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Everything posted by SDS

  1. I guess I failed to respond... If a seat or two comes up let me know.
  2. You don't, unless you view the desktop theme. The mobile theme is barebones.
  3. I would just need 1 ticket. Someone to sit next to would be nice. Lol
  4. Oh geez. I haven't checked this in a long time. I could probably make this. Just let me know if I need to find my own tickets.
  5. Heisenberg would have been a better choice.
  6. So she goes from unofficially working for the campaign to officially working for the campaign. Nice.
  7. :rolleyes: it was a cheap joke aimed at the Catholic Church/religion with raped children as collateral damage.
  8. Can anyone list the situations in which the rape of young boys is applauded as a mainstream cheeky punch line for political commentators? I'm sure those affected families are yucking it up Mr. Maher.
  9. I stay out of this thread like it is an active herpes sore... But, I'm surprised no one has posted anything about the wikileaks DNC emails. 20k of them. Twitter shutdown one hashtag, but another popped up. https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4u5ztv/dnc_email_leak_megathread/ Follow on Twitter with #DNCleak Bernie supporters pretty angry about the early reports.
  10. Eh. That just skims a couple things. You really need the book and to dig into his public articles on strengthcoach.com. His analogy in the book really hit home to me. He is a chef and we are all just cooks. We do not have the experience nor the education to be messing with his recipes. When we become conditioning coaches and get at minimum five years worth of experience training clients, only then will we have accumulated enough knowledge and enough real world experience to start tinkering. In the meantime, follow his recipe. He's been doing this for 30 years.
  11. A little bit of a tangent given people talking about Jenselves getting into the gym. I know everyone has their own favorite way to workout. However, I have become a convert to Mike Boyle's philosophy. I have been reading his stuff for about a year now and I now am picking up what he's putting down. I recommend it to anyone who understands the concept of functional strength and not just building muscle for muscle sake. He's new book "New functional training for sports" is excellent. Former BU strength and conditioning coach. Won a World Series ring with the Red Sox. Btw, he also trained Jack Eichel since he was 12... This post should probably eventually go into the sweat thread.
  12. Could have been the worst apology ever. It obviously escapes her that taking nude pictures of people in a gym locker room is incredibly creepy. Not to mention, making fun of people trying to better themselves is completely douchy.
  13. Not sure how many of you have stumbled upon this story. This is pretty messed up. Just search in Google news Dani Mathers. For everyone who goes to public gyms, I'm hoping the book is thrown at her.
  14. Eh. This should probably go elsewhere.
  15. We'll be fighting in the streets with our children at our feet And the morals that they worship will be gone And the men who spurred us on sit in judgment of all wrong They decide and the shotgun sings the song..
  16. This is just conservation of dissatisfaction at work... It's science.
  17. Eh. Because one became well known for playing with a ball and the other because he lived a life whose words and deeds were worth emulating? It's not that hard.
  18. It's only 30 pages due to the length of time we have to wait for a decision and the slow down of free agency...
  19. Eh. Bar food that is probably at least 2 hours old? Does not strike me as selling point. If the meeting was in Buffalo it would make more sense to me, but maybe the Sabres' QC staff was on their game.
  20. Yes, I'm sure bar food ranks high in Vesey's merit function.
  21. I don't recall you ever being in my red room.
  22. LOVE your current avatar. Never change.
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