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Everything posted by SDS

  1. I was in Einstein bagels today with Hardball host Chris Matthews… That is all.
  2. " just the chance that maybe we'll find better days…"
  3. I'm fine with that. Do you have something in mind? FWIW, when I have met anyone here on the board I know I have bought the beers, if not picked up entire evenings (my memory isn't all that great). Always have and always will.
  4. Some old talk around the time Kevin got the radio show… http://www.radiodiscussions.com/showthread.php?627863-WGR-PROGRAMMING-KEVIN-SYLVESTER-SABRES-SHOW
  5. Nothing has been changed on our end. Have you recently updated things on your end? This is absolutely not the place to have a casual conversation. Thank you.
  6. I just finished watching the series from start to finish the past two months or so. I have really loved it and couldn't wait to finally jump into this thread, only to find this. Thank you for being "that guy". Everyone really needs that one person sucking the joy out of everything imaginable for everyone else... :thumbdown:
  7. Technically, Edmonton would trade him, but more than likely he would become a UFA immediately after that. I think he exits Edmonton as soon as possible.
  8. I think a basic course in statistics answers most of these questions.
  9. Honestly, I'm not a fan of either but at least some people actually call him the latter.
  10. The puck drifts with lateral movement. In one shot, Eichel is backing up and it drifts right to left. In the Jets game he is moving forward and the puck drifts left to right. There is no way he is taking the same wrist shot, with the same spin and curving the puck in opposite directions.
  11. You really should try reading his posts. Your lack of comprehension is rather astounding.
  12. Analysis of season ticket sales without the associated comparative price is meaningless. Everyone has the same cap. Not everyone has the same revenues. http://www.hookedonhockeymagazine.com/average-nhl-ticket-prices-2014-2015-season/
  13. 1. Conceptually, raising prices this year is a bad idea. 2. At what point can we just get past what Terry Pegula did in his 1st week of ownership? It is 5 years later. 3. I have no idea if this is accurate, but Michael Gilbert did say the Sabres lose money. When he said it, it was in the tone of - "the idea of a profit is laughable..."
  14. The best number is 73. Why? 73 is the 21st prime number. Its mirror, 37, is the 12th and its mirror, 21, is the product of multiplying 7 and 3... and in binary 73 is a palindrome, 1001001, which backwards is 1001001.
  15. No, he was replying to a Sens fan about their owner as I stated above and then made a general statement about the state of Canadian ownership.
  16. Or maybe he was just replying to a Sens fan stating about his owner: SensChirp ‏@SensChirp Melnyk says he he has lots of experience in analytics. Horse racing analytics. Says experienced hockey guys don't need analytics. Yiikes. So, Mirtle is an analytics guy and hears an owner doesn't believe in analytics and says "don't meddle". I wonder if he would say the same thing if the owner was an advocate of hockey analytics? Me thinks not.
  17. We both should be experiencing the gag reflex, but for different reasons. The anti-meddling owner stance goes as far back as my memory does to George Steinbrenner and Billy Martin and I'm sure it goes back even further. This is not a novel suggestion. It is a cliche. It's neither thoughtful nor nuanced. Of course, when people say "meddle" they actually mean "do the wrong thing". The cluster that runs the TML have been doing the wrong thing (given their available resources) for seemingly forever. Mirtle tossing out a cliche regarding that situation has no greater meaning than my belly-button discovery earlier this week.
  18. Never said it. Never implied it. It doesn't surprise me what other people know and I would never assume I have a priori knowledge of their life experiences/interests/curiosities/ailments. Ray may or may not know what edging is. Saying he doesn't because the poster doesn't is highly illogical though. Exactly. The entire world can't be above average...
  19. "I don't possess that piece of knowledge, therefore you certainly don't" is a peculiar drum to march to. I hope that is working out well for everyone. I can't seem to find any flaws in such a philosophy... Another 5 sec search after "edging" clearly shows it isn't just an Urban Dictionary entry. It is clearly a popular method for both enlarging and self-control given the list of websites that come up - including Cosmo. But everyone is probably right - Ray is an unlikely target for wanting a bigger penis and to perform like a pornstar. His Google searches are probably limited to Emerson and Tennyson.
  20. No way I get into the game of what that trade would consist of. Tim has said it is his job to listen to all offers. All offers. If someone senses we have a glut of talent at one position and offers a package where both teams win - Tim executes the trade. No questions asked.
  21. Anyone who believes this doesn't listen to GMTM. Everyone has a price. Even his own mother. If you offer the right package, any player in this team is tradable.
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