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Everything posted by MattPie

  1. I think I'm lumping draft picks and trading away young guys into the same bucket, really. Although I could ask, how many of XGMJB's picks did XGMTM trade away?
  2. Not really true. Shortly after drafting Eichel, XGMTM went full-throttle into trade away futures for now. He was just terrible at it and found no success. I'm blocking out Botteril's tenure since by then I'd checked out, but I think he tried to work from the draft but didn't see success. Some of the success we're seeing now (because picks becomes players years later) is from what he did, all credit due. But GMKA is not approaching things the same way the last two GMs did.
  3. We need to respect the process, here. But anyone that doesn't want to be here should be gone.
  4. Bold, agreed there. His skating is just so smooth that he's probably not going to slow down as much as the guys that are muscling everything.
  5. First thing I thought of when you started to list these. It's a pretty nice retirement plan for the guy as long as he's smart with the money.
  6. Well, looks like he might be playing it smart and is just retired, lol: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brian-holzinger-24b1444
  7. Or point out the last time the Sabres and Leafs met in the playoffs, if you like.
  8. This sounds like an offseason topic for a video. "Can Brian Holzinger score on Robin Lehner?" I'm sure Lehner could use the cash.
  9. I kinda what to know, he couldn't score but I could watch him (and Afinogenov) skate past D all day.
  10. It's what we've been trained to do in regards to Buffalo sports!
  11. Same, really. That's the kind of thing you do if you're going to make a run, but the Jets have shown no ability to do that. I guess they think they can be TB/TB, but I'm not sure Rodgers is *that* good.
  12. There's a band around populated areas where this rings true. There's development suburbs, the 0.5-2 acre suburbs, big lot suburbs (like you're describing), and then after that all bets are off. 🙂
  13. One home, one HOA, it was really a non-issue the 13 years I lived there. Less than $100/mo, just kept up the common area lawns, made people didn't trash the place, and a soccer field over at the end of the development. I consider myself kinda lucky on that part. I don't agree about the "sparsely populated == high pride" though. As soon as you get maybe 10 miles outside Ithaca it's New Yortucky. Yards full of junk and trash every 5-6 houses it seems. Always nervous riding my bike past because those are the AH that have loose dogs and whatnot too.
  14. What about fancy Dijon ketchup?
  15. FWIW, putting any sauce on a wing takes away from the experience, and the heat. Depending on where you are in the Philly suburbs, The Whip Tavern has the best wings (and weck!!) I found in the Philly area, although I haven't been there in a bit. Both were Buffalo-OK, which makes them worlds better than anything else in the area. The manager (when I asked) was from OP. http://www.thewhiptavern.com/ I mean, it works with beer in the US so I can't understand why you'd question it for Ranch vs Blue Cheese. 😉
  16. You can ask questions in good faith, and you can ask questions in bad faith depending on how you word them. I don't think anyone thinks they shouldn't ask questions, just that they grandstand a less and converse more.
  17. This. The Sabres need a Muel2 (or whatever style player fits with Power). Would you trade Casey for Samuelson+pick, or trade VO+pick for Samuelson? I'm choosing the latter every time given where the team is right now. There is merit that Casey's stock right now is as high as it's ever been. If he's consistent next year it goes even higher, and more importantly, he makes the 2023-24 Sabres a better team than any prospect positioned to fill his spot.
  18. Very true, although he'd be kinda blind if he didn't notice that he's showing an aptitude for the game the Sabres are asking him to play.
  19. I'd like to hear two things, and I think the odds are pretty good: Mike Harrington asking what he thinks is a tough question but coming off as a pompous windbag Paul Hamilton starting some rambling leading statement turned question and getting the opposite answer to what he set up
  20. The math is even worse when you start thinking about position nuance. Outside, Inside, Middle LB, 3-4 or 4-3 players, Slot receivers, Pass-defense end, etc. Depending on how you slice it, you may be picking in the second round and get the consensus best run-blocking Left Guard (or whatever) in the draft. Outside of maybe goaltenders in the NHL, you're probably not getting the consensus best of anything outside of first 6-7 picks. I used to wonder why place kicking in college is such an adventure, but if you think about it, there are maybe 3-4 kickers per year from all of college that end up being NFL players. If you're a good place kicker, you're probably going to play at least 10 years if not 15, so the league as a whole is only replacing a handful each year as they retire.
  21. 2/5 words in the title are correct. "Johnny Hockey" Travoltified is... "Joey Heenry"
  22. You can be a D system coach and a decent human being. Torts does not appear to be the latter to his players or the media.
  23. MattPie


    That's one of the darkest Magic Treehouse books.
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