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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I don't know which number is more surprising, that they've only won 1 game 7, or that they've only been in 7 of them over these 40+ years.
  2. What exactly does a history indicate when the team is 11 years, 5 GMs, and 2 new CBAs separated from when those deals happened?
  3. Don't count on them leaving school. It's far too early. Other than the truly elite (think Eichel next year), most of these guys stick around for 3 years. I can see them giving serious thought next year, but not now.
  4. 7th defenseman talk and no one mentions Rory? Shame on all of you!
  5. I don't know if I'd call it evidence that they are going to reload as best as possible. They don't currently have any goalies under contract for 2014-15 (at least not NHL level goalies). So this is a position where they 100% have to do something. We can't say the same thing for any other portion of their roster.
  6. I had what I thought was a very positive job interview right around 7 weeks ago. The position seemed like a natural fit and I thought I was seeing quite a bit of interest from the interviewer. After we were done talking, he let met know that he was going out of the country on vacation for a month and I wouldn't hear from him until after he was back. Now that we're at the 7 week mark, I'm not quite sure what to think. I feel like the window of readjusting after an extended vacation has probably closed at this point. I'd welcome a move right now, so I'm a bit anxious about the whole thing. I hate being in limbo.
  7. I just assume all houses are floating at this point. I remember driving in a storm like that one time years back. I was in the left lane of the 90 in western MA (just happened to be out there in that lane when the rain started) and I couldn't see a thing in any direction. Out of nowhere I get flashing cop lights behind me and it freaked me out. I moved to the right lane even thought I couldn't see it and then the cop immediately turned his lights off and took off. I have no idea why he needed to drive that fast because there was no way he could see anything either.
  8. If you're a free agent and you get a phone call at the same time from both the Islanders and the Blackhawks, which one do you answer?
  9. Any reason why you left McCabe off that list?
  10. I think it's more about the money than anything. The money brings that social status. And let's face it, there are plenty of people who are still going to associate with him simply because of that money. We all know why the minority girlfriend who apparently couldn't stand his racist tendencies stuck around.
  11. You're aware of the Clippers history, right? He sure as hell hasn't been in this for basketball.
  12. Yeah, we cant' have those sportsman-like players ;) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lady_Byng_Memorial_Trophy
  13. He has lived a life of luxury and will continue to do so until the day he dies. Yeah, he lost alright. It pays to be a scumbag.
  14. So now a bidding war is lining up for the Clippers. Sterling is going to walk away with even more money than he already and we'll never hear another word about him. I'm still trying to figure out how he lost on this one.
  15. Even Miller wouldn't be on board with it if he was going to re-sign. I'd have to think that just about any player would have no problem waiting a couple days if they realized it would help the team. It's not like he can turn around within those couple days and sign with someone else.
  16. So I was thinking the other day about how I have three different horn honking techniques that I use while driving: 1. The quick double tap to politely get someone's attention, 2. The continuous laying on the horn when pissed off, and 3. The "Let's go Buffalo". I bet there aren't too many towns that have their own horn honking technique. That right there is awesome.
  17. And before I looked into it, I thought Trottier was significantly older than Mullen but they're basically the same age. I must just think Trottier is older since so much of that success came so early in his career.
  18. My math could be off a bit. I only looked at the first and last year they each played.
  19. I probably shouldn't have thrown in that last line. The rest was just my example of what I think of when I hear the word thug, hired muscle meant for physical threat or intimidation.
  20. Potato's examples are great because Trottier and Mullen were born in 1956 and 1957 (Lemieux in 65). So Jagr played with players born in the 50s and also players born in the 90s. There was a 37 year age gap between the youngest and oldest player Jagr ever played with. He's right up there with Gordie Howe who had an age gap of 44 years (players didn't last into their 30s when Gordie got his start). It's a crazy stat to think about.
  21. At least I now know why I hate all of you. I've always wondered why. Yes, yes it is. That bold text is darker than the rest.
  22. Can you please not completely bastardize my posts like that? I'd much rather not have it appear that I posted something which I never actually said. That practice of modifying someone's post and still leaving it as a quote has always bugged me. But anyway, the basic point looks like since many other people misuse a word, I'm not supposed to use it at all? I can't accept that. Sometimes a spade is a spade (and according to a quick google search, me using that phrase is in fact racist). Richard Sherman acted like an ass, but somehow the discussion morphed into how everyone is racist. It's funny how that works out.
  23. My statement was obvious hyperbole. My point is that it is ridiculous that you can use a word to describe one person, but you're suddenly a bigot if you use it for someone else. Sometimes a word is just a word and there's no evil intentions behind it. One moron's use of a word (or apparently in this case, several morons) does not mean every single use of that word is vile. We keep moving closer to a point where just about every word used in conversation will be put to the magnifying glass to see if there is a possible racial connotation to every single syllable. The race card is played far too often and it is losing its meaning because of it. And yes, we do need to address that underlying hatred and bias, but let's be realistic here. That will never be eliminated. Whether it is bias towards race, sexual orientation, gender, anything else... it is always going to exist. We need to stop labeling everyone as intolerant and instead focus on the ones who truly are.
  24. So what should I call Sherman for that act? It really doesn't matter what word anyone used because it was eventually going to be turned into the "you're racist" response. He's a smart guy and he knew exactly what he was doing. He acting like a fool and he damn well knew it. So he calls the response racist and suddenly the focus is off of him. Brilliant. He's an arrogant ass, but he's a smart arrogant ass. As for the thug league comment, that was a post made by someone who continuously shows off his idiocy in nearly every post. Some people are best ignored.
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