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Everything posted by MattPie

  1. The point slap shot is a dying art. Mostly because they have a low probability of going in. You don't see nearly as many of those in the highlights as decades ago. https://theathletic.com/3911904/2022/11/21/nhl-slap-shots-one-timers/
  2. I was just making a joke, lol. You know, pick two leafs because it's impossible the Florida will win.
  3. So what you're saying is one of the studio guys picked two Leafs. Seems right.
  4. I hate this saying with a passion. It perfectly sums up the American hatred of education and the resulting idiocy we seen daily.
  5. LOL, Alex Tuch's has siblings that are fraternal twins named Luke and Leah (Luke is in the Habs system).
  6. Eh, I can excuse someone hesitating when going up against an 500-pound cat with proportional claws and teeth.
  7. 4th in games played, behind Chelios, Modano, and Pat Kane.
  8. GET ON THE PHONE KEVIN! VO + 2024 first + UPL + 2028 4th; get it done!
  9. It'll stop when Buffalo is good, for the most part. Only the most craven STH would sell their playoff tickets to opposing fans.
  10. Yep, totally agreed. That why I said, "most of the places people talk about being good, plus Pat's and Geno's" 😉 (as in, I've gotten gotten wings from the good places, and the Anchor bar.)
  11. I tried them from most of the places people talk about being good, plus Pat's and Geno's, lol. Still cheeseburger vibes. 🙂 Onions are terrible in most forms. They ruin a lot of dishes.
  12. Wrong. LOL. I don't know if I've had DiNic's, maybe it's not as good as the others I've had. To be honest, cheesesteak (without onions) hits a very cheeseburger vibe with me, which is fine but not life-changing. I still travel back to Philly from time to time, and getting a cheesesteak isn't on my list of things to do (even taking into account I'm mostly vegan/vegetarian these days). I have had a Sharp Italian from Primo's though. 🙂
  13. I could have sworn that was after Seinfeld, but maybe that was just when I saw them.
  14. Even if the numbers get there, I'm on board with Skinner not being in the a hall of fame. While very good, I don't think he stands out from other top-line forwards; no one outside Buffalo is having this conversation. I really like the player and his game, but he's not going to get in unless he just lights it up in the playoffs *and* something else. I could see him becoming a Marchand-very-very-lite somehow. Not as dirty, but just sneaky little things that drive the other team nuts while filling the net.
  15. You know, I never really thought about it but if you're drafted you get an NHL ELC even if you never see NHL ice, right? All those two-way deals and AHL contracts are well after that. TIL.
  16. Might actually be more than an AHL deal.
  17. Just found this thread again. The Italian Roast Pork sandwich *is* vastly superior[0] to the cheesesteak; good call above I used to go to an Italian place in Bridgeport (near King of Prussia) that had garlic bread cheesesteaks and three-cheese cheesesteaks; they'd let us combine those and it's amazing Speaking of good sandwiches in Philly, Primo Hoagies is probably my favorite sub shop of all time; the Sharp Italian is amazing: perfect chewy roll, great cold cuts [0] Some years ago, my motorcycle club did a Cheesesteak ride. Format was we picked out six places to try, ride to them, order two sandwiches, and then split them between us (roughly 10-12 people, so it made sense). The leader even had printed rating sheets for each and bolted a cutting board onto his luggage rack. At the last stop (Tony Luke's in South Philly), someone also got an Italian Pork to which I said, "Why haven't we been eating this all day?" I rarely ordered cheesesteak after that.
  18. He certainly did, but he came in with a huge surplus of picks from the DR teardown. Made many picks, traded a bunch of picks too and didn't get much real value back from the picks he traded. Traded away one of the 2017 picks before getting canned.
  19. I kinda agree. Maybe even perennial member of "Best players not in the Hall of Fame" list.
  20. I think I'm lumping draft picks and trading away young guys into the same bucket, really. Although I could ask, how many of XGMJB's picks did XGMTM trade away?
  21. Not really true. Shortly after drafting Eichel, XGMTM went full-throttle into trade away futures for now. He was just terrible at it and found no success. I'm blocking out Botteril's tenure since by then I'd checked out, but I think he tried to work from the draft but didn't see success. Some of the success we're seeing now (because picks becomes players years later) is from what he did, all credit due. But GMKA is not approaching things the same way the last two GMs did.
  22. We need to respect the process, here. But anyone that doesn't want to be here should be gone.
  23. Bold, agreed there. His skating is just so smooth that he's probably not going to slow down as much as the guys that are muscling everything.
  24. First thing I thought of when you started to list these. It's a pretty nice retirement plan for the guy as long as he's smart with the money.
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