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OT - Tim Thomas takes a stand.....

That Aud Smell

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It's loaded and you know it.


Has using black or African-American ever restrained/inhibited you from clearly making a point?


give it some thought.

You came in late. I think it was someone named "Meathead" above who used it first. I only used the word after it was brought up that the site has it as a banned word and that people find it offensive. And no, the word was not "loaded" the last time I heard it used. The other "N" word, yes, but not ne gro. To me, it had no more negative connotation than "anglo, chicano, hispano," or any other words that define a people by their skin tone or other regional factor. New words are added to this PC lexicon of bad words all the time and frankly, I can't always keep up. You can call me a liar if you want it's the truth.


But since you bring it up, when's the last time you were in a place that you found yourself a minority amongst another ethnic group and you had to describe another person in conversation? Tell me even using the word "black" or "white" or even "hispanic" didn't come out of your mouth with a frog in your throat?


To me, that's bullcrap and unnecessary and purely a left-wing creation. And being a progressive at heart, I find the whole censoring of words to be childish and embarrassing.

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But since you bring it up, when's the last time you were in a place that you found yourself a minority amongst another ethnic group and you had to describe another person in conversation? Tell me even using the word "black" or "white" or even "hispanic" didn't come out of your mouth with a frog in your throat?



mmm well I can't speak on his behalf, but a lot of my friends as well as half my family and girlfriend have no problem saying the word black. I have no problem saying the word white.


But on a serious note, let's just drop this. It's getting tedious.

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its just logic. but i get your response a lot


todays popular conservatism isnt healthy conservatism. its more like a cult, it dosnt make logical sense, but people follow it anyway. i can rationalize exactly why many of their positions are not only inferior but dysfunctional. yet that falls on deaf ears and they will label me a liberal. which is funny cuz many liberals label me a conservative, or whatever


of course none of that jives with the fact that i will have voted for republicans the last two elections, just not the ones picked by a party that has lost control to people that have lost their minds. i want the gop rescued from those kooks

I wasn't complaining about your post or anything, and this is very interesting. I try to think of myself as middle of the road, and also get labeled as both liberal and conservative.

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5 bucks says the ape in your avatar has a higher IQ than you.


And no I don't feel Thomas is a bigot. Just behaved stupidly

I made a brilliant point about your stance that TT should show "respect" to the President and showed its inherent ridiculousness, and you know it, fool. If I'm as dumb as an ape, then you can sit at the base of the tree, you arrogant doucher.
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I made a brilliant point about your stance that TT should show "respect" to the President and showed its inherent ridiculousness, and you know it, fool. If I'm as dumb as an ape, then you can sit at the base of the tree, you arrogant doucher.


I know of no such thing. Sorry but in order to be brilliant, facts need to be provided, not outlandish comparison or name calling and certainly not crude assumptions. Haha I can't believe you think your rudimentary tactics were "brilliant" hahah


This is what happens when politics is the topic of discussion. No good can come of it.

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I made a brilliant point about your stance that TT should show "respect" to the President and showed its inherent ridiculousness, and you know it, fool. If I'm as dumb as an ape, then you can sit at the base of the tree, you arrogant doucher.

Dude, chill... Sticks and stones may break your bones but names should never hurt you. ;)

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I know of no such thing. Sorry but in order to be brilliant, facts need to be provided, not outlandish comparison or name calling and certainly not crude assumptions. Haha I can't believe you think your rudimentary tactics were "brilliant" hahah


This is what happens when politics is the topic of discussion. No good can come of it.

You're one of those kids that, when the neighborhood got together and played "war", you would always argue that you were not shot and would refuse to lay down. Or wait, let me guess, the game itself offended you.


Dude, chill... Sticks and stones may break your bones but names should never hurt you. ;)

Sorry. Some people just offend one's sensibilities, and this nork offends mine to no end.
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You're one of those kids that, when the neighborhood got together and played "war", you would always argue that you were not shot and would refuse to lay down. Or wait, let me guess, the game itself offended you.


Sorry. Some people just offend one's sensibilities, and this nork offends mine to no end.


I'm sorry I never played war as a kid. I'm from east Buffalo. We played hide and go seek.


You seem to be pretty upset. How come?

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Oh believe me you don't upset me any more than a gnat might. I've been dealing with your kind for years.


By your kind, do you mean educated people who are able to form complete thoughts. Seems like you're pretty upset despite what you say. Come on, let's get it out.


Well I'm out. Maybe this little discussion will prompt you to read a book in the year 2012

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By your kind, do you mean educated people who are able to form complete thoughts. Seems like you're pretty upset despite what you say. Come on, let's get it out.


Well I'm out. Maybe this little discussion will prompt you to read a book in the year 2012

Maybe I'll borrow your coveted copy of Mein Kampf.
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