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Everything posted by MattPie

  1. From what I remember from when Modo was relegated, the players have an out and become FA or something. I'm sure if varies by league/team/contract. Tidbit I didn't remember from before: VO was the top scorer on that Modo team. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modo_Hockey
  2. At 40 points this year, he'd be around 160th in forwards. On average, that's 5th of 6th best on a team (160/32). If he'll sign something about $5M/yr you do it; having 2nd line production on your 3rd line is how good teams work. And that's 40 points, not the 59 points he actually scored this season which puts him coincidentally #59 in points. That is solidly 1st line (!!!). Now, if he was playing like a floaty winger (ahem, VO) maybe you don't, but he's also playing a solid all-around game.
  3. I mean, not for Dahlin, but if I were negotiating and the number was anywhere between 8.5 and 8.8M I'd absolutely suggest it, lol.
  4. Possible that they *are* showing respect, just in a different way. Also, you're the man now, dog!
  5. Ugh. I finally got it back in October. Wasn't too bad, honestly. I completely lost taste and smell for a few days, which was really weird. You start tricking yourself into thinking you can taste stuff, and then when it comes back you question whether everything tastes the same.
  6. NP. It might be. In terms of TV and partners, I'm sure they love being able to schedule things well head of time. Might just be my perspective, but spectator sports aren't the "drop everything and watch" events they used to be, so it's possible the people surrounding the leagues are less willing to throw everything into chaos based on the the outcomes of games; they want things more solid for marketing and scheduling.
  7. From what I've read, his drinking ability was legendary. Body weight matters, lol. I also read, being French, his command of English was well below what the director/producers expected so his scenes took forever. Just the other day, we mentioned TPB to RosePie and she said, "Ick, that sounds like a romancey movie". We laughed and told her that's almost a direct line out of the movie.
  8. I seem to remember someone complaining about how the NBA teams had over a week off before their finals in the last several years. Not sure if this was the year I'm thinking of, but in 2019 the GSW played on May 20th completing a sweep, and the Raptors won their series 4-2 on May 25th. Game one of the finals was May 31st. This was the first year I looked at. 2018 both conference series went to 7, so only 3 days off. Finals started May 31st 2017 series ended May 22 (4) and 25 (5), Finals started June 1st 2016 series ended May 27 (6) and 30 (7), Finals started June 2nd 2015 series ended May 26 (4) and 27 (5), Finals start June 4th Really looks like the NBA schedules to finals 2-3 days after the last possible conference final game ahead of time based on the spread of dates, I'm guessing the first three series start a couple days after the previous round wraps up. 2015 the first two rounds both had a series that went 7 games, so that's probably one of the latest starts you'd see.
  9. Something tells me this thread inspired the poll. Likely the incredulity that someone would not wear a seat belt.
  10. Very true, which is why I have one. It'll be sad when it's not cool any more because I really quite like the bike lol. I hear ATBs are the next new thing; all the versatility of a gravel bike without the expensive integrated controls!
  11. IIRC, at some point that stopped making the steering wheel shaft a solid piece, and made it telescope. Because when the front of the car is compressed, the solid shaft would push back into the passenger compartment like a javelin.
  12. I'm the first person on my mom's side of the family to go to and graduate college. I never really felt it, but to a lot of my relatives it was a really big deal. I don't know it has anything to do with this, but there are reasons the guy may have wanted to finish it out. Another is if he washes out he has a college degree, and not "a bunch of credits and a semester of incomplete classes".
  13. I'm betting it's not ejection, but impact on dashboard/steering wheel.
  14. Somewhat. 🙂 The hills here are too steep for fixies to be a big thing, lol. My local gravel ride happy hour has been there before, along with the local MTB club. It's a bar in downtown Ithaca that doesn't blast music or serve Lite beer, so most of the people aren't there for the bikes. 🙂
  15. Not really WNY, but the Bike Bar in Ithaca (it's bicycle-themed strangely enough) has the games on in the morning. I wouldn't know if I didn't follow them on Insta (they do occasional bike rides) however.
  16. IIRC, in PA you can ride without a helmet as long as you have had your motorcycle endorsement for two years. Interestingly, it also applies to passengers but I find it unlikely that all those back seats riding around without a helmet went through the test process to get one. That would line up with my preconceptions of Texas. 🙂
  17. I was there in 2018 for a conference (granted, not a great sample just being around downtown), but it was a fun city to hang out in for a week.
  18. I don't pretend to know the ins and outs of player availability, but it's always appeared that players could jump "up" a league right into the playoffs if needed. The rule is almost entirely about teams not loading up their AHL team with NHL talent after they're out of the playoffs (going "down" a league, so to speak). Teams can play guys from a lower league at any point from what I can tell (see Doug Janik, 2006, Buffalo Sabres, played 0 regular season games, 5 Playoff games).
  19. Legend has it the Leafs have an internal All-star golf tournament secheduled every year for late May. I never want to watch anyone golf. Yes, they did. I can't remember if it was in the 90s or late-2000s, whenever it was I remember the Sabres being good. That narrows it down a lot.
  20. It's be interested if the neutral sites games weren't necessarily NFL facilities too, although though may be difficult in some cases. But you could play overseas neutral, Canada, Mexico, US places that don't have an NFL team (like Salt Lake City or the Meadowlands). On the infield at NASCAR tracks, minor league baseball stadiums... you know, maybe not.
  21. It's not just interstate! I grew up down the 400.
  22. Super-unlikely they're not playing in AZ next season. Deals can be broken, but it's not like there's a pressing need for the Coyotes to move for 2023-24.
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