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Everything posted by MattPie

  1. Torts is a complete ass though, a modern, non-dinosaur coach will be able to use him more effectively.
  2. I think he still even fits on the team, but the Sabres are pretty loaded with scoring forwards with more promising players on the way. No one will be mad if the Sabres turn VO (+?) into a 4D or even another 5/6D to push the borderline D down. As someone pointed out, there are 5(?) teams out there with no LW that scored more goals, and a few that didn't have either wing score that many. That has some value.
  3. It's one part of Skinner game that's slipped over the last few years. πŸ™‚
  4. I dunno, some youtube comment guy said he was a bum. I think we explore trade options. In fairness, if you only watch the highlights like me, I did notice Power in the frame a fair bit when the other team scores. I'm fully aware that's a biased view of reality and other players' coverage.
  5. I think you might see something like how Crosby-Malkin are used during Pittsburgh's prime. They have their own lines, but when times running out and you need a goal they play together. Probably move Mitts to the first line (since that seems to work well enough) and have Thompson and Cozens with Quinn(?) on the other line. It's not a bad problem to have. I do think Tage stays in the center though, for all the reasons talked about over the last year+ (reach, movement, etc.).
  6. A "Thank You Sabres" chant wouldn't go amiss tonight. Despite the ending, the Sabres have given everyone a lot to hope for this year.
  7. I mean, Red Dye #3 isn't actually good for you so it's pretty fair to say, "more people than average of who eat red dye #3 get cancer" and take that as "I shouldn't eat red dye #3". The rest of the ingredients aren't exactly good for you either and have some links to cancer in the "people who eat refined sugars get cancer more often than those that don't" kind of way. Complaint: it's sunny outside and I'm not.
  8. As someone said above, he becomes a special UFA. Any team can offer him an ELC, with all the limits (max salary, term, etc.) that any ELC allows. Essentially, any interested team can offer the same thing (or less) so it's just a matter of picking which offer to sign.
  9. Ignore hockey after this week, cut back on time spent here, and start watching highlights again in October.
  10. You sure that "it's finally gotten through" or is it really "being this point in the season, Granato coached them that the tac-tac-toe wasn't going to be there as teams tighten up"? I think Granato is on record that he let them create earlier this year because it's easier to teach a D system than it is to teach O. I think we're seeing that put in practice the last couple games.
  11. Indirectly, maybe. I *assume* the Sabres told him he's not playing a game while the Sabres are in contention (as by a thread as that is right now). Does the ELC slide if he signs but doesn't touch the ice? That might be the decision. "You can sign with Rochester right now and have a playoff run, or you can wait to see if the Sabres are eliminated and then maybe you play the last game". I don't blame the guy if he's trying to maximize his career by knocking a year off the ELC. As a "borderline" NHL guy, you might only get a few seasons to set yourself up for the rest of your life. I don't think if he goes the UFA route he can make more money on the first contract, all the teams can make the max offer, and it's his choice on who that is. The only benefit signing with the Sabres (other than the thin depth of the D) is they can knock a year off (if they play him???).
  12. We did the Marriott suite-style thing recently when we were in the Philly suburbs, and those are so much more convenient than some AirBnBs. Just just leave in the morning and you're not going to get dinged on stupid stuff. Still doing a VRBO in Boulder in June since the hotels there are insane.
  13. Backup for one, doesn't show on his record since he played zero minutes. Also, can't discuss without this: Can't really disagree with any of those.
  14. From what I've seen (and that's colored by just watching highlights), it's way more often that the giveaway is high in the offensive zone resulting in an extended odd-man rush and opponent goal.
  15. Probably this analysis, which is only 2000-2009. https://dobberprospects.com/2020/05/16/nhl-draft-pick-probabilities/
  16. You may be half right. A 2nd round pick in 2024 is useless for improving the Sabres next year, since it'll (hopefully) be mid-late part of the 2nd where it's a 1/4 chance the player will ever play an NHL game. However, come September 2023, if the Sabres use the pick as currency with another player, it might bring in a 5/6D. For instance:
  17. Assuming he signs this week, how many games/seasons before the Sabres have to waive their Johnson if they send him down to the AHL?
  18. If my reading of the standings is right, the Sabres can only lose 1 point for the season (and get to 92) to have any chance. The Sabres can't match the Aisles and Swamp Cats for RW and both are 6 points ahead, so they need one more point both of them. The Sabres could beat the Pens in RW, if they ended up tied in points. Sabres WC scenarios (assuming all wins remaining): Neither Aisles nor Swamp Cats earn 2 or more points in their last two games Pens take 3 or fewer points in their remaining 2 games
  19. None of those sites are trying to provide news, just entertainment and clicks. I find AP and Reuters to be solid choices for just news, with worthwhile titles. NPR is good too, but leans a bit left (not nearly as far as the perception though). I normally say when the oil runs out, but it does appear that electric cars are going to get there so we'll need another way.
  20. Man, pay Craig Anderson however many dollars next year to special goal coach if he wants it.
  21. We'll be able to think at each other on SabreNeuralSpace in 30 years when they need a new stadium. It just seems like such a missed opportunity.
  22. And, frankly, you're speculating that he tried to acquire one guy (Chychrun) and failed, and did nothing else. Bold: GMTM got things done. He was not a success. Ottawa's GM this year got things done. They are also going to miss the playoffs.
  23. There has to be someone I guess. People that want to newest thing?
  24. I have no idea, but I'll admit that the grandstanding tweets above immediately made me think they're courting public opinion because their case is weak. πŸ™‚
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