressing charges, he wouldn't have been arrested like E Kane was because he's white. Sexual assault charges have nothing to do with anything here. Not sure why you insist on conflating the issue. And, AGAIN, the reason why P Kane was never charged is because the DA investigation yielded nothing and the complainant didn't press. We can all claim that the current charges against E Kane are "bullschit" charges, but four people have pressed and we won't know until it's either adjudicated or settled some other way whether they have merit or not.
  16. Pretty sure the rest of your statement suggests you're for it. And you are absolutely correct that we've taken PC way too far in this country. We've bastardized the language and sabotaged satire as a result, too.
  17. Maybe if you had suggested that the DNC or Bernie Sanders ask the Mexicans to pay for it, I would have laughed more immediately and with much more vigor.
  18. Now you're just being spurious.
  19. Ah, temporary barrier walls on the streets of a major US city to assist in crowd control vis a vis a a permanent, 1,989 mile wall along our southern border. If I knew how high Trump wanted it, perhaps I would have caught the humor more readily.
  20. Sometimes, N'eo, I have a difficult time parsing your language and what it is you're trying to say. There are muslim terrorists within the homelands of peaceloving muslims. It is that VAST VAST VAST majority of muslims that need to eradicate the problem within their countries and doing so will take generations. I don't know how much clearer I can be.
  21. Another indication of the diversity of the DNC tent. You think atheists or heathens like you are welcomed in the RNC tent? Only if they sense a healing opportunity. Why should they "helpfully suggest" in the first place? The funding is already there as I pointed out above. Is the DNC or Bernie Sanders responsible for the acts of those they have no control over?
  22. The streets of Philadelphia aren't under the jurisdiction of the DNC or Bernie Sanders. Were you under the impression that the DNC or the RNC, for that matter, are on the hook for the beefed up forces, equipment, and overtime just to accommodate their respective conventions? Local, state, and federal funding takes care of it. Never had you pegged for the specious type.
  23. The stomach to bleed and suffer horrible losses in the face of those terrorists groups within their homelands. The stomach to prosecute what amounts to civil wars and the stamina to do it for decades to come. The will to establish their own freedoms and the tenacity to defend them once gained. All due respect, are you trying to goad me into saying something out loud?
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